BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

How did that work out for Obama and black America?
Obama ran on universal healthcare and getting out of Iraq. America got what it voted for.
Yeah right. No one can afford health care and a soldier died in Iraq yesterday. How did that work out America?

Amen. I nominate this one for 'Post of the Year.' Thanks.
Oh yeah, it's been W all over again. LOL

You get your preventative and contraceptive care without meeting your deductible, and W bled a generation of our best. And Drump's for single payor and getting back to Iraq. JFC!
Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

He worked while the Clintons bled Taxpayers. I mean come on, Hillary Ciinton can't even drive a car for God's sake. She's a clueless entitled Elite. And she's corrupt to boot. I'm going with Trump.
man, how you got from Paul to Dumpf must be painful. Have a good day.

It's easy when that lying corrupt asshole Clinton is the alternative. Go Trump!
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

He worked while the Clintons bled Taxpayers. I mean come on, Hillary Ciinton can't even drive a car for God's sake. She's a clueless entitled Elite. And she's corrupt to boot. I'm going with Trump.
man, how you got from Paul to Dumpf must be painful. Have a good day.

It's easy when that lying corrupt asshole Clinton is the alternative. Go Trump!
Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

He worked while the Clintons bled Taxpayers. I mean come on, Hillary Ciinton can't even drive a car for God's sake. She's a clueless entitled Elite. And she's corrupt to boot. I'm going with Trump.
man, how you got from Paul to Dumpf must be painful. Have a good day.

It's easy when that lying corrupt asshole Clinton is the alternative. Go Trump!

Yes there is. Trump wants to put Americans first again. Corrupt Globalist assholes like the Clintons, despise that notion. So to hell with em. I hope Trump routes em.
I have a suggestions for the Evangelicals
You honestly expect a dumbfuck like Hillary Clinton to outsmart a successful multi-billionaire who will soon be nominated as a presidential candidate ?

I thought Trump was going to be the nominee...

Where was it said he wasn't going to be the nominee, shitforbrains? High on crack already?

You said it was going to be a successful multi-billionaire. That would rule Trump out.
Yeah, the religious loon pervert reign of terror in the Republican Party is over. They're being sidelined. The GOP allowed them to hijack the Party, but that's over now. Time for something different.

Yeah sure that is why they are launching the "bathroom terror tour " LOL
You said it was going to be a successful multi-billionaire. That would rule Trump out.

Do you know how many billions of dollars Trump is worth? Not what he has reported to the fucking IRS - but, what he is REALLY worth?
Of course you don't.
Idiots like you, and the government, are not privvy to such information because he's not sharing it. It's none of our fucking business.
Isn't America grand?

Damn son--- keep up, or get fucked.

Trump wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq?


Trump wanted to impeach Bush?!?


Trump likes Nancy Pelosi a lot?


Trump said Bill Clinton was a great President?


Trump says we should tax the rich more?


Trump wants to ban assault weapons?


You hear that, child? Trump said he was very pro-choice!


And he wants to replace ObamaCare with Universal Health Care!




We've nominated a limousine liberal!!!


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?


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Yeah, the religious loon pervert reign of terror in the Republican Party is over. They're being sidelined. The GOP allowed them to hijack the Party, but that's over now. Time for something different.

Yeah sure that is why they are launching the "bathroom terror tour " LOL

Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision. They'll become Walmart customers now. Creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room spooks most women and parents. It is what it is. I think Target's gonna regret the decision.
Of course I support him. The alternate is a liar under investigation by the FBI whose husband is a pedophile. Let me guess which one "smart" people like you are supporting, t.
We already know Trump is a serial philanderer... Trump is an Incestual Pedophile woooo hoooo
May 3, 2016
On Tuesday, just hours before polls close in Indiana GOP primary, Ted Cruz described Republican frontrunner Donald Trump as “a serial philanderer”, an “amoral pathological liar”, and a “arrogant buffoon."

Cheated on two ex-wives, had several mistresses.lusts after his own daughter ....

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