BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?

Oh, is someone mad that Trump isn't a cookie cutter Republican?

Personally I think it's sheer genius that Trump has effectively taken away half of the ammunition that Hillary would normally have had for use against a Republican candidate.
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.
Personally I think it's sheer genius that Trump has effectively taken away half of the ammunition that Hillary would normally have had for use against a Republican candidate.

It is just as I said. On every issue which separates liberals from conservatives, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. You vote for one, you are voting for the other.

You call that genius, I call it something else. I call it no choice at all.

Trump is a cookie cutter limousine liberal.
Personally I think it's sheer genius that Trump has effectively taken away half of the ammunition that Hillary would normally have had for use against a Republican candidate.

It is just as I said. On every issue which separates liberals from conservatives, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton.

You call that genius, I call it something else.

Frankly, the issues which separate liberals from conservatives are fucking stupid and none of the government's business anyway.

Abortion? Set a fucking date that says "boom this is a baby, do whatever you want with it before that date" done

gay marriage? Shut the fuck up, who cares who calls themselves married anyway?

Gun rights? Read the COTUS dumb fuck obviously I have a right to own a gun

and so on and so forth.
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.
They are not the same customers...Target has different demographics
Frankly, the issues which separate liberals from conservatives are fucking stupid

Such wonderful gems you are dropping here today. I'm sure your comments warm the cockles of every social conservative's heart.
Frankly, the issues which separate liberals from conservatives are fucking stupid

Such wonderful gems you are dropping here today. I'm sure your comments warm the cockles of every social conservative's heart.

Tell me I'm wrong, and social conservatives were pretty much told the same thing with this result, the vast majority of Republicans have priorities other than "who's sleeping with whom"
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.
They are not the same customers...Target has different demographics

Walmart does annihilate Target. But Target likes to boast about being its biggest competitor. So it does feel it competes with Walmart. And it just lost precious customers to it. I think it miscalculated.
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.

I cannot stand Walmart either. I shopped at JC Penny yesterday for items I would normally have bought at Targets. A new coffee pot, a paring knife and a bath mat. Ninety two bucks worth.
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.

I cannot stand Walmart either. I shopped at JC Penny yesterday for items I would normally have bought at Targets. A new coffee pot, a paring knife and a bath mat. Ninety two bucks worth.
JC Penney bathrooms are safe eh ...woooo hoooooooooooo......its always something with the "right wing conservative Fuss Budgets" LOL I go through life in a big city without a gun...I go anywhere I do not worry...I go to the bathroom I do not worry ... I am just strolling along singing songs ...I prefer to not live scared :2up:
Not really a religious issue. Some loyal Target customers feel very uncomfortable with the decision.

So you are under the impressions there has been a spontaneous reaction by "the people" LOL

The little-known movers behind North Carolina's anti-gay law: Ted Cruz's advisers

Charlotte anti-LGBT activists David and Jason BenhamCharlie Neibergall/AP
As he worked to rally evangelical voters a week before North Carolina's March 15 primary, Ted Cruz gavea speechat a church in the Charlotte suburb of Kannapolis, where he was joined by a trio of prominent local social conservative supporters: Charlotte pastor and congressional candidate Mark Harris and the Benham brothers, the telegenic real estate entrepreneurs whose house-flipping show on HGTV was canceled in 2014 when their history of anti-gay activism came to light. At the event, Cruz thanked Harris for "calling the nation to revival," and called David and Jason Benham "an extraordinary voice for the Christian faith."

Target will lose precious customers to Walmart as a result of the decision. It couldn't afford to lose any customers to Walmart. It was a big miscalculation. Most women and parents just don't like the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. It's not a religious issue. It's just how people feel.

I cannot stand Walmart either. I shopped at JC Penny yesterday for items I would normally have bought at Targets. A new coffee pot, a paring knife and a bath mat. Ninety two bucks worth.

Oh i'm with ya. I don't shop at Walmart. It's a disgusting hellish shopping experience. I actually find Target to be a more pleasant shopping experience. That was my experience years ago anyway.

I haven't shopped at Target in many years. But i think its decision forced many of its loyal customers to become Walmart shoppers. I feel it was a big miscalculation.

The Right invented a perjoriative term for anyone on the Left who suggested we abandon the field of battle and leave Iraq: "Cut-and-run". Remember that? It was a rhetorical shortcut created for the bumper sticker intellects. If a right winger wanted to end a conversation with a liberal of the Cindy Sheehan variety, they just sneered "cut and run" and called it a day.

Here's Trump:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

For all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS, check out Trump:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

So Trump's foreign policy in 2007 was WORSE than Obama's, using the right wing yardstick.

The "cut-and-run" perjorative is still slung at Obama to this very day as an explanation for the rise of ISIS: Obama Did a 'Cut and Run' From Iraq and We're Seeing the Result

Since Trump is also an old school cut-and-run kind of guy, what does this tell you about his foreign policy cred?

What does this tell you about how he will perform in the face of our enemies in a time of adversity?


How stupid do you have to be to bleev his bullshit about how he will re-invade Iraq and reap "tremendous" oil profits while fighting ISIS?

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Hillary Clinton is the quintessential rich old white man. No doubt she's a member of the WallStreet good 'ol boys network. She's even married to the worst abuser of women ever to hold office.

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