BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

I still don't understand why people think abortion or the 2nd amendment will ever go away. As if 1 person has that ability(the president). the only way it happens is if you split the country down the middle and separate the conservatives and liberals.
There is a mountain of evidence Trump is a far left liberal Democrat and it is ASTOUNDING you Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Anyone one of these facts would have been enough for you tards to cut the throat of any Republican who did not pass the 592 litmus tests to qualify as a "real Republican".


"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Now watch the pseudo-cons drink my piss!

They don't care. Trump said he'd build a wall, deport all illegals, keep out muslims ... so they don't give a shit about his true colors.

All they will do is mock you, call you a sore loser, etc.

Don't bother trying to convince them, not worth the effort. If Trump wins it will be fun to watch as they stand there, mouths agape when he fails to do what he said.

Of course, the excuses will flow just like they did with obama.

Does anyone seriously believe a man who owns a chain of casinos is a religious man? Trump builds temples to greed which soak the rubes for every penny they have. The man has built his wealth off their gullibility and human weaknesses. He profits from sin!

A few days ago, Trump came down on the side of Left with respect to transsexuals and bathrooms.


The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

Somebody better put this one on suicide watch. He's losing it.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass. Of all the candidates on both slates, only Sanders is older than Trump.

How many hours long naps did Trump have while running? Or do you really want us to believe that Hillary was sitting on the commode for all of that time? She's fallen how many times? Trump may be older (wow, a whole year and a couple of months), but he's in far better shape than she is.

Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?
Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?
Read the topic. Especially post 51 and 138.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass. Of all the candidates on both slates, only Sanders is older than Trump.

and clinton is a cough away from another stroke.
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.
Winning IS all that matters. I'd vote for a wet, smoldering sack of dogshit before I'd vote for Hitlery.

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