BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

JC Penney bathrooms are safe eh ...woooo hoooooooooooo......its always something with the "right wing conservative Fuss Budgets" LOL I go through life in a big city without a gun...I go anywhere I do not worry...I go to the bathroom I do not worry ... I am just strolling along singing songs ...I prefer to not live scared :2up:

You're missing the point. It's not about religion and politics for the most part. It's about most women and parents feeling uncomfortable with the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. Its not anymore complicated than that. You're over-thinking it.
Trump is cool with he-she's letting it all hang out in the girls room with your daughter.

Because...say it with me...he's a far left liberal.

wait? wanting to allow private businesses to do what they want with their bathrooms makes a person a far left liberal ?
Trump opposes a state law which would allow a business to do what they want with their bathrooms.

Nice try.

So you hate Trump. We get it. Go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Case closed. Movin on...
And they just keep on coming! Amazing. Once again:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.
You're missing the point. It's not about religion and politics for the most part. It's about most women and parents feeling uncomfortable with the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. Its not anymore complicated than that. You're over-thinking it.
Trump is cool with he-she's letting it all hang out in the girls room with your daughter.

Because...say it with me...he's a far left liberal.

wait? wanting to allow private businesses to do what they want with their bathrooms makes a person a far left liberal ?
Trump opposes a state law which would allow a business to do what they want with their bathrooms.

Nice try.

So you hate Trump. We get it. Go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Case closed. Movin on...
And they just keep on coming! Amazing. Once again:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

I don't particularly like either candidate either, but the political reality is that any vote that not for Trump is a vote that IS for Hillary. I distrust her more than I distrust Trump and so will make sure my vote is AGAINST her.
Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.

So do you hate old rich white guys or not? You're not making much sense at this point. You're vacillating and being disingenuous. Your thread title suggests you have a problem with guys who are old, white, and rich. So come clean boy.
Trump is cool with he-she's letting it all hang out in the girls room with your daughter.

Because...say it with me...he's a far left liberal.

wait? wanting to allow private businesses to do what they want with their bathrooms makes a person a far left liberal ?
Trump opposes a state law which would allow a business to do what they want with their bathrooms.

Nice try.

So you hate Trump. We get it. Go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Case closed. Movin on...
And they just keep on coming! Amazing. Once again:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

I don't particularly like either candidate either, but the political reality is that any vote that not for Trump is a vote that IS for Hillary. I distrust her more than I distrust Trump and so will make sure my vote is AGAINST her.
There is no daylight between them. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, and vice versa. It makes NO difference. They are both pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine.

Voting AGAINST someone is about as retarded as it gets. Voting for the lesser of two EVILS means you are still voting FOR evil. And this fucking stupid tactic has given us Bush and Obama and the next fucking retard, whoever she is.
In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?
Damn. You and I don't agree on somethings but this? "Old rich white guy"? Apparently my opinion of you was too high.
In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?
Damn. You and I don't agree on somethings but this? "Old rich white guy"? Apparently my opinion of you was too high.
I was mocking the smugness of the pseudo-con rubes who have been bragging about the diversity of the GOP slate. Yeah, sure there was a black guy and a couple of Hispanics, but in the end the GOP reverted to type.

The REALLY funny thing is that Ben Carson has more conservatism in his black little finger than Trump has in his whole pasty fat fuck sclerotic body. There was more conservatism in Rubio's foam!

So clearly, being a rich old white guy is more important to the GOP than being a conservative.

Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
wait? wanting to allow private businesses to do what they want with their bathrooms makes a person a far left liberal ?
Trump opposes a state law which would allow a business to do what they want with their bathrooms.

Nice try.

So you hate Trump. We get it. Go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Case closed. Movin on...
And they just keep on coming! Amazing. Once again:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

I don't particularly like either candidate either, but the political reality is that any vote that not for Trump is a vote that IS for Hillary. I distrust her more than I distrust Trump and so will make sure my vote is AGAINST her.
There is no daylight between them. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, and vice versa. It makes NO difference. They are both pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine.

Voting AGAINST someone is about as retarded as it gets. Voting for the lesser of two EVILS means you are still voting FOR evil. And this fucking stupid tactic has given us Bush and Obama and the next fucking retard, whoever she is.

It's the best we can do in a broken system.

Not like those in power really give one fuck what either of us want anyway
Big difference is, Trump wants to put Americans first again.

Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.

Right, you're going with the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's what i said. Why can't you just be honest? Just state who you're supporting and go from there. Don't be so afraid of being straight forward with people. If you're honest and straight forward, folks can respect you. Try not vacillating so much, and being so disingenuous.
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Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.

I REALLY like Kasich as well.

What if The Donald chooses him as a running mate?
Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.

Oh and btw, Kasich's an old rich white guy.
Oh my god, that is funny.

If you are going to guzzle Trump's piss with that much gusto, please use a napkin to wipe your chin, mm-kay?
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?
In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?
Damn. You and I don't agree on somethings but this? "Old rich white guy"? Apparently my opinion of you was too high.
I was mocking the smugness of the pseudo-con rubes who have been bragging about the diversity of the GOP slate. Yeah, sure there was a black guy and a couple of Hispanics, but in the end the GOP reverted to type.

The REALLY funny thing is that Ben Carson has more conservatism in his black little finger than Trump has in his whole pasty fat fuck sclerotic body. There was more conservatism in Rubio's foam!

So clearly, being a rich old white guy is more important to the GOP than being a conservative.


Hmm...mocking? By mocking them you only succeeded in lowering yourself.
As you guzzle Hillary's...
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
You didn't read the OP, did you, dumbass.

See here:
You nailed it. Just as I predicted.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
So now you are resorting to straw men now that your nuts have been kicked up into your throat! :lol:

You got caught sucking off a limousine liberal and will never be able to live it down or get the taste out of your mouth.

As you do the walk of shame back to your hidey hole, your ears are burning with the ringing truth of your character.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
So now you are resorting to straw men now that your nuts have been kicked up into your throat! :lol:

You got caught sucking off a limousine liberal and will never be able to live it down or get the taste out of your mouth.

As you do the walk of shame back to your hidey hole, your ears are burning with the ringing truth of your character.
Hey dickbreath, you never answered my question. If Kasich is selected as Trump VP, who do you vote for?
He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
So now you are resorting to straw men now that your nuts have been kicked up into your throat! :lol:

You got caught sucking off a limousine liberal and will never be able to live it down or get the taste out of your mouth.

As you do the walk of shame back to your hidey hole, your ears are burning with the ringing truth of your character.
Hey dickbreath, you never answered my question. If Kasich is selected as Trump VP, who do you vote for?
I write in Kasich for Prez. That's what.

I will never vote for Trump, even if he chose Jesus Christ as his running mate.

If Trump chooses Kasich as his running mate and wins, I will be lighting a candle every day the fat fuck drops dead from a heart attack. I'll take up voodoo. I'll hire witches to throw curses.
So who you vote for, fuckface?

He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
So now you are resorting to straw men now that your nuts have been kicked up into your throat! :lol:

You got caught sucking off a limousine liberal and will never be able to live it down or get the taste out of your mouth.

As you do the walk of shame back to your hidey hole, your ears are burning with the ringing truth of your character.

Ha, you're just a poser who can't their story straight. Now you're claiming you support Kasich. Yet Kasich is one of those old rich white guys you supposedly despise. Just admit you're a loyal Clinton/Democrat supporter, and be done with it. Folks will respect you more if you're honest. No one likes a poser.
He/she is very disingenuous. So don't expect a straight answer. But my guess is, he/she is supporting the corrupt skank and her rapist husband. That's my observation anyway.
I've already stated many, many times I am a Kasich supporter since before he even announced.

Nice try, retard.

After providing a mountain of evidence of Trump's far left liberal beliefs, any one of which would have been a GOP career ender for anyone else, I always enjoy a good hard belly laugh when you idiot fucks who support Trump call someone a RINO and then drop to your knees and suck off The Donald.
And if Kasich is selected to run on Trumps ticket? Then what shitforbrains?

Very disingenuous person. You won't get an honest straight answer. He/she is a Clinton/Democrat supporter posing as a Republican on a Message Board. Happens a lot on Message Boards.

There's a couple other posers around here. He/she supposedly supports Kasich, despite him being an old rich white guy too. Posers struggle to keep their stories straight.
So now you are resorting to straw men now that your nuts have been kicked up into your throat! :lol:

You got caught sucking off a limousine liberal and will never be able to live it down or get the taste out of your mouth.

As you do the walk of shame back to your hidey hole, your ears are burning with the ringing truth of your character.

Ha, you're just a poser who can't their story straight. Now you're claiming you support Kasich. Yet Kasich is one of those old rich white guys you supposedly despise. Just admit you're a loyal Clinton/Democrat supporter, and be done with it. Folks will respect you more if you're honest. No one likes a poser.
I will use small words. Just for you.

The pseudo-cons dummies bragged about there being a black guy and two hispanic light brown guys on the GOP slate while the Democratic other guys were all white.

I never did that.

The topic title was made to mock the dummies. Got it now, dummy?

Kasich and Carson and Cruz and Rubio all have more conservatism right wing beliefs in their little fingers than Trump has in his whole fat body.

You dummies have made it plain you want the richest whitest oldest guy you can find, not a conservative right winger. The bragging about the black guy and brown guys (again, not done by me) was a ruse.

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