BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.

Excuse me, but your so called Repubs have stated that they would rather lose to Hillary than win with Trump. If that's not a demonstration of irrational behavior I don't know what is. What it very clearly shows is the political class don't give a flying fuck for the middle class of this country so long as they get to vie for the crumbs the ruling democrats toss them. A little bit of power is better than being one of the peons in their mind. And all the while the middle class gets screwed.

Fuck them, and fuck ALL of the political elite/establishment.
Winning IS all that matters.
Thank you for frankly admitting you have zero principles.

This is what has infected the Right, boys and girls. This right here.

Time to wake up and purge conservatism of these retards who hijacked the party and gave the nomination to a limousine liberal.
In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?
Meanwhile, dems select crooked old white rich replace uppity neeeeeegro...
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.

Excuse me, but your so called Repubs have stated that they would rather lose to Hillary than win with Trump. If that's not a demonstration of irrational behavior I don't know what is. What it very clearly shows is the political class don't give a flying fuck for the middle class of this country so long as they get to vie for the crumbs the ruling democrats toss them. A little bit of power is better than being one of the peons in their mind. And all the while the middle class gets screwed.

Fuck them, and fuck ALL of the political elite/establishment.
As far as I am concerned, it makes no difference if the rich, white, female limousine liberal wins or the rich, white, male limousine liberal wins.

There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton on the issues which separate liberals from conservatives. They are both on the liberal side of the equation.

If you vote for one, you are voting for the other.

The Democrats won the election yesterday. November is just going to be a formality, regardless if there is a D or an R after the winner's name.
Winning IS all that matters.
Thank you for frankly admitting you have zero principles.

This is what has infected the Right, boys and girls. This right here.

Time to wake up and purge conservatism of these retards who hijacked the party and gave the nomination to a limousine liberal.

You seem to support hillary and the only principles she seems to have are her willingness to sell out the American people for her personal gain. She is the sort of candidate you support?

You're a loon dude. Seriously...
Winning IS all that matters.
Thank you for frankly admitting you have zero principles.

This is what has infected the Right, boys and girls. This right here.

Time to wake up and purge conservatism of these retards who hijacked the party and gave the nomination to a limousine liberal.
You are a fool. The nominees are Hillary and Donald. I'm voting for competency. I'm voting for Trump.
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.

Excuse me, but your so called Repubs have stated that they would rather lose to Hillary than win with Trump. If that's not a demonstration of irrational behavior I don't know what is. What it very clearly shows is the political class don't give a flying fuck for the middle class of this country so long as they get to vie for the crumbs the ruling democrats toss them. A little bit of power is better than being one of the peons in their mind. And all the while the middle class gets screwed.

Fuck them, and fuck ALL of the political elite/establishment.
As far as I am concerned, it makes no difference if the rich, white, female limousine liberal wins or the rich, white, male limousine liberal wins.

There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton on the issues which separate liberals from conservatives. They are both on the liberal side of the equation.

If you vote for one, you are voting for the other.

The Democrats won the election yesterday. November is just going to be a formality, regardless if there is a D or an R after the winner's name.

Maybe. It is also possible that Trump realizes that this country is following Rome and before the revolution occurs which will kill large numbers of his people, and take away their wealth, he has decided to stop the rot.

Time will tell, but only if he wins. If hillary wins the revolution is not too far behind because the country will be driven into absolute bankruptcy and when the peons don't get their welfare checks and start to go hungry then the madness will begin.

The veneer of civilization is very thin and these political elites don't seem to care. So long as they can loot all they can they feel they will be able to escape.
You seem to support hillary and the only principles she seems to have are her willingness to sell out the American people for her personal gain. She is the sort of candidate you support?

You're a loon dude. Seriously...

Wow. You dumbasses are literally lining up to say the same thing and take the same abuse! What are you, masochists?

From the OP, which you should have read:

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

Thanks for being the, ohhhh, 20th person(?) to fulfill the prediction.
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

And there it is, ladies and gentleman. The rot which has destroyed the conservative movement and the GOP.

I've been saying for years winning is all that matters to the retards who have ruined the brand. It does not matter to them Trump is a limousine liberal. They just don't care he is a flaming leftie.

It only matters that he wins under the Republican banner.

There it is. In black and white.

Follow the way of Rome? Become a christer theocracy where people are put to the sword if they don't convert?

Excuse me, but your so called Repubs have stated that they would rather lose to Hillary than win with Trump. If that's not a demonstration of irrational behavior I don't know what is. What it very clearly shows is the political class don't give a flying fuck for the middle class of this country so long as they get to vie for the crumbs the ruling democrats toss them. A little bit of power is better than being one of the peons in their mind. And all the while the middle class gets screwed.

Fuck them, and fuck ALL of the political elite/establishment.
As far as I am concerned, it makes no difference if the rich, white, female limousine liberal wins or the rich, white, male limousine liberal wins.

There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton on the issues which separate liberals from conservatives. They are both on the liberal side of the equation.

If you vote for one, you are voting for the other.

The Democrats won the election yesterday. November is just going to be a formality, regardless if there is a D or an R after the winner's name.

Maybe. It is also possible that Trump realizes that this country is following Rome and before the revolution occurs which will kill large numbers of his people, and take away their wealth, he has decided to stop the rot.

Time will tell, but only if he wins. If hillary wins the revolution is not too far behind because the country will be driven into absolute bankruptcy and when the peons don't get their welfare checks and start to go hungry then the madness will begin.

The veneer of civilization is very thin and these political elites don't seem to care. So long as they can loot all they can they feel they will be able to escape.
If you are just joining the topic and don't want to read the whole thing, I strongly suggest you read the OP before making the same mistake as the other Trump Chumps in assuming my opposition to Trump means I support Hillary.

If you want to see the posts which establish an airtight indictment of Donald Trump as a far left liberal, see the following posts: 2, 8, 25, 34, 36, 44, 51, 120, 123, 157, 179.

Those posts have links to the evidence which prove Trump is a left wing hack liberal posing as a Republican.
Hillary Clinton is the quintessential rich old white man. No doubt she's a member of the WallStreet good 'ol boys network. She's even married to the worst abuser of women ever to hold office.
And so you agree there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. You vote for one, you are voting for the other.

Limousine liberals. The both of them.

but but but...What about Trump SAYING hes a republican? Doesnt that count for anything? :badgrin:! Is that all it takes?

I'm the King of England!

Presto! Now fetch me some tea, peasant.
Or the NAZIs were socialists...or the ChiComs are a Republic.
Bomb-shell: A regressive uses the "white man" card.

There is nothing wrong with being a white middle-aged man. Only a racist could claim otherwise. However, there is a great deal wrong about being a regressive.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You do realize that Clinton isn't a Republican, right?

what difference does it make

Because the subject is about the GOP primary field.

thats no excuse pal

You're right. It's no "excuse." It is, however, the subject of the tread. Would you like to start your own thread about Clinton?
Surprise! Surprise!
G5000 is a moderate Republican!!
It is easy to see why Trump versus Clinton is gastronomically revolting to him!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

The Right loves its guns and religion. Even Obama knows this. :D

If there is one thing the Right is hard and firm about, it is the slightest infringement on their gun rights. And boy do they hate the very idea of an assault weapons ban. If you bring up Bill Clinton’s AWB, they go on for pages and pages about what a violation of the Second Amendment it was, and how ineffective it was.

Trump not only supports an AWB, he also believes in background checks and waiting periods to buy a gun.

Donald Trump: I support the ban on Assault Weapons.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
I cannot stand Walmart either. I shopped at JC Penny yesterday for items I would normally have bought at Targets. A new coffee pot, a paring knife and a bath mat. Ninety two bucks worth.
JC Penney bathrooms are safe eh ...woooo hoooooooooooo......its always something with the "right wing conservative Fuss Budgets" LOL I go through life in a big city without a gun...I go anywhere I do not worry...I go to the bathroom I do not worry ... I am just strolling along singing songs ...I prefer to not live scared :2up:

You're missing the point. It's not about religion and politics for the most part. It's about most women and parents feeling uncomfortable with the idea of creepy dudes hangin in the ladies room. Its not anymore complicated than that. You're over-thinking it.
Trump is cool with he-she's letting it all hang out in the girls room with your daughter.

Because...say it with me...he's a far left liberal.

wait? wanting to allow private businesses to do what they want with their bathrooms makes a person a far left liberal ?
Trump opposes a state law which would allow a business to do what they want with their bathrooms.

Nice try.

So you hate Trump. We get it. Go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Case closed. Movin on...

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