BOMBSHELL REPORT: IRS Targeted ‘Icky’ Conservative Groups

The biggest scandal is that a significant portion of the American public (and posters on this forum) are perfectly OK with this type of activity as long as it is used against their opposition.

Again, the opposition could have played by the rules and filed as a political action committee and let everyone know who their donors are. Instead they tried to hide their donors by lying about being a "Social Welfare" agency.

The IRS did it's job. It's job is to detect tax fraud.

You mean their crime was adopting the same SOP as all the liberal propaganda organs?
Top IRS officials specifically targeted tea party groups and misled the public about its secret political targeting program led by ex-official Lois Lerner, according to a bombshell new congressional report.
Since when is keeping an eye on groups intent on overthrowing the U.S. government a bad thing?​

I thought you libturds called that McCarthyism.
The biggest scandal is that a significant portion of the American public (and posters on this forum) are perfectly OK with this type of activity as long as it is used against their opposition.

Again, the opposition could have played by the rules and filed as a political action committee and let everyone know who their donors are. Instead they tried to hide their donors by lying about being a "Social Welfare" agency.

The IRS did it's job. It's job is to detect tax fraud.
Except no one thnks that. Everyone, including the IRS, believes they unfairly targeted conservative groups.
You'll need more believable propaganda to be taken seriously.
The left is all about suppressing the vote. Black Panthers, IRS, all tools at their disposal

The biggest scandal is that a significant portion of the American public (and posters on this forum) are perfectly OK with this type of activity as long as it is used against their opposition.
...and whine like little bitches when the tables are turned.

Hey hey a half way honest Republican. Who probably doesn't understand that he admits the Republicans would have done and will do exactly the same type of activity. When given the chance.
After it's all said and done -- the IRS will get away with this and whatever else they want without as much as a slap on the wrist.
After it's all said and done -- the IRS will get away with this and whatever else they want without as much as a slap on the wrist.

But but but....... all those investigations........all that money wasted..........would you mind calling the Republicans and telling them to let it go. Nothing is gonna happen to the IRS.

But if the Republicans dropped that idea of going after the IRS, what would they feed their hungry constituents?
No red meat will make you rethugs unhappy. But after all the failed investigations, you repubs should be starved to death. But no, it is double down time. The right wing whacks are hungry.
After it's all said and done -- the IRS will get away with this and whatever else they want without as much as a slap on the wrist.

But but but....... all those investigations........all that money wasted..........would you mind calling the Republicans and telling them to let it go. Nothing is gonna happen to the IRS.

But if the Republicans dropped that idea of going after the IRS, what would they feed their hungry constituents?
No red meat will make you rethugs unhappy. But after all the failed investigations, you repubs should be starved to death. But no, it is double down time. The right wing whacks are hungry.

I concluded a long time ago that it makes no different if the Republicrats or the Demicans are running the show ... the American taxpayer is going to get screwed in the end (the hind end).
I concluded a long time ago that it makes no different if the Republicrats or the Demicans are running the show ... the American taxpayer is going to get screwed in the end (the hind end).

You are correct. We live in a plutocracy.
The problem with everyone understanding what form of government we live under means there is nothing to argue about.
If we all understood that the plutocrats are going too take care of themselves first and last, then we couldn't choose sides to fight over who is screwing us the most.

And the scariest thing to political plutocrats is that the rest of us will figure out what is happening to us and that we will use the limited power that we have to vote out of office EVERY incumbent we have in office and start over.

But we won't figure it out. To many of us think their party is really looking out for them. 90+% of incumbents get re elected.
I concluded a long time ago that it makes no different if the Republicrats or the Demicans are running the show ... the American taxpayer is going to get screwed in the end (the hind end).

You are correct. We live in a plutocracy.
The problem with everyone understanding what form of government we live under means there is nothing to argue about.
If we all understood that the plutocrats are going too take care of themselves first and last, then we couldn't choose sides to fight over who is screwing us the most.

And the scariest thing to political plutocrats is that the rest of us will figure out what is happening to us and that we will use the limited power that we have to vote out of office EVERY incumbent we have in office and start over.

But we won't figure it out. To many of us think their party is really looking out for them. 90+% of incumbents get re elected.

Yup. The political arena has turned into one, big football game. Hardcore Broncos fans pull for the Broncos while hardcore Colts fans pull for the Colts. In the end, both teams play the same game and have an identical agenda. The players could all swap jerseys but the game would have the same rules. Personally? I'm not a huge fan of sports.
Yup. The political arena has turned into one, big football game. Hardcore Broncos fans pull for the Broncos while hardcore Colts fans pull for the Colts. In the end, both teams play the same game and have an identical agenda. The players could all swap jerseys but the game would have the same rules. Personally? I'm not a huge fan of sports.

Pretty good metaphor for not being a sports fan.
Except no one thnks that. Everyone, including the IRS, believes they unfairly targeted conservative groups.
You'll need more believable propaganda to be taken seriously.

You mean they admit they used bad methodology... not that they were wrong in enforcing the law.

Kind of like when cops pull over black people, because statistically, they commit more crimes. They shouldn't do it, but they should stop crimes.
What does the Law, (statute) say about what C4's are and what tax benefits and anonymity benefits are given to C4's for being primarily Charities? Look it up... what do you think according to the Law of the land, C4's are suppose to represent?
The biggest scandal is that a significant portion of the American public (and posters on this forum) are perfectly OK with this type of activity as long as it is used against their opposition.
...and whine like little bitches when the tables are turned.

Hey hey a half way honest Republican. Who probably doesn't understand that he admits the Republicans would have done and will do exactly the same type of activity. When given the chance.
Um Zeke. We all know you're about as dumb as bag of rocks. But even you can probably remember back through the haze of Blatz toa time when Republicans could actually have done all those things. And they didnt. So, no, Republicans would not have done those things.
Except no one thnks that. Everyone, including the IRS, believes they unfairly targeted conservative groups.
You'll need more believable propaganda to be taken seriously.

You mean they admit they used bad methodology... not that they were wrong in enforcing the law.

Kind of like when cops pull over black people, because statistically, they commit more crimes. They shouldn't do it, but they should stop crimes.
No they actually admitted they unfairly targeted Tea Party groups and apologized for it.
Your spin done spun out.
And how much did this report cost us to tell us exactly what we knew when the scandal broke?
No they actually admitted they unfairly targeted Tea Party groups and apologized for it.
Your spin done spun out.

No, they admitted that they used bad methodology, not that they weren't enforcing the law.
It's not exactly a bombshell report since this is exactly what liberals intended to happen. If it was a conservative IRS targeting liberal groups it would be a bombshell.
No they actually admitted they unfairly targeted Tea Party groups and apologized for it.
Your spin done spun out.

No, they admitted that they used bad methodology, not that they weren't enforcing the law.
Huh. That doesnt make sense, even for you
They unfairly targeted tea party groups. They admitted as much. Now we know that everything the administration has said about it is a lie. It was not a group of low level employees in Cincinnati. It was notlimited in scope. It did not start with a Republican appointee in the legal department. It did not show there was not a smidgen o corruption.
We know Democrats in the Senate and House were leaning on the IRS to disrupt TP groups. We know Lerner was under tremendous pressure to "do something" about them. It is obvious the pressure came from those Democrats in the House and Senate, and possibly the White House. We know Lerner lied. We know Koskinen lied, both under oath.
Only troglodyte idiots like you, Joe, think everything was fine.

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