Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

What does Polanski's victim think?
What does that have to do with anything? She was 13 at the time, he broke the law and should serve his time. Do we ask underaged victims if that are okay with being raped? How stupid that you defend pedophile and try to minimize it.
What does that have to do with anything? She was 13 at the time, he broke the law and should serve his time. Do we ask underaged victims if that are okay with being raped? How stupid that you defend pedophile and try to minimize it.
She isnt underage now. Do I think he should of been thrown in jail at the time? Absolutely. I think if you were to attempt to imprison him nowt now, the victim should have their say as well. Statute of limitations might be in effect though.
How does that make a difference? He raped a 13 year old, he fled because he was convicted and didn’t want to go to prison, he knew he was wrong.
Yeah he should have served his time no doubt about that. Can he even go to jail at this point? This argument might be moot.

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