Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

I'm sure that's a comfort to poor Germans who can't afford to heat their homes now.

Why would energy prices be so high in Germany? Hmmmmmm.......
And to poor people in the third world who don't have clean water because their government
is wasting money on green energy, instead of coal.

It's heartening that you care so deeply about the poor in the third world. Did you care about them before they became a handy tool to use to bash at climate change folks?

You see, most Americans, even the really patriotic ones, don't actually care about the poor in the third world because they are the ones making their favorite brand of tube socks sold at WalMart and the poorer they are the cheaper the socks! But gosh ahmighty these patriotic conservatives SUDDENLY develop a deep and abiding care for these poor benighted souls when it becomes possible to leverage that against the folks who want to deal realistically with climate change!

Saving millions from death by starvation or thirst isn't justification for murder and incarceration?
Starvation and thirst are high on the list for fun things that might happen if we don't deal with climate change. Only problem is: it'll impact us as well as the "poor people" of the earth. And that's going to make a lot of people sad.
That's it. The whole climategate e-mail mess was mostly a lot of nothing amped up by a bunch of denialists who spun private conversations in such a way that the scientifically illiterate would be led to believe it was some nefarious conspiracy.

It's bad enough that a huge swath of Americans don't understand even basic science, but now that the denialists have politicized the topic so badly it invites those folks who have the least valuable input to scream it at the top of their lungs.
Science is hanging by a thread in the US while in other countries, especially China, it is going full bore. China has caught up to the US and, I fear, they will pass us by very soon.
The study is obvious nonsense.
Of course cosmic rays can cause clouds which can retain heat at night, but during the day, clouds increase albedo, which cools the climate.
And cosmic rays have NOT changed.
We constantly measure them and they have not increased while temperature has.
The current temp readings are all record highs.
At this point is it incredibly foolish to claim we are not causing global warming.
Some cities in Canada reached over 130 degrees, and hundreds have died from the increased heat.
130 degrees ?
Science is hanging by a thread in the US while in other countries, especially China, it is going full bore. China has caught up to the US and, I fear, they will pass us by very soon.

That's a real possibility. There's a common myth among folks in the tech sector in the US that China doesn't "innovate", they just make. Unfortunately that presupposes that Chinese scientists are just as capable as American scientists. In my career I've worked with more than my fair share of Chinese graduates and scientists and they are more than capable. It's not going to be pretty when we finally are forced to cede the territory of technology that we thought was ours for the keeping.
That's it. The whole climategate e-mail mess was mostly a lot of nothing amped up by a bunch of denialists who spun private conversations in such a way that the scientifically illiterate would be led to believe it was some nefarious conspiracy.

It's bad enough that a huge swath of Americans don't understand even basic science, but now that the denialists have politicized the topic so badly it invites those folks who have the least valuable input to scream it at the top of their lungs.
The alarmists have politicized it. They’re paid with gov money and they refuse to discuss the subject publicly with experts who dispute the severity.
That's quite an interesting story there! Fiction is fun, but for this topic perhaps we can stick with reality.
You are not an atmospherics expert. Honest laymen defer to experts. Experts disagree on causes and severity of warming. An honest person who is affected by extreme measures undertaken by one side of the debate deserve the discussion.
It's bad enough that a huge swath of Americans don't understand even basic science

I know.
Mike's Nature Trick, hiding the decline and preventing skeptics from publishing......
Very scientific.

the denialists have politicized the topic so badly it invites those folks who have the least valuable input to scream it at the top of their lungs.

We should leave the topic to the experts.
Like Nobel Prize winner....Michael Mann, eh?
Why would energy prices be so high in Germany? Hmmmmmm.......

It's heartening that you care so deeply about the poor in the third world. Did you care about them before they became a handy tool to use to bash at climate change folks?

You see, most Americans, even the really patriotic ones, don't actually care about the poor in the third world because they are the ones making their favorite brand of tube socks sold at WalMart and the poorer they are the cheaper the socks! But gosh ahmighty these patriotic conservatives SUDDENLY develop a deep and abiding care for these poor benighted souls when it becomes possible to leverage that against the folks who want to deal realistically with climate change!

Starvation and thirst are high on the list for fun things that might happen if we don't deal with climate change. Only problem is: it'll impact us as well as the "poor people" of the earth. And that's going to make a lot of people sad.

Why would energy prices be so high in Germany? Hmmmmmm.......

Can't be all their cheap renewables, can it?

It's heartening that you care so deeply about the poor in the third world.

And that you don't care about them at all.

when it becomes possible to leverage that against the folks who want to deal realistically with climate change!

As long as they don't burn coal, gas or oil, right?

Starvation and thirst are high on the list for fun things that might happen if we don't deal with climate change.

What good is fixing climate change tomorrow if you starve to death paying for solar today?
Why would energy prices be so high in Germany? Hmmmmmm.......

Can't be all their cheap renewables, can it?

Certainly couldn't be their primary source of gas currently cut off from the world's banking system because they opted to conduct war crimes on an industrial scale, could it?

It's heartening that you care so deeply about the poor in the third world.

And that you don't care about them at all.


So I hit a bit close to the bone, eh?

Starvation and thirst are high on the list for fun things that might happen if we don't deal with climate change.

What good is fixing climate change tomorrow if you starve to death paying for solar today?

LOL. There you go, caring so much for the poor. I bet your heart just bleeds for them. Especially when you have to vote for improvements to the social safety net. I bet you really, really care when it's YOUR money on the line.
I know.
Mike's Nature Trick, hiding the decline and preventing skeptics from publishing......
Very scientific.

You honestly don't understand that concept at all!

1. Mike's "Nature" Trick had nothing to do with "hide the decline". You really should have actually READ the climategate e-mails before you pontificated. Mike's "Nature" trick was nothing more than plotting instrumental records on the same graph as proxy records.

2. The "Hide the decline" was about the use of tree ring data that was KNOWN to have problems acting as a proxy set. You couldn't possibly know anything about this because you aren't a scientist. You don't even have a clue what this is about. It was a topic openly discussed in the peer reviewed literature! LOL. You don't read science and you think you know science.

We should leave the topic to the experts.
Like Nobel Prize winner....Michael Mann, eh?

He actually knows science. Unlike you. I'm sure that when Janitorial Work is recognized by the Nobel Committee you will be top of the list.
Certainly couldn't be their primary source of gas currently cut off from the world's banking system because they opted to conduct war crimes on an industrial scale, could it?


So I hit a bit close to the bone, eh?

LOL. There you go, caring so much for the poor. I bet your heart just bleeds for them. Especially when you have to vote for improvements to the social safety net. I bet you really, really care when it's YOUR money on the line.

Certainly couldn't be their primary source of gas currently cut off from the world's banking system because they opted to conduct war crimes on an industrial scale, could it?

Not really.
Their electricity costs were triple ours, years before Putin invaded.

So I hit a bit close to the bone, eh?

Obviously. Because poor people adapt best to high cost energy.
You honestly don't understand that concept at all!

1. Mike's "Nature" Trick had nothing to do with "hide the decline". You really should have actually READ the climategate e-mails before you pontificated. Mike's "Nature" trick was nothing more than plotting instrumental records on the same graph as proxy records.

2. The "Hide the decline" was about the use of tree ring data that was KNOWN to have problems acting as a proxy set. You couldn't possibly know anything about this because you aren't a scientist. You don't even have a clue what this is about. It was a topic openly discussed in the peer reviewed literature! LOL. You don't read science and you think you know science.


He actually knows science. Unlike you. I'm sure that when Janitorial Work is recognized by the Nobel Committee you will be top of the list.

Mike's "Nature" Trick had nothing to do with "hide the decline".

Where did I say it did? Link?

The "Hide the decline" was about the use of tree ring data that was KNOWN to have problems acting as a proxy set.

Problems? Tell me more!

He actually knows science. Unlike you.

Is that why he won the Nobel Prize?
Mike's "Nature" Trick had nothing to do with "hide the decline".

Where did I say it did? Link?

Sorry, my bad. I didn't see the comma there.

The "Hide the decline" was about the use of tree ring data that was KNOWN to have problems acting as a proxy set.

Problems? Tell me more!

It was well known since about the mid 1990's that there was a set of high latitude trees whose rings diverged from the instrumental record after about 1960. Thus this particular trees' proxy was considered unreliable after 1960. This is outlined by Briffa back in 1998 (HERE)

Briffa found that before the divergence these trees' rings accurately tracked temperature but are unreliable after 1960
Sorry, my bad. I didn't see the comma there.

It was well known since about the mid 1990's that there was a set of high latitude trees whose rings diverged from the instrumental record after about 1960. Thus this particular trees' proxy was considered unreliable after 1960. This is outlined by Briffa back in 1998 (HERE)

Briffa found that before the divergence these trees' rings accurately tracked temperature but are unreliable after 1960

It was well known since about the mid 1990's that there was a set of high latitude trees whose rings diverged from the instrumental record after about 1960. Thus this particular trees' proxy was considered unreliable after 1960.

Proxies aren't 100% reliable? Outrageous!!

Now about Mann's Nobel Prize.........
It was well known since about the mid 1990's that there was a set of high latitude trees whose rings diverged from the instrumental record after about 1960. Thus this particular trees' proxy was considered unreliable after 1960.

Proxies aren't 100% reliable? Outrageous!!

I'm really curious why this surprises you. I understand you don't know how proxies work and you have no clue how many various proxies are out there, but proxies are just that, proxies.

Even a perfectly calibrated THERMOMETER isn't 100% reliable.

You seem to have a cartoon view of science. Did you learn all your science from comic books?

Now about Mann's Nobel Prize.........

I get it! You found something that was unrelated to science and since you don't know any science THIS is what you want to talk about.

I couldn't care less about Mann's Nobel. Honestly.

You don't have to be scared if you don't know science, we can help you understand it.
I'm really curious why this surprises you.

It doesn't.

but proxies are just that, proxies.


I get it! You found something that was unrelated to science and since you don't know any science THIS is what you want to talk about.

Is Michael Mann related to science?

I couldn't care less about Mann's Nobel. Honestly.

You have to admit, it's awesome that he won a Nobel Prize, right?
Hero of the hockey stick!!!

You don't have to be scared

Scared enough to prevent skeptics from getting published?
It doesn't.

but proxies are just that, proxies.


No, not "exactly". There are so many proxies that positively impact things you use every day but you don't even know about them. You drive a car? Yeah, proxies were leveraged to help find the oil that was brought to you for use in your car as gasoline.

You have to admit, it's awesome that he won a Nobel Prize, right?
Hero of the hockey stick!!!

The hockey stick is reasonably important. But I guess the bigger question is: why can't you figure out how use the "quote" tag or reply with inter-linears?

Scared enough to prevent skeptics from getting published?

Cartoon news.

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