Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

I'd ask you to prove it, but since I know you can't (and I know folks like you are always too lazy to back up your accusations) I won't hold my breath.

Just show me where YOU revealed to me that Plate Tectonics were responsible for some climate change. Because I've actually known it for decades.

I'm the one who found a sharks tooth in a quarry in Pennsylvanian limestone in the midwest when I was in undergraduate taking my paleo class.

I'm the one who spent years looking at the remains of tropical and subtropical plants from Kentucky and Ohio and Washington State (care to take a stab at how Kentucky came up with tropical plants?)

I'm the one who has seen the Appalachians and then traveled to Norway to see the rest of the SAME MOUNTAIN CHAIN (care to take a stab at how that happened?)

So, by all means, DO SHOW ME where YOU told me all about plate tectonics.

Are you aware we are in the middle of an ice age?
Just show me where YOU revealed to me that Plate Tectonics were responsible for some climate change. Because I've actually known it for decades.

I'm the one who found a sharks tooth in a quarry in Pennsylvanian limestone in the midwest when I was in undergraduate taking my paleo class.

I'm the one who spent years looking at the remains of tropical and subtropical plants from Kentucky and Ohio and Washington State (care to take a stab at how Kentucky came up with tropical plants?)

I'm the one who has seen the Appalachians and then traveled to Norway to see the rest of the SAME MOUNTAIN CHAIN (care to take a stab at how that happened?)

So, by all means, DO SHOW ME where YOU told me all about plate tectonics.
I don't need to hear your life story.

Correct. But it shows that CO2 can lead temperature.

But then even a nearly brain-dead undergrad chemistry major could tell you that CO2 is a KNOWN GREENHOUSE GAS.
Did CO2 drive the change from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet 3 to 5 million years ago?

Dude...I got my undergrad geology from a university in the northern part of ILLINOIS. What do you think we have to study there????????

What caused the planet to transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?
Did CO2 drive the change from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet 3 to 5 million years ago?

I think you might be conflating a bunch of different topics here so I'll try to parse it out for you.

If you mean "Snowball Earth" you are way off in terms of the age. That's hypothesized to have been around 580 million years ago and it was probably induced by a number of factors that may have had little to do with greenhouse gases like CO2. But CO2 may very well have helped the warming (You can learn more HERE)

Now, as for the 3-5 million years ago, that's still pretty firmly in the Cenozoic Ice Ages we are currently still in. Those were driven in no small way due to Milankovich Cycles which relate to the orbital obliquity of the earth and account for why we have glacial-interglacial-glacial-interglacial cycles at this time.

Right now we should be heading back into another glaciation event (again, NOT a "Snowball Earth" scenario) but strangely enough the temperature is going in the WRONG WAY.

If we look around at the various drives we know of for the climate nothing that is a "natural cycle" seems to line up sufficiently to account for the CURRENT WARMING.

But human activities DO. They do it quite well!
What caused the planet to transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?

If my answer in #687 doesn't suit you, perhaps you can tell me why YOU think this happened (and please try to use commonly accepted terms. What do you mean by "icehouse planet"?)
I think you might be conflating a bunch of different topics here so I'll try to parse it out for you.

If you mean "Snowball Earth" you are way off in terms of the age. That's hypothesized to have been around 580 million years ago and it was probably induced by a number of factors that may have had little to do with greenhouse gases like CO2. But CO2 may very well have helped the warming (You can learn more HERE)

Now, as for the 3-5 million years ago, that's still pretty firmly in the Cenozoic Ice Ages we are currently still in. Those were driven in no small way due to Milankovich Cycles which relate to the orbital obliquity of the earth and account for why we have glacial-interglacial-glacial-interglacial cycles at this time.

Right now we should be heading back into another glaciation event (again, NOT a "Snowball Earth" scenario) but strangely enough the temperature is going in the WRONG WAY.

If we look around at the various drives we know of for the climate nothing that is a "natural cycle" seems to line up sufficiently to account for the CURRENT WARMING.

But human activities DO. They do it quite well!
Apparently you are totally unaware that 3 million years ago the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.

Apparently you are unaware of even what an icehouse planet actually means.
Now, as for the 3-5 million years ago, that's still pretty firmly in the Cenozoic Ice Ages we are currently still in. Those were driven in no small way due to Milankovich Cycles which relate to the orbital obliquity of the earth and account for why we have glacial-interglacial-glacial-interglacial cycles at this time.
You do realize that Milankovich Cycles have always existed but didn't always cause glaciation on earth, right? Why do you think that is?
You don't even know what it means for earth to be an icehouse planet.

Did I not just explain the Cenozoic Ice age to you? Huh. I'm pretty sure I did.

Is it because I'm speaking in terms of the geologic calendar? You don't know the names of the eras?
Didn't I just describe the Cenozoic Ice Age to you????

Didn't I just discuss this with you? Can you read?
You didn't mention any of the conditions which led to the transition, so no. You just said Milankovich Cycles. Unfortunately for you Milankovich Cycles have always existed so what was different that led to northern hemisphere glaciation?
Did I not just explain the Cenozoic Ice age to you? Huh. I'm pretty sure I did.

Is it because I'm speaking in terms of the geologic calendar? You don't know the names of the eras?
Says the guy who has absolutely no idea WHY the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.

If you don't understand the single biggest climate change in the history of the planet you have no business discussing climate changes.

If you don't understand the single biggest climate change in the history of the planet


ORLY? "Single biggest climate change in history of the planet"? Really? LOL.

you have no business discussing climate changes.

And you do? Really?


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