BOMBSHELL: Washingtn Post: Inspectors NOT allowed to determine WHO used chem weapons!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The [weapons inspection] team must be able to conduct a full, thorough and unimpeded investigation,” said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday night. However, the team is only mandated to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them, Mr. Ban’s spokesman said.

Inspectors In Syria Forbidden From Finding Out WHO Used Chemical Weapons, Only IF They Were Used | Washington's Blog

One step at a time. I follow Kerry's logic on this.

Kerry said that the attack was "inexcusable and undeniable," and that the judgment on who is responsible is "very clear to the world."

"We know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place," he said.

Syria's Guilt in Chemical Attack 'Clear to the World,' Kerry Says

The farm boys with wash pans didn't have rocket delivered CWs.
considering that the Syrian govt. does not seem to want to cooperate until forced to and that the Syrians soldiers were not massively affected and the rebels and civilians were would lead me to suspect that _______ is responsible for the chemical attack.
The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The [weapons inspection] team must be able to conduct a full, thorough and unimpeded investigation,” said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday night. However, the team is only mandated to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them, Mr. Ban’s spokesman said.

Inspectors In Syria Forbidden From Finding Out WHO Used Chemical Weapons, Only IF They Were Used | Washington's Blog

One step at a time. I follow Kerry's logic on this.

Kerry said that the attack was "inexcusable and undeniable," and that the judgment on who is responsible is "very clear to the world."

"We know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place," he said.

Syria's Guilt in Chemical Attack 'Clear to the World,' Kerry Says

The farm boys with wash pans didn't have rocket delivered CWs.

Why is there a video? Why are there pictures?

Any mourners wearing gear to prevent themselves from inhaling the freaking so called chemicals used?

How did the photographer take these pictures in the immediate aftermath of the so called attack?

Wouldn't the photographers and the people taking videos be afraid for their lives?

This is fucking bullshit.
These guys know how to play Hollywood with politics. Reuters was seriously busted a few years back as well on staged and altered photos.

Oops? Al Jazeera Airs Footage of Apparently Injured Protester Miraculously Getting Better


Video at link.

Oops? Al Jazeera Airs Footage of Apparently Injured Protester Miraculously Getting Better | Video |
Why are all the so called victims just hours after the attack all in perfectly straight positions in their body bags?

Rigor hits different people at different times.

This is all staged.
We have no business in what goes on in Syria. Our country has shed enough blood over the years for that region of the world with little in return. It's time we let them destroy themselves if that's what they want.
The reactionary responses here are despicable.

The Syrian military did it.

The proper response is to take out the head of Syria, the dictator.
TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

You have no evidence for your claim. Only hearsay. Furthermore, You think that by sending in missiles and airstrikes, there will be no more casualties. You're a fuckin thundering dunderhead reactionary.
The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The [weapons inspection] team must be able to conduct a full, thorough and unimpeded investigation,” said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday night. However, the team is only mandated to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them, Mr. Ban’s spokesman said.

Inspectors In Syria Forbidden From Finding Out WHO Used Chemical Weapons, Only IF They Were Used | Washington's Blog

If we do not have a satellite camera covering the action all accross Syria 24/7 then we (Obama) have failed again.
It's obama that doesn't want to cooperate with the world. He knows full well that his terrorist buddies used those weapons. Kerry was lying. Syria accuses Kerry of lying, disregarding UN

Obviously you don't know if he was lying. That will be determined by the UN inspectors. And it doesn't mean syria isn't responsible based on US intelligence. Listen to what Syria did say. They didn't defend Kerrys statements on harboring chemical weapons, they only say the UN hasn't proved they used them.

Syria on Tuesday said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was lying when he stated there was "undeniable" evidence of a large-scale chemical attack likely launched by Damascus, accusing him of disregarding the work of U.N. investigators.

I do think there is a rush to judgement on this, but I don't think Kerry is lying based on our own intelligence. Lets wait it out, no rush, the people are dead, and there is evidence to collect to determine who did what and when.

You have no evidence for your claim. Only hearsay. Furthermore, You think that by sending in missiles and airstrikes, there will be no more casualties. You're a fuckin thundering dunderhead reactionary.

Yes, we do, and you just condemned yourself with your self description above.
TASB is lying, the Syrian officials are lying, and certain reactionaries are lying simply because they hate Obama.

You have no evidence for your claim. Only hearsay. Furthermore, You think that by sending in missiles and airstrikes, there will be no more casualties. You're a fuckin thundering dunderhead reactionary.

Yes, we do, and you just condemned yourself with your self description above.

I know you are but what am I? C'mon, Fake, you can do better than that...well, maybe not actually. :cuckoo:
TASB is lying, the Syrian officials are lying, and certain reactionaries are lying simply because they hate Obama.

More baseless assertions from the resident reactionary. You have no proof. Say it with us, Fake. You have no proof. No matter how many times you repeat that opinion, that's all it is. Baseless reactionary opinion.

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