BOMBSHELL: Washingtn Post: Inspectors NOT allowed to determine WHO used chem weapons!

Let us not degrade this into a Vietnam, dick waving, I'm the bigger stud than you contest. Time for some icy hot, and a hot enema. Your service in Vietnam wasting filthy commie gooks is commendable. Too bad your leaders didn't have the balls to see it through.
One step at a time. I follow Kerry's logic on this.

Kerry said that the attack was "inexcusable and undeniable," and that the judgment on who is responsible is "very clear to the world."

"We know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place," he said.

Syria's Guilt in Chemical Attack 'Clear to the World,' Kerry Says

The farm boys with wash pans didn't have rocket delivered CWs.

Sounds a lot like the logic used by Bush to me.

Yes it is, and until we see evidence of chemical weapons we shouldn't even be thinking, especially muttering anything about the situation. And second, it is none of our business to do anything, leave it to the UN. That is what we pay them to do.

Even if we do see evidence of chemical weapons, so the fuck what? Are we supposed to go to war and help Al-Qaeda? Does that make sense anywhere outside the circle of people that think war is good?
Sounds a lot like the logic used by Bush to me.

Yes it is, and until we see evidence of chemical weapons we shouldn't even be thinking, especially muttering anything about the situation. And second, it is none of our business to do anything, leave it to the UN. That is what we pay them to do.

Even if we do see evidence of chemical weapons, so the fuck what? Are we supposed to go to war and help Al-Qaeda? Does that make sense anywhere outside the circle of people that think war is good?

Nope. BOTH sides are bad...I think WE stay out...but Obama won't hear of it after the 'RED LINE' got crossed for the second time. WE are seeing that Obama has rapidly painted himself into a corner with NO good option but to stay out.
TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

I don't doubt it is the military who is responsible for this. Regardless, this is a civil war where half or close to half of Syrians still support Assad. This is a war that must be fought between Syrians without our help. We have absolutely nothing to gain by taking sides.
TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

I don't doubt it is the military who is responsible for this. Regardless, this is a civil war where half or close to half of Syrians still support Assad. This is a war that must be fought between Syrians without our help. We have absolutely nothing to gain by taking sides.

I agree. But here Obama is talking to leaders across the globe to gain support to go after Assad...
TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

I don't doubt it is the military who is responsible for this. Regardless, this is a civil war where half or close to half of Syrians still support Assad. This is a war that must be fought between Syrians without our help. We have absolutely nothing to gain by taking sides.

Helping out with some cruise missiles is taking the side of the Syrian people.
I didn't know that Jake Fakey was such a pro-military-industrial Neo-Con, I thought he hated what it takes to fight a war, guns and self-responsibility.
Yup, punishing Assad is being a neo-con.

Stupid, stupid people. 2dA supported the Iraqi invasion, and now he is yelling at me.

Sonny, I was arctic light airborne infantry for many years with the Manchus, you idiot.
Right. The VN war was started by eisenhower, another fine fix you got us into, go read your history sweetie. LMAO!!

We got involved in Vietnam in 61, I believe Kennedy was in office.

You are mistaken, but that is ok, the propaganda from the right makes that understandable.

Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961

During his term, Eisenhower will greatly increase U.S. military aid to the French in Vietnam to prevent a Communist victory. U.S. military advisors will continue to accompany American supplies sent to Vietnam. To justify America's financial commitment, Eisenhower will cite a 'Domino Theory' in which a Communist victory in Vietnam would result in surrounding countries falling one after another like a "falling row of dominoes." The Domino Theory will be used by a succession of Presidents and their advisors to justify ever-deepening U.S. involvement in Vietnam.


January 1955 - The first direct shipment of U.S. military aid to Saigon arrives. The U.S. also offers to train the fledgling South Vietnam Army.

October 23, 1955 - Bao Dai is ousted from power, defeated by Prime Minister Diem in a U.S.-backed plebiscite which was rigged. Diem is advised on consolidating power by U.S. Air Force Col. Edward G. Lansdale, who is attached to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

October 26, 1955 - The Republic of South Vietnam is proclaimed with Diem as its first president. In America, President Eisenhower pledges his support for the new government and offers military aid.

May 8-18, 1957 - Diem pays a state visit to Washington where President Eisenhower labels him the "miracle man" of Asia and reaffirms U.S. commitment. "The cost of defending freedom, of defending America, must be paid in many forms and in many places...military as well as economic help is currently needed in Vietnam," Eisenhower states.

July 8, 1959 - Two U.S. military advisors, Maj. Dale Buis and Sgt. Chester Ovnand, are killed by Viet Minh guerrillas at Bien Hoa, South Vietnam. They are the first American deaths in the Second Indochina War which Americans will come to know simply as The Vietnam War.
The History Place - Vietnam War 1945-1960
Sep 26, 1945:
First American soldier killed in Vietnam
Lt. Col. Peter Dewey, a U.S. Army officer with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Vietnam, is shot and killed in Saigon.
First American soldier killed in Vietnam ? This Day in History ? 9/26/1945

Albert Peter Dewey (October 8, 1916-September 26, 1945), shot to death in a case of mistaken identity by Viet Minh troops on September 26, 1945.

The first American soldier killed in the Vietnam War was Air Force T-Sgt. Richard B. Fitzgibbon Jr. He is listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having a casualty date of June 8, 1956.

Vietnam: U.S. Advisors 1955-1965
The U.S. military advisory effort in Vietnam had a modest beginning in September 1950, when the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), Vietnam, was established in Saigon. Its mission was to supervise the issuance and employment of $10 million of military equipment to support French legionnaires in their effort to combat Viet Minh forces. By 1953 the amount of U.S. military aid had jumped to over $350 million and was used to replace the badly worn World War II vintage equipment that France, still suffering economically from the devastation of that war, was still using.

During this period -- from 1955 through 1960 -- the U.S. had between 750 and 1,500 military advisors assisting the Diem government to establish an effective army, organized as the Military Assistance and Advisory Group (MAAG), Vietnam. By 1960 MAAGV was training more than fifty ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) Ranger units. At almost the same time, from 1954 to 1959, the Navy Section of MAAGV, worked to develop a viable navy for South Vietnam. Lt. General Samuel T. Williams served almost five years (1955-1960) as chief of MAAG, based in Saigon.

US Advisors in Vietnam 1955-1965

First off in 1945, the first American was killed in Vietnam was under Truman.

1950-1960 we had military advisors, in 1961, we sent troops into Vietnam.
U.S. Involvement
In 1961, South Vietnam signed a military and economic aid treaty with the United States leading to the arrival (1961) of U.S. support troops and the formation (1962) of the U.S. Military Assistance Command. Mounting dissatisfaction with the ineffectiveness and corruption of Diem's government culminated (Nov., 1963) in a military coup engineered by Duong Van Minh; Diem was executed. No one was able to establish control in South Vietnam until June, 1965, when Nguyen Cao Ky became premier, but U.S. military aid to South Vietnam increased, especially after the U.S. Senate passed the Tonkin Gulf resolution (Aug. 7, 1964) at the request of President Lyndon B. Johnson.

In early 1965, the United States began air raids on North Vietnam and on Communist-controlled areas in the South; by 1966 there were 190,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam. North Vietnam, meanwhile, was receiving armaments and technical assistance from the Soviet Union and other Communist countries. Despite massive U.S. military aid, heavy bombing, the growing U.S. troop commitment (which reached nearly 550,000 in 1969), and some political stability in South Vietnam after the election (1967) of Nguyen Van Thieu as president, the United States and South Vietnam were unable to defeat the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces. Optimistic U.S. military reports were discredited in Feb., 1968, by the costly and devastating Tet offensive of the North Vietnamese army and the Viet Cong, involving attacks on more than 100 towns and cities and a month-long battle for Hue in South Vietnam.

Read more: Vietnam War: U.S. Involvement |

Birtle opened the program with an overview of the U.S. advisory effort in Vietnam. An expert on counterinsurgency operations doctrine who authored books on the subject, Birtle outlined the development of the military advisor program from the first U.S. advisors in 1950 until end of the war in the early 1970s.

Looks like Truman sent the advisors in and Kennedy sent in the troops. Nixon got us out.
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The advisers had been pulled out.

Eisenhower reinserted them.

Not according to the DoD website.

Birtle opened the program with an overview of the U.S. advisory effort in Vietnam. An expert on counterinsurgency operations doctrine who authored books on the subject, Birtle outlined the development of the military advisor program from the first U.S. advisors in 1950 until end of the war in the early 1970s.

FYI: Also Eisenhower ended the Korean War.
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TASB, you are despicable in lying about what is going on.

There was no American black flag operation.

This was done by Assad's forces, and you are supporting the death of tens of thousands of civilians.

I don't doubt it is the military who is responsible for this. Regardless, this is a civil war where half or close to half of Syrians still support Assad. This is a war that must be fought between Syrians without our help. We have absolutely nothing to gain by taking sides.

Helping out with some cruise missiles is taking the side of the Syrian people.

These guys know how to play Hollywood with politics. Reuters was seriously busted a few years back as well on staged and altered photos.

Oops? Al Jazeera Airs Footage of Apparently Injured Protester Miraculously Getting Better


Video at link.

Oops? Al Jazeera Airs Footage of Apparently Injured Protester Miraculously Getting Better | Video |

They must learn that from the Palestinians
Yup, punishing Assad is being a neo-con.

Stupid, stupid people. 2dA supported the Iraqi invasion, and now he is yelling at me.

Sonny, I was arctic light airborne infantry for many years with the Manchus, you idiot.

Obama has stated that he does not want Assad out of office. Want to try again?
Snitched you off that your no veteran? You did that to yourself. LMAO!!! You got what? LMAO!! Seems you couldn't provide anything to prove you were a vn vet, recall that? I provided everything right down to my dog tags Loser. Everything you produced was stolen from other websites, and that was proven, that is what got you kick off the site. You are complete waste of time. Now run and play in the sand box with your armymen.:lol:

The dog tag in your pic was from the KOREAN war you lying punk....everything about it was wrong, and the other one was nowhere to be know nothing about Vietnam, the enemy, the villages, the terrrain, what we carried in the field...nothing...hell I've seen middle-aged Jewish screenwriters tell a better tale than you're a valor thief and a yellow coward....I know it, you know it, any Vet who served there knows it. Hang yourself.

Poor boy has to continue his lies here. This is the deal wannabe - You want to talk to me about serving in vn, YOU produce your DD214, YOUR dog tags, and PICs of yourself or medals that were not stolen off someone else's site. Otherwise Loser, run along and beat your meat in a sand box, got it Loser? Stop wasting space with your lies.:lol::lol:

We know your real name and address thanks to several folks done with your lying about being a Viet the point you ended up HIDING like a quivering old woman when the local VFW boys wanted a chat with you. If I posted my stuff you'd be applying for credit cards in my name. You and Starkey are a good pair....he claimed he trained me at Nha Trang but didn't know he'd have to have been 5th SFG for that. :lol: You said something equally stupid...that I had to be stationed at Nha Trang to have been trained there......neither of you have ever been in the US Army, much less in a combat threatre. You're wiki warriors. I'd enjoy telling the readers what else I know about you but I respect the privacy rules here so I will not. Waddle back to LF and get your night's abuse...nobody here wants anything to do with you.
The advisers had been pulled out.

Eisenhower reinserted them.

Not according to the DoD website. News Article: Military Advisors Reflect on Vietnam War Experiences

Birtle opened the program with an overview of the U.S. advisory effort in Vietnam. An expert on counterinsurgency operations doctrine who authored books on the subject, Birtle outlined the development of the military advisor program from the first U.S. advisors in 1950 until end of the war in the early 1970s.

FYI: Also Eisenhower ended the Korean War.

Yes, DDE was in office when the war ended.

Truman's advisers were to the French. Eisenhower's were to the SVN. The first group left before the second group became active.
Yeah, well I'm still waiting for your proof that Assad did this you Geritol consuming old reprobate.

Prove it wasn't you coffee-slamming Gen Xer with acne scars.....I've stated my case now you state yours.

p.s. I won't tell the readers you regularly pos rep me for my uncanny insights into the day's news. :lol:

I pos rep you when you're right bumkin. That's a respectable thing to do despite your utter lack of education. I'm sure your bullshit is great down at the VFW but it won't fly by me.

My "bullshit" fool? Read what I said again....then up your dose of thorazine. :lol:

U.S. intelligence officials were able to confirm that chemical weapons were used in Syria last week in part because they intercepted panicked phone calls in which a Syrian defense official demanded an explanation for the attack from an official in a chemical weapons unit, according to a new report.

Foreign Policy reported Wednesday that U.S. intelligence overheard the phone calls, which helped drive the Obama administration to the unequivocal declaration this week that chemical weapons were deployed.

The phone calls, as well as photo evidence and local accounts, are part of the portfolio of evidence the U.S. is preparing before proceeding with a response -- likely a military strike, according to sources -- in the coming days.

The intercept, though, raises questions about the nature of last week's attack. If a Syrian defense official was questioning the chemical weapons unit about the attack, it raises the possibility that it was a rogue event -- or, to the contrary, cleared at the highest levels, without the say-so from mid-level defense officials.

Read more: Intercepted call reportedly clinched US claim on Syria chemical weapons strike | Fox News
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