BOMBSHELL: Washingtn Post: Inspectors NOT allowed to determine WHO used chem weapons!

give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Possibly you're just dumb, and need to be told...

Final Score:
Democrats: 16
Republicans: 10

9/11 Bill of Rights: Democrat or Republican Presidents: Who Has Started More Wars?

And maybe you are deaf and dumb and don't know what planet your on. lol :lol:

Wow, proven wrong and jump to insults. I see where this is going. Sad how he can't defend his statements. Who got the US into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia. In fact who bombed Iraq to deflect from Monica's blow job?
Contumacious, your typical reasoning above is why your Board mates here have a commensurate reassurance in your reasoning abilities.

Considering that the Syrian govt. does want to cooperate leads me to suspect that it is NOT responsible for the chemical attack.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today rejected US demands to withdraw chemical weapons inspectors from Syria, with those familiar with the conversation saying he “stood firm on principle.”

US and other Western officials are desperate to retain the narrative of Syrian chemical weapons use, and seem to be anticipating the UN investigation doing serious harm to that claim.

That’s why after initial demands to allow inspectors into the site, the US suddenly reversed course when Syria agreed, insisting it was “too late.”

Well, we saw what the Sons of Iraq did to AQ during "The Awakening" Petraeus got them to join.... The sunni warlords HATED al-Qaida's methods and finally began murdering them to the extent they ran back into Syria. I have every faith in the Syrian sunnis treating them the same way if they can topple Assad. They'll buddy up with anybody who can get them arms and trigger-pullers, and then they'll butcher the assholes when they get a load of what AQ wants in return.

It's nauseating to believe that America hires and arms Al Qaeda mercenaries while at the same time Americans are still paying dearly for the effects of 9/11. And just to overthrow Assad ? :cuckoo:

Huh? We're not hiriing al-Qaida...they joined the Syrian rebels on their own volition. Now the sunni warlords we hired in Iraq had indeed been killing GIs before they saw the light of what al-Qaida had in store for them. We did the same thing with the chieu hoi program in Vietnam.....I hated having them anywhere near us because out in injun territory you couldn't simply shoot them if they ran off to join their old regiments. Or worse just turned their rifle on your squad. Some of them we called our "Kit Carson" because they were good scouts and liked GI chow. And a few went out the door at altitude for a wrong look at the wrong time.

yes--Al Qaeda is fighting with the rebels. America supports the rebels. We are very close to giving them more weapons.
I'm cool if anyone wants to tell me with proof that this was a chemical attack, tell me which chemical was used, show me real bodies *hello in their freaking homes*..........

give it

Why no scenes in homes? Like a kid's head in his cereal bowl? It was a chemical attack on a suburb in Damascus in the morning right?

Why no pictures of a man prostrate on the floor of his living room?

This is so fake it is unreal.

Leave our prostates out of this!
give us a break, we know republicans start all the wars that lead to millions being killed and butchered. You will have to find something else to blame us for. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

Vietnam, the war machine, LBJ and Haliburton and Lady Byrd owning all the stocks.

Kiss my ass kid.

We rioted against Dems you dumb fuck. Who didn't teach you history in school? You are seriously uninformed.
Right. The VN war was started by eisenhower, another fine fix you got us into, go read your history sweetie. LMAO!!

We got involved in Vietnam in 61, I believe Kennedy was in office.
Contumacious, your typical reasoning above is why your Board mates here have a commensurate reassurance in your reasoning abilities.

Considering that the Syrian govt. does want to cooperate leads me to suspect that it is NOT responsible for the chemical attack.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today rejected US demands to withdraw chemical weapons inspectors from Syria, with those familiar with the conversation saying he “stood firm on principle.”

US and other Western officials are desperate to retain the narrative of Syrian chemical weapons use, and seem to be anticipating the UN investigation doing serious harm to that claim.

That’s why after initial demands to allow inspectors into the site, the US suddenly reversed course when Syria agreed, insisting it was “too late.”


There were 20 UN on the ground when this bullshit attack took place.


some one didn't plant this attack well. if it was an attack. Seems so lamo....Oh democrats are in charge.

One step at a time. I follow Kerry's logic on this.

Kerry said that the attack was "inexcusable and undeniable," and that the judgment on who is responsible is "very clear to the world."

"We know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place," he said.

Syria's Guilt in Chemical Attack 'Clear to the World,' Kerry Says

The farm boys with wash pans didn't have rocket delivered CWs.

Why is there a video? Why are there pictures?

Any mourners wearing gear to prevent themselves from inhaling the freaking so called chemicals used?

How did the photographer take these pictures in the immediate aftermath of the so called attack?

Wouldn't the photographers and the people taking videos be afraid for their lives?

This is fucking bullshit.
Doesn't it take several days for the crap supposedly used to dissipate>?
Contumacious, your typical reasoning above is why your Board mates here have a commensurate reassurance in your reasoning abilities.

Considering that the Syrian govt. does want to cooperate leads me to suspect that it is NOT responsible for the chemical attack.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today rejected US demands to withdraw chemical weapons inspectors from Syria, with those familiar with the conversation saying he “stood firm on principle.”

US and other Western officials are desperate to retain the narrative of Syrian chemical weapons use, and seem to be anticipating the UN investigation doing serious harm to that claim.

That’s why after initial demands to allow inspectors into the site, the US suddenly reversed course when Syria agreed, insisting it was “too late.”


There were 20 UN on the ground when this bullshit attack took place.


some one didn't plant this attack well. if it was an attack. Seems so lamo....Oh democrats are in charge.

Obama is Kenyan for Bush.

Your boy Bush substituted CIA agents for UN inspectors .

Contumacious, your typical reasoning above is why your Board mates here have a commensurate reassurance in your reasoning abilities.

Considering that the Syrian govt. does want to cooperate leads me to suspect that it is NOT responsible for the chemical attack.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today rejected US demands to withdraw chemical weapons inspectors from Syria, with those familiar with the conversation saying he “stood firm on principle.”

US and other Western officials are desperate to retain the narrative of Syrian chemical weapons use, and seem to be anticipating the UN investigation doing serious harm to that claim.

That’s why after initial demands to allow inspectors into the site, the US suddenly reversed course when Syria agreed, insisting it was “too late.”


There were 20 UN on the ground when this bullshit attack took place.


some one didn't plant this attack well. if it was an attack. Seems so lamo....Oh democrats are in charge.
Sounds like there is some grand manipulation going on geared toward the weak-minded.
Considering that the Syrian govt. does want to cooperate leads me to suspect that it is NOT responsible for the chemical attack.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today rejected US demands to withdraw chemical weapons inspectors from Syria, with those familiar with the conversation saying he “stood firm on principle.”

US and other Western officials are desperate to retain the narrative of Syrian chemical weapons use, and seem to be anticipating the UN investigation doing serious harm to that claim.

That’s why after initial demands to allow inspectors into the site, the US suddenly reversed course when Syria agreed, insisting it was “too late.”


There were 20 UN on the ground when this bullshit attack took place.


some one didn't plant this attack well. if it was an attack. Seems so lamo....Oh democrats are in charge.
Sounds like there is some grand manipulation going on geared toward the weak-minded.

GONG---you win rep ! congratulations !
Any so called "American", regardless of his or her service in some other war that we never won, is complicit by supporting this ridiculous bullshit and should be held accountable. They should not whine when the chickens come home to roost. Enjoy.
I'm cool if anyone wants to tell me with proof that this was a chemical attack, tell me which chemical was used, show me real bodies *hello in their freaking homes*..........

give it

Why no scenes in homes? Like a kid's head in his cereal bowl? It was a chemical attack on a suburb in Damascus in the morning right?

Why no pictures of a man prostrate on the floor of his living room?

This is so fake it is unreal.

Leave our prostates out of this!

Oh, by all means trust the smell-test the U fucking N report gives us....remember Saddam hid behind those blue helmet cowards too.....while the french contingent tipped off Saddam where the inspectors were going the next day so he could move his shit around. Just fucking drone Assad and get it over with.....if they've hidden chemical arty shells in population centers we can't hit them. Do the right thing for a change...GET THAT FUCKER!
"some grand manipulation going on geared toward the weak-minded" reactionaries of the far right
None of our cult worshipping libturds have bothered to explain why Assad used Gas.

Why? Anybody? Why?

The rebels are getting their asses handed to them... Big time and in a Big Way.

Why would he take the risk of involving the US and/or the feckless UN?


None of our cult worshipping libturds have bothered to explain why Assad used Gas.

Why? Anybody? Why?

The rebels are getting their asses handed to them... Big time and in a Big Way.

Why would he take the risk of involving the US and/or the feckless UN?



And where did it come from? Remember the 'missing weapons of mass destruction' all the politicians here said existed...but couldn't be found?

The Russians took them out of Iraq, and put them in Syria...
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None of our cult worshipping libturds have bothered to explain why Assad used Gas.

Why? Anybody? Why?

The rebels are getting their asses handed to them... Big time and in a Big Way.

Why would he take the risk of involving the US and/or the feckless UN?



I think Jake is the only one buying the Assad story...
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I should point out here that I believe Kerry to be a lying sack of shit and a traitor. I don't believe a word he says about anything. There is however ample evidence somebody shelled those innocents with chemical munitions. Who did it seems obvious to me.....why would the rebels take a chance on killing their own kind with the risk of getting caught at it....they'd be torn to pieces for it. Nah, the Assad boys did this...maybe on his orders maybe not....some commander could have gone rogue and ordered it....maybe they felt some payback was in order for atrocities done by the rebels.....Assad is in hiding and nobody knows if he can communicate with his commanders on a regular basis....fog of war.
None of our cult worshipping libturds have bothered to explain why Assad used Gas.

Why? Anybody? Why?

The rebels are getting their asses handed to them... Big time and in a Big Way.

Why would he take the risk of involving the US and/or the feckless UN?



And where did it come from? Remember the 'missing weapons of mass destruction' all the politicians here said existed...but couldn't be found?

The Russians took them out of Iraq, and put them in Syria...

Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
None of our cult worshipping libturds have bothered to explain why Assad used Gas.

Why? Anybody? Why?

The rebels are getting their asses handed to them... Big time and in a Big Way.

Why would he take the risk of involving the US and/or the feckless UN?



And where did it come from? Remember the 'missing weapons of mass destruction' all the politicians here said existed...but couldn't be found?

The Russians took them out of Iraq, and put them in Syria...

They did found some of WMD in Iraq, but your assumption is very possible as well

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