Bon-Mots Of Wisdom


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
from the Women's March.

Observing these creatures, and thinking clearly and logically, should we not tweak voting requirements just a bit?

I know on the internet, some folks pretend to be delusional idiots, but those featured in the video should actually sue their public schools and get some mental rehab somewhere. And yes, there should be IQ and or other tests before someone can vote. Absolutely.

The fat douche who claims he got preference for being White is lying.
When I started my ascent in corporate America had I thought deeply I would have thought I was in Norway. LOL It was all white, and when EEO came about I was interviewed for my opinion [I am white]. It was interesting then as minorities were stereotyped by ignorant people same as today. See above for the still ignorant people. I've mentioned this before, as a long time manager that what matters is not skin color, it is motivation and a work ethic. Bums come in all colors. Lazy right wing snowflakes are fun to watch, the rich play them and they consent while their jobs go overseas.

When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson

"So it does not matter what Donald Trump feels in his heart [assuming he has one.] It only matters how people of color are treated. Black people can live with the fact that White cops hate them, just so long as those cops don’t gun them down." The Philosopher's Stone: SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT RACISM a long time manager ... what matters is not skin color, it is motivation and a work ethic.

Back when I worked at a Fortune 500 company every black they hired as a temp turned into a disaster. More work for the rest of us to clean up the damage, in addition to cleaning up the food mess they make. Maybe blacks are smarter now? :p

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