Bonn Climate Change Conference to begin June 1st

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Yes! Wasting trillions of dollars on more expensive, less reliable energy is a great way to help our economy.

It'll all be worth it to drop temps in 2080 by 0.1 degrees.
Bonn Climate Change Conference ADP2.9 - SBI SBSTA 42 CAN International

Bonn Climate Change Conference: ADP2.9 - SBI/SBSTA 42
Monday, June 1, 2015 to Thursday, June 11, 2015
Bonn, Germany
The ninth UNFCCC session focusing on the Second Workstream of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action and the 42nd SBI and SBSTA session.

We need to keep monitoring AGW and make the appropriate actions like 44 just recently did in re: power plant emissions

Yes. Monitor no warning for 2 decades now

Great idea
Bonn Climate Change Conference ADP2.9 - SBI SBSTA 42 CAN International

Bonn Climate Change Conference: ADP2.9 - SBI/SBSTA 42
Monday, June 1, 2015 to Thursday, June 11, 2015
Bonn, Germany
The ninth UNFCCC session focusing on the Second Workstream of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action and the 42nd SBI and SBSTA session.

We need to keep monitoring AGW and make the appropriate actions like 44 just recently did in re: power plant emissions
so curious, let's say for argument sake, they cut emissions and CO2 doesn't go down? What?
The Guardian? Are you being serious?

Your problem is you can only read and understand twitter feeds and leftist sources. Which BTW --- the Guardian is no right-wing news organization.. You embargo news sources. I verify them. In fact, I regularly read sources that I DON'T agree with. Just to verify the biases and errors..

Go give us the list of miracles that came out of this Bonn Conference and quit whining about the Guardian..
He's not whining. He's bitching. And he's every right to do so. The Guardian's fish wrapping.

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