Bonus Hole

So now we're taking about medical and proper terminology for women's parts to spare the feelings of some fake tranny feelings? It's like they want to change what billions of women are for the feelings of a handful of mental patients.

Real women have vaginas, trannies have a meat sock.

Fuck that

Fuck trannies.

And fuck anyone pushing this kind of shit.

Click bait.

Based on what?

I googled "bonus holes" and hit with a bunch of results from multiple sources all mirroring the same story.

The OP had 2 links to 2 separate news sources
Already a thread on this...

Every now and again I will experience a visceral reaction to something. It can be really nice when it's a positive reaction but the negative ones I generally find disturbing simply due to the fact that I reacted on a physical level. This story invoked a visceral reaction in me, I'd prefer not to say why and what it consisted of until I get feedback from others on the story (I don't want to my reaction to influence anyone else). I'm just interested at this point in what other think and feel about this story:

Health professionals are being urged to use the term “bonus holes” when referring to vaginas in order to avoid offending transgender or non-binary patients, according to the Daily Mail.
This suggestion was made by a charity called Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, which aims to provide information and support for health professionals treating patients with cervical cancer, per the news outlet. The charity clarified that they were not suggesting that all women use this term, but rather it was important to use inclusive language that would reach out to transgender and non-binary individuals. However, this suggestion has been met with criticism from women’s rights campaigners who argue that the language is misogynistic and dehumanizing.
The person who started the whole "bonus holes" thing is a troll.....

Nobody is asking that....

A vagina is NOT a bonus hole. It it standard equipment on every woman.

It's time for the insane left to shut the fuck up.

A man can grow tits and cut a slash that might, in some sick mind, resemble a vagina, the way a chopstick can resemble a cue stick, but it will never flow with menstrual blood or squeeze an infant through it.

I can't wait until we gain back the power to put the insane back inside the asylums.


As that your opinion as a professional troll or do you have some evidence to back that up?
Reactionary right-wingers constantly yearn to be offended and outraged -- even if they have to make it up.....

Nobody is demanding vaginas be called bonus holes....but since you folks have so thoroughly lost the anti-gay fight decades ago - yall are going all out on demonizing trans people...

By the way, how did that "fentanyl in Halloween candy" thing turn out? Right-wingers are notorious for making up shit to be outraged about.....and then pretending they never made it up once it turns out the story was how COVID was a hoax to distract us from 5G towers, etc, etc, etc.
Reactionary right-wingers constantly yearn to be offended and outraged -- even if they have to make it up.....

Nobody is demanding vaginas be called bonus holes....but since you folks have so thoroughly lost the anti-gay fight decades ago - yall are going all out on demonizing trans people...

By the way, how did that "fentanyl in Halloween candy" thing turn out? Right-wingers are notorious for making up shit to be outraged about.....and then pretending they never made it up once it turns out the story was how COVID was a hoax to distract us from 5G towers, etc, etc, etc.

So, you are confirming some Trans creatures consider vaginas 'bonus holes'. Got it.
So, you are confirming some Trans creatures consider vaginas 'bonus holes'. Got it.
Yes, some trans people refer to their vaginas as bonus holes...

Just like some women refer to their vagina as pussies...

Or some men refer to their penises as cocks..

The shit you fragile minded morons feign outrage over makes yall more bitch-made than the trans folks you are so upset about
Yes, some trans people refer to their vaginas as bonus holes...

Just like some women refer to their vagina as pussies...

Or some men refer to their penises as cocks..

The shit you fragile minded morons feign outrage over makes yall more bitch-made than the trans folks you are so upset about

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.
Weird, because I never hear anything about this type of stuff UNTIL one of you RWI's post something.

This stuff is not in my routine, I find it very ODD that you RWI's are always posting this crap.

Who searches for articles like this? I won't open or read your link.

Why are you searching for this^^^^ ?

And here you are.
I posted a thread on this that was merged with this one apparently.

I posted it BECAUSE as an actual female, medical professionals being told that they should refer to the vagina as a "bonus hole" so that trans females feel included is a load of CRAP.

These are MEN who are in essence throwing temper tantrums to get what they want under the threat of everyone refusing to participate being labeled as anti-trans or transphobic, when what they are actually doing is diminishing real females when they're not mocking us.

The idiot up in Canada wearing the cow sized udder prosthetic with protruding nipples to teach his middle school classes and making his students very uncomfortable is mocking real females. An actual female would be required to "PUT ON A BRA" and chastised for not knowing better while he is allowed to run around offending people everywhere he goes.

Medical professionals, doctors, PA, nurses and medical assistants are licensed professionals (for the most part) and are expected to conduct themselves as professionals. Why anyone would think that it's acceptable to substitute the anatomical term for female genitalia with a fucking slang term is just beyond stupid and as I've already stated is done to diminish females, not to be inclusive. Fashioning an orifice that doesn't serve the purpose that a real vagina does doesn't make them an actual female.

I'm a live and let live person until someone want to gain ground by stepping all over me to get to where they're trying to go.

If one of medical doctors or nurses ever used that terminology in my presence or in addressing me, then all hell will break lose.

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