Book or Movie.. First

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

I tend to only be interested in a movie, after I have read the book. Of course I don't expect a film to measure up to a book, in two hours, so I have seldom been disappointed. *hugs*
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

I tend to only be interested in a movie, after I have read the book. Of course I don't expect a film to measure up to a book, in two hours, so I have seldom been disappointed. *hugs*

Well.. I try to not let it bug me (the what's not there) but eh.. it does...:beer:
Absolutely, positively the book first.

If I have seen the movie, why bother with the book as I already know how it ends.

And what I really, really despise is when the screen-writer believes he could do a better job than the author and changes the whole story i.e. Patriot Games. Man that pisses me off. If you are going to make a damned movie based on a book (to get the revenue off of the title) then you damned well better at least try to follow the frigging book!!

Absolutely, positively the book first.

If I have seen the movie, why bother with the book as I already know how it ends.

And what I really, really despise is when the screen-writer believes he could do a better job than the author and changes the whole story i.e. Patriot Games. Man that pisses me off. If you are going to make a damned movie based on a book (to get the revenue off of the title) then you damned well better at least try to follow the frigging book!!


Well.. with todays technology I figure they could follow just about any book, so really, no excuses for it..
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

Book First. Original Intent.
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

Book First. Original Intent.

I started to read, Atlas Shrugged several times now over the years... boring...yawn..

.....but I did like the first installment of the movie... just sayin..
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

I think that if you read the book first, you'll always be disappointed... because you have an image in your mind of what things look like, and the movie is almost always a disappointment.

The only exception to this rule was the movie Jaws. Because Steven Speilburg read through the book, and said he thought the only likable charater was the shark. So he threw out just about everything but the names of the characters and let his actors make them likable.
I prefer to see the movie version first, then read the book.

I find myself too distracted if I read the book first by what's not included in the movie...

If I've read the book much earlier, then of course, I've forgotten what's in the book anyway..:lol:

I think that if you read the book first, you'll always be disappointed... because you have an image in your mind of what things look like, and the movie is almost always a disappointment.

The only exception to this rule was the movie Jaws. Because Steven Speilburg read through the book, and said he thought the only likable charater was the shark. So he threw out just about everything but the names of the characters and let his actors make them likable.

Actually, it can work for any book you either don't like or are indifferent about. I don't know if other people go all the way through books they aren't particularly impressed with like I do, though. :tongue:
Sum of All Fears was a great book even though it had a tendency to be a bit over-the-top with all the technical mumbo jumbo about building a nuclear bomb. However, when I heard that Hollywood changed the premise of the story because they didn't want to insult Muslim sensitivities, AND they cast Ben Afflick as Jack Ryan, well, I refuse to see the movie. The book worked because it was all about Muslim fundamentalists, and, in true Tom Clancy fashion, had some interesting insights into the future of Iraq. As for Ben Afflick, well, casting a leading lady in a leading man's role is NEVER good.
If I have seen the movie, I have no desire to read the book
I like movies. Two graduate degrees kind of took all the reading out of me. There were two I wanted to reread before I died and when I learned how sick I am, I got them out and reread them right away, though.

When I do read, I tend to like books that don't go into movies. Like Unholy Ghost.
Tough one. The book is always better then the movie and I often don't like what the movie leaves out. Then again if I see the movie first and it sucks I might not be so inclined to read the book, plus I know how the book ends. I'll say read the book first and wait until the movie comes out on DVD. That way if it sucks I don't waste as much money. Book I can usually get free at the library. :)

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