

Aug 5, 2012
Looking for suggestions of books you have read or want to read or own that has anything to do with the police state,freedom,liberty,libertarianism,anarchy,revolutions,alternate history,civil war in the US,apocalpytic stuff...end of the country etc...I have read or own all of Ron Paul's books. Loved the ashes series by Johnstone...Militia vs USA series was also good.
Ameritopia, Liberty and Tyranny both by Mark Levin. Anything by Ann Coulter. An older book, Bias by Bernard Goldberg.

Unless, of course, you only want books supporting your point of view.
don't know if these are what you are looking for but

Lights Out by David Crawford
One Second After by William Fortchen
Patriots Surviving the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles

All fictional but pretty good stuff. The last one I found really scary as in, it's possible maybe even probable.
I have read 2 of the 3 and I loved one second it twice.
These are good keep em coming...
Mickey Zucker Reichert ~ Renshai Trilogy

It really has nothing to do with Politics. Not really. But she's political. My sig quote comes form her.
Anyone else? I also like stuff on secession movements etc don't have to be real can be fiction
Looking for suggestions of books you have read or want to read or own that has anything to do with the police state,freedom,liberty,libertarianism,anarchy,revolutions,alternate history,civil war in the US,apocalpytic stuff...end of the country etc...I have read or own all of Ron Paul's books. Loved the ashes series by Johnstone...Militia vs USA series was also good.

Why not read something else? Something that gets you out of your comfort zone?
Looking for suggestions of books you have read or want to read or own that has anything to do with the police state,freedom,liberty,libertarianism,anarchy,revolutions,alternate history,civil war in the US,apocalpytic stuff...end of the country etc...I have read or own all of Ron Paul's books. Loved the ashes series by Johnstone...Militia vs USA series was also good.

Why not read something else? Something that gets you out of your comfort zone?

That's what interests me...I have several books on my shelf to read ranging from fast cars to abortion baby that survived,Ayn Rands biography,just a lot of stuff...I read some books on economics and the free market...its weird I can read 1 book by an author and love and read another book by same author and hate it....I love Vince Flynn's books I own all of them.
One of my favorite books, which is post-apocalyptic, The Stand by Stephen King.
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson or anything else he has written for that matter.
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

A book that you can set your clock by.

It's that timely and accurate concerning todays geopolitical events. :cool:
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

A book that you can set your clock by.

It's that timely and accurate concerning todays geopolitical events. :cool:

That book is an antisemitic fabricated fraud spread by Hitler and his associates.
Literary forgery at it's finest. Am shocked you would fall for it Sunni.

Under your theory anyone that sells it should have their house burned to the ground and go free under jury nullification.
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"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

A book that you can set your clock by.

It's that timely and accurate concerning todays geopolitical events. :cool:

Got it on my list...of course library doesn't carry it so gotta buy it.

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