BOOM. Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample in Arizona Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Joe Biden – Larger Audit Granted

You and lying sack of shit Lastamender believe the conspiracy theory.

I just retired.
Can you guys help me "Create a Business" that exploits IDIOTS like you.

I want to make some extra money, you know, Capitalism.
What do I need to do for you to send MON$Y to me, my$elf and I.
Make a cartoon that proves the Dems cheated. Don’t worry about backing it up with proof. Just make It a good story. It will sell like hotcakes
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When embarrassed about a source, post no link.
I’m not embarrassed

“Disappointed” is more like it

If this loosey goosey, come on come all election policy continues repubs will use the same tactics and no one will have confidence in fair-honest elections

Because any game your side can invent the other side can learn to play
For example?
You don’t know what you type?
Or maybe its such a reflexive response to you, you don’t realize it?
Or you’re just another troll.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with people who believe all of the lies about election fraud. It has nothing to do with "hatred of the opposition", and everything to do with the frustration of you denying that the 2020 election was the fairest and most honest in history.
That is hilarious...No rational thinking person would look at the 2020 election and not have questions about the outcome...Except for progressive zombies, and political message board trolls like you...

The reason why this election cannot be questioned is exactly that Donald Trump said for months that the election was "rigged" and it would be "decided in the Courts". Every state made sure that their elections were properly run and counted, because their certification might have to withstand court challenges.

Oh silly progressive canuk....This election will always have an asterisk next to it, no matter how much you scream, and try to shut down dissent from your ridiculous opinions..

Trump's often repeated mantra that the Courts would decide the 2020 election, frightened every secretary of state in the union into making sure that their results would never be overturned. Trump lost and he has no one else but himself to blame if the results are unassailable.

LOL, yeah no....This was too broad. Think about it. You and other progs in here spend every day bleating about Trump, and the election, and within the States where this was perpetrated, too many individuals out there to keep their mouths shut forever. At some point there will be a leak, or an interview, and you won't be able to plug that hole...People with nefarious intent always get caught...
im afraid the democrats may have gotten rid of enough Trump ballots that biden will still win ....its probably easier to trash Trump ballots than to forge ballots for biden.
Xiden didn't get "81 million votes" by trashing Trump ballots.....They manufactured at least 10-12 million fake votes.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

It's usually too late to get your money back after a scam artist has conned you out of your hard earned cash or a thief had broken into your house and stolen your things and fenced them at a pawn shop or at a "yard sale."

We know the election was stolen. They will attempt it again if more strict laws protecting the integrity of one man one vote are not passed and enforced.

This is only a small moral victory.

We already know Joe Biden is a Fraud and a Diaper Shitting Imbecile Puppet of Russia, China and Iran.
Xiden didn't get "81 million votes" by trashing Trump ballots.....They manufactured at least 10-12 million fake votes.

And then distributed them to every red state in the union so that Biden's vote total in those states were more than the vote totals for Hillary in 2016.

The only real question is if they were smart enough to do this without leaving any actual proof, why did they not also steal the down ballot races?
And then distributed them to every red state in the union so that Biden's vote total in those states were more than the vote totals for Hillary in 2016.

The only real question is if they were smart enough to do this without leaving any actual proof, why did they not also steal the down ballot races?
The fact there were ZERO down ballot votes is proof the votes were manufactured.

Nobody who goes to vote skips voting on levies and local offices.

And then distributed them to every red state in the union so that Biden's vote total in those states were more than the vote totals for Hillary in 2016.

The only real question is if they were smart enough to do this without leaving any actual proof, why did they not also steal the down ballot races?

I think you can't possibly make a more stupid statement, and then you prove me wrong.
I always prove you wrong, no matter what you think or post.

You are the most consistently incorrect person on this entire forum.

Except fir that time when I schooled you, the supposed Marine officer on the magazine capacity of the rifle you were supposedly issued.

Except fir that time when I schooled you, the supposed Marine officer on the magazine capacity of the rifle you were supposedly issued.


Gunnery Sergeant, not officer. Not that you would know the difference.
You don’t know what you type?
Or maybe its such a reflexive response to you, you don’t realize it?
Or you’re just another troll.

Maga turds are not political opponents. I don’t really even consider them political. They are a brainwashed group that doesn’t even care about political issues, they just believe and promote lies and conspiracy theory’s made up by one man intended to rip apart our institutions. If we are talking about sane conservatives, republicans, libertarians, democrats… I’m all good with a divers set of ideologies. Just want the people to be sane
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The fact that the 2020 election was stolen, with all of the undeniable evidence required, will be exposed RIGHT AFTER THE 2024 ELECTION IS OVER.....

Yeah, then what?! What will it matter? Who would actually go to jail if the instigator and participants in an actual failed coup attempt never did? What would change?

What "facts" would those be Sleazy? You're making the same kinds of false claims about the "stolen election" that you used to make about the "Clinton Crime Family" and all of the "undeniable evidence" of Hillary's "guilt", all of which were links to Russian propaganda sites and proven Questionable Sources, just like your claims about the stolen election and the crimes of the Biden Family.

The crap you posted about Clinton wasn't true, and none of the stuff you're posting about the Bidens or the 2020 election is true either.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Add it to the kindling pile
Maga turds are political opponents. I don’t really even consider them political. They are a brainwashed group that doesn’t even care about political issues, they just believe and promote lies and conspiracy theory’s made up by one man intended to rip apart our institutions. If we are talking about sane conservatives, republicans, libertarians, democrats… I’m all good with a divers set of ideologies. Just want the people to be sane

Demturds are political anarchists. I don't really even consider them political. They are an illiterate, brainwashed tribe of mental defectives organized and run by foreign enemies centered around George Soros trying to bring down the United States as the lone Republic superpower.
I made a mistake and fully admitted to it when I discovered I was wrong.

I am not perfect, but I will always own up to it when I am mistaken.

You made a claim that was absurd to anyone who ever went through BASIC TRAINING where they pound that information into your heads.

You don't make that fundamental a mistake if you really went through Basic.

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