BOOM! Newest ABC natl poll: Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%!!

Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
Crooked Hillary can only go down.

sure does have white teeth, wonder what she uses on them.

Bill Clinton was quoted as saying "Monica has the whitest teeth I ever came across."
I kind of HOpe that hillary will win that way people will slowly begin to realize that 'liberal' economic policies don't work. It would be a long purge in this country but eventually people will see through the lies and distortions of the socialist newspapers in this country. It is kind of sad but true. We just have to go through this pain until people figure it out.
I kind of HOpe that hillary will win that way people will slowly begin to realize that 'liberal' economic policies don't work. It would be a long purge in this country but eventually people will see through the lies and distortions of the socialist newspapers in this country. It is kind of sad but true. We just have to go through this pain until people figure it out.

Did you just crawl out form under a rock? We all know they don't work.
Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.

The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all.

That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.

You never thought a day in your life that someone at CNN didn't put that thought there.

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.
You never thought a day in your life that someone at CNN didn't put that thought there.
You have executed the CMD+13 option. You are learning.
Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.
You never thought a day in your life that someone at CNN didn't put that thought there.
You have executed the CMD+13 option. You are learning.

Truth hurts huh libtard?
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.

You think that in the face of polls that a few weeks ago your were constantly siting and are still siting.

Trump is RISING in the polls.

Your wish based belief system does not trump reality.

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
You have no feasible points is the point. People fully understand that he is a shape-shifting chameleon who will betray all of us, particularly the far right if elected.
The polls show him RISING. That is not people "knowing" he will betray us all. That is people learning about him and liking what they learn.
I think you have it backwards. Time will tell.

You think that in the face of polls that a few weeks ago your were constantly siting and are still siting.

Trump is RISING in the polls.

Your wish based belief system does not trump reality.
You are wishing against a setting star.
So...the voters favored Trump. But "expected" Hillary to win it.

Sounds just like the DNC primary vs Bernie!!! Voters want Bernie....but are gonna get Hillary.

The Crooked Hillary strikes again. Establishment Queen. Regardless of what voters WANT....they're gonna get this old bitter hag and her nails on a chalkboard voice for 8 years.

No. Clinton has more votes than Sanders. I know you're happy about the ABC poll and you should be. But that's no excuse for not thinking things through.
Hillary will not name Sanders as her running mate. She has already said it will be an all woman ticket.

Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren don't have a prayer of being Crooked Hillary Clinton's running mate. She has been dragged so far to the left by her flat out Socialist opponent that she desperately needs someone to pull her back to the center. That would mean an oxymoron, a "Conservative Democrat".

Hillary and her cabal are DESPERATE. They are spending MONTHS and MILLIONS of dollars they expected to be saving for the general election.

Instead, she can't even shake a Socialist gadfly.
Hillary will not name Sanders as her running mate. She has already said it will be an all woman ticket.

Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren don't have a prayer of being Crooked Hillary Clinton's running mate. She has been dragged so far to the left by her flat out Socialist opponent that she desperately needs someone to pull her back to the center. That would mean an oxymoron, a "Conservative Democrat".

Hillary and her cabal are DESPERATE. They are spending MONTHS and MILLIONS of dollars they expected to be saving for the general election.

Instead, she can't even shake a Socialist gadfly.
But, but...he's a DEMOCRATIC Socialist gadfly. That has to count for points maybe?
Enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts, sugar.


Everyone on the side of the Leftist Establishment from the media to the GOP Leadership has been throwing everything they have at Trump.

If anything, expect this trend to accelerate as Republicans find ways to save face and walk back their earlier crazy talk and support the Candidate.
Yes, Honeymoon.

Pubs are coalescing around the known nominee now.

IIRC, both McCain and Romney had a bump when they were presumptive nominees.

Come convention time and a full barage of just *what* some of those crazy, infantile, mad-man things Trump said will get put together in a slaughter of ad after ad...we'll see.

Then again, after Hillary names Sanders as her running mate.....



You lefties think an add showing all Trump's bad comments will devastate him. Morons. We're in the Internet age.

Everyone has already seen them. Nothing new.

This election. basically comes down to:

Rudeness and insensitivity (Trump) vs corruption and political establishment (Crooked Hillary).

I'll take the honest asshole over the smiling crooked bitch any day.

I don't believe the hundreds of millions in negative ads which will be run about Donald Trump will have the opposite effect. The majority of Americans believe both parties have lost touch the voters and know what is best for us. That has been proven by the inaction of the Republicans and Democrats in Washington and the Democrat nomination process which, basically, totally discounts the will of the voters.

Donald Trump is an extremely accomplished executive which is proven by his many accomplishments which have made him a billionaire several times over. Detractors love to point to his failures but realists know you do not attain such great success without failures as well. In fact, anyone, who has accomplished anything has experienced failure. How many times does a baby fall down before they take their first step, say their first word?

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