BOOM! Newest ABC natl poll: Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%!!

Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
show the taxes LOL
Trump/Stern 2016

Donald Trump's Appearances On Howard Stern Tell You Everything You Need To Know About His Views On Women

No, tghe
I wonder if any of the people here who are supporting Trump actually follow the guy on Twitter.

If you do.....and you still think he's the kind of guy you want as the face of this might just be an idiot.

Calling someone an idiot for the way they vote, and you're an Obama supporter?


Former Marine plans anti-Trump protest

A Marine Corps veteran is organizing a protest on Monday against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, demanding he apologize for overstating his donations to veterans groups.

Protest organizer and former Marine Alexander McCoy says Trump should apologize for stating he raised $6 million at a Jan. 28 fundraiser for veterans.
An All Barack Channel (ABC) poll favors Trump?

Uh, no, probably not.

I think what we are seeing is Republicans realizing that Mitt Romney isn't going to save them with a third party candidate, so they are stuck with Trump. But 46% is probably his ceiling, if he gets that much. (McCain got 45, Romney got 47)
Sorry LWNJ's,...the annointed one, hiLIARy, is now losing in the RCP average...

Okay, but here's your problem. Trump has never exceeded 44% in the RCP Average. He's not gaining because he's going up, he's gaining because Hillary has come down.

A lot of people- Probably about 12%, haven't made up their minds yet. they know Trump is a lunatic, but they aren't comfortable with Hillary yet.

The thing is, Hillary knows how to run a long campaign. Trump doesn't.
As more people pay more attention, more Working Class Dems will realize that Trump's policies will be good for them and that the media has been full of shit, as normal.

Yeah, except for the working class Dems who aren't white. They'll realize Trump is a fucking Nazi.

Here's the thing. trump really isn't faring any better than the Weird Mormon Robot did. In fact, he's doing worse.
What a delightful, inspiring choice we have.

A Trump victory will be a huge blow to Political Correctness, Mac.

YOu have to admit that reasoned and civil debate, like you have tried, has had zero affect on any minds.

You're banking your head against a Brick Wall, reinforced with Steel Rods.

Trump is smashing though.
Okay, admittedly, my forehead is a little sore; and yes, I hate seeing what the Regressive Left continues to do to this country (and liberalism, for that matter).

But as maniacal as I am about PC, that one quality is not enough to overcome (what is to me) the fact that he is simply not someone I want in the White House.

I'm sure as hell not thrilled about the alternative (unless I vote third party), which would require my aligning with some really nasty and dishonest and hateful people.

This is why I'm giving serious consideration to drinking heavily the first week of November. I won't remember who I voted for!


1. YOu have to realize that his abrasive public persona is just a carefully crafted tool, that does not reflect his real ability to lead and get things done is a reasonable fashion.

2. HIs policies are MORE reasonable than most. Hell, he's not even conservative.

3. So, what's the problem?
The problem is that I'm not at all convinced of #1.
An All Barack Channel (ABC) poll favors Trump?

Uh, no, probably not.

I think what we are seeing is Republicans realizing that Mitt Romney isn't going to save them with a third party candidate, so they are stuck with Trump. But 46% is probably his ceiling, if he gets that much. (McCain got 45, Romney got 47)

Trump, unlike McCain or Romney, is giving Working CLass and Middle Class dems a reason to cross party lines.
Trump cannot re-invent himself, we all know who and what are Hillary, so I think she has the odds.

But I am voting for Gary Johnson.
He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
Campaign: May 23

Your point?

My point stands.

He doesn't have to re-invent himself. JUst show the people who are just starting to pay attention that he does not resemble the lies the media have been telling.
. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!
Yeah thanks for the heads-up, personally I'm already prepared for such an unfortunate eventuality since I've managed to accumulate a 4 year supply of barf bags and sock them away in a bomb shelter.
As more people pay more attention, more Working Class Dems will realize that Trump's policies will be good for them and that the media has been full of shit, as normal.

Yeah, except for the working class Dems who aren't white. They'll realize Trump is a fucking Nazi.

Here's the thing. trump really isn't faring any better than the Weird Mormon Robot did. In fact, he's doing worse.

1. I love the way that you dismiss the large number of white working class dems, and I'm sure they do too. That is part of the reason that those votes can and should be up for grabs.

2. HIs polices will/would be good for minority members of the Working and Middle Class also, but you are correct that most of them are too indoctrinated to be open to new information. BUT some may, and any movement on that front would be to the good of Trump and very, very dangerous to the dems who are so dependent on running up the minority votes to make up for always losing the white vote.
What a delightful, inspiring choice we have.

A Trump victory will be a huge blow to Political Correctness, Mac.

YOu have to admit that reasoned and civil debate, like you have tried, has had zero affect on any minds.

You're banking your head against a Brick Wall, reinforced with Steel Rods.

Trump is smashing though.
Okay, admittedly, my forehead is a little sore; and yes, I hate seeing what the Regressive Left continues to do to this country (and liberalism, for that matter).

But as maniacal as I am about PC, that one quality is not enough to overcome (what is to me) the fact that he is simply not someone I want in the White House.

I'm sure as hell not thrilled about the alternative (unless I vote third party), which would require my aligning with some really nasty and dishonest and hateful people.

This is why I'm giving serious consideration to drinking heavily the first week of November. I won't remember who I voted for!


1. YOu have to realize that his abrasive public persona is just a carefully crafted tool, that does not reflect his real ability to lead and get things done is a reasonable fashion.

2. HIs policies are MORE reasonable than most. Hell, he's not even conservative.

3. So, what's the problem?
The problem is that I'm not at all convinced of #1.

A while back I posted a link to an article about a meeting between Newt and Trump (and others) and how Newt reported that Trump was very reasonable and open to constructive criticism.

I don't recall if you were in that thread.

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