BOOM! Newest ABC natl poll: Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%!!

There were 829 registered voters in the ABC poll. This is considered to be a strong poll. So there is no doubt that Trump has closed the gap.

Despite all the talk about polls not mattering at this stage, in 7 of the last 9 elections, the candidate leading in May won the elections. Reagan had actually closed the gap in April, so he was effectively tied with Carter at this point, and pulled ahead in the summer. Only Clinton lagged substantially into the summer and won.

FTR Trump leads amongst uneducated white males 75-15.

Good work, dude. We are now in serious danger of having a crazy Nazi take over the country.
1. I love the way that you dismiss the large number of white working class dems, and I'm sure they do too. That is part of the reason that those votes can and should be up for grabs.

Except I've seen no evidence of that. The only people I see cheering for Trump are the same bigots, racists and misogynists who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot.

Trump Could Win It All

"A new survey of likely voters might at least raise momentary dyspepsia for Democrats since it suggests why it wouldn't be a cakewalk.
The survey by Washington-based Mercury Analytics is a combination online questionnaire and "dial-test" of Trump's first big campaign ad among 916 self-proclaimed "likely voters" (this video shows the ad and the dial test results). It took place primarily Wednesday and Thursday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.
Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

Oh, and of course.


2. HIs polices will/would be good for minority members of the Working and Middle Class also, but you are correct that most of them are too indoctrinated to be open to new information. BUT some may, and any movement on that front would be to the good of Trump and very, very dangerous to the dems who are so dependent on running up the minority votes to make up for always losing the white vote.

I think there is an argument for rethinking free trade, but Trump doesn't have the skills to do it... He talks on the level of a fifth grader who didn't do his homework.

The thing is, Minorities aren't stupid like the White Person who lives in a trailer park, gets a government check every month but thinks he's somehow better than the black person working in a McDonalds or WalMart.

YOu sort of admit that his policies against "Free Trade" have merit. Good for you.

Those working class and middle class voters, white or not, that agree with you are possible Trump voters.

Trump's speech is designed to NOT intimidate voters who did not graduate from an Ivy League School like he did.

His skills at persuasion and deal making are such that you don't even see them as they are working.

He did not crush 16 other REpublcian candidates by being stupid or unskilled.

YOur anti-white bigotry is noted.

And of course.

There were 829 registered voters in the ABC poll. This is considered to be a strong poll. So there is no doubt that Trump has closed the gap.

Despite all the talk about polls not mattering at this stage, in 7 of the last 9 elections, the candidate leading in May won the elections. Reagan had actually closed the gap in April, so he was effectively tied with Carter at this point, and pulled ahead in the summer. Only Clinton lagged substantially into the summer and won.

FTR Trump leads amongst uneducated white males 75-15.

Good work, dude. We are now in serious danger of having a crazy Nazi take over the country.

Sending people home is not the same as mass murdering them.
The author of this SALON article (Salon is a far left wing nut rag) predicts Trump will soon take the lead nationally and never relinquish it. He makes a compelling argument, far more cogent that the "these polls are wrong" or "hiLIARy has a vagina" arguments I've seen in this thread.

BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624

Yeah, I imagine Trump does very well when it's just MEN that are polled-and when you eliminate the largest voting block in this country WOMEN. Trump has a 73% unfavorable rating with women. Even half of Republican women will not cast a vote for him.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

This poll is so bad it doesn't even tell if it was 10 or 100 men they polled--LOL
This is just another reason that NO one should be paying any attention to National polling data. This poll is a media bite, to get the Trump supporters to wet their pants over. National polling data has turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, we all have cell phones that pollsters have no access too. Online polls are a joke, as in many of them 1 participant can vote several times for the same candidate, and the majority will not participate in them because they're associated with donation sites. Text polls are the worst, because you can vote a 100 times for the same candidate.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So IGNORE these polls
, unless you're like me and actually READ the internals of them so you can get a good laugh.


Wow, we all better listen to you! Because you've been so accurate this election cycle.......

BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624

Yeah, I imagine Trump does very well when it's just MEN that are polled-and when you eliminate the largest voting block in this country WOMEN. Trump has a 73% unfavorable rating with women. Even half of Republican women will not cast a vote for him.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

This poll is so bad it doesn't even tell if it was 10 or 100 men they polled--LOL
This is just another reason that NO one should be paying any attention to National polling data. This poll is a media bite, to get the Trump supporters to wet their pants over. National polling data has turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, we all have cell phones that pollsters have no access too. Online polls are a joke, as in many of them 1 participant can vote several times for the same candidate, and the majority will not participate in them because they're associated with donation sites. Text polls are the worst, because you can vote a 100 times for the same candidate.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So IGNORE these polls
, unless you're like me and actually READ the internals of them so you can get a good laugh.


Wow, we all better listen to you! Because you've been so accurate this election cycle.......


You have to read the internals, not the headlines--and yes I have been accurate, but I don't depend on polling data. I use the makeup of the national electorate, election history and MATH.
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624

Yeah, I imagine Trump does very well when it's just MEN that are polled-and when you eliminate the largest voting block in this country WOMEN. Trump has a 73% unfavorable rating with women. Even half of Republican women will not cast a vote for him.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

This poll is so bad it doesn't even tell if it was 10 or 100 men they polled--LOL
This is just another reason that NO one should be paying any attention to National polling data. This poll is a media bite, to get the Trump supporters to wet their pants over. National polling data has turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, we all have cell phones that pollsters have no access too. Online polls are a joke, as in many of them 1 participant can vote several times for the same candidate, and the majority will not participate in them because they're associated with donation sites. Text polls are the worst, because you can vote a 100 times for the same candidate.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So IGNORE these polls
, unless you're like me and actually READ the internals of them so you can get a good laugh.


Wow, we all better listen to you! Because you've been so accurate this election cycle.......


You have to read the internals, not the headlines--and yes I have been accurate, but I don't depend on polling data. I use the makeup of the national electorate, election history and MATH.

Your methodology and "MATH" have been dead wrong.

Your heroine "Carly" shit the bed despite possessing (gasp) a vagina!
Your back up plan , Lyin' Ted Cruz crapped out despite being a "real" conservative.
Trump, by contrast, just keeps winning and climbing the polls.

Seems to me that your methodology is little more than your own opinion.

Good luck with that!

"A new survey of likely voters might at least raise momentary dyspepsia for Democrats since it suggests why it wouldn't be a cakewalk.
The survey by Washington-based Mercury Analytics is a combination online questionnaire and "dial-test" of Trump's first big campaign ad among 916 self-proclaimed "likely voters" (this video shows the ad and the dial test results). It took place primarily Wednesday and Thursday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.
Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

Guy, this isn't as impressive as you think. EVERY election, about 10% of self-described Democrats vote for theRepublican and about 10% of self-described Republicans vote for the Democrat.

Trump, however, has not fixed the basic demographic problems Romney had. In fact, he's made them worse.

Women won't vote for him
Minorities won't vote for him.
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624

Yeah, I imagine Trump does very well when it's just MEN that are polled-and when you eliminate the largest voting block in this country WOMEN. Trump has a 73% unfavorable rating with women. Even half of Republican women will not cast a vote for him.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

This poll is so bad it doesn't even tell if it was 10 or 100 men they polled--LOL
This is just another reason that NO one should be paying any attention to National polling data. This poll is a media bite, to get the Trump supporters to wet their pants over. National polling data has turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, we all have cell phones that pollsters have no access too. Online polls are a joke, as in many of them 1 participant can vote several times for the same candidate, and the majority will not participate in them because they're associated with donation sites. Text polls are the worst, because you can vote a 100 times for the same candidate.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So IGNORE these polls
, unless you're like me and actually READ the internals of them so you can get a good laugh.


Wow, we all better listen to you! Because you've been so accurate this election cycle.......


You have to read the internals, not the headlines--and yes I have been accurate, but I don't depend on polling data. I use the makeup of the national electorate, election history and MATH.

Your methodology and "MATH" have been dead wrong.

Your heroine "Carly" shit the bed despite possessing (gasp) a vagina!
Your back up plan , Lyin' Ted Cruz crapped out despite being a "real" conservative.
Trump, by contrast, just keeps winning and climbing the polls.

Seems to me that your methodology is little more than your own opinion.

Good luck with that!


Carly Fiorina was the only candidate in this race that could have gone toe to toe with Hillary Clinton. Her biggest mistake--she fell on the abortion sword and that was it for her. She was DONE at that point.

What you morons fail to realize is that the FIRST woman Presidential nominee is running in this nation's history, and WOMEN are largest voting block in this country. What you fail to realize is that Republicans have a very sour history with women. What you have failed to realize, is that YES Latino's vote, and the Republican party has needed at least 40% of this block since Reagan to win the White House. And what you never knew is that Republicans are the minority party in this country. But you act like you're the majority.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

You've killed yourselves, and frankly you deserve everything you're going to get.
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624

Yeah, I imagine Trump does very well when it's just MEN that are polled-and when you eliminate the largest voting block in this country WOMEN. Trump has a 73% unfavorable rating with women. Even half of Republican women will not cast a vote for him.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Trump groups in ABC/Post poll:

Men: Trump 56-34%
Inds: Trump 48-35%
No grad: Trump 52-38%
Whites: Trump 57-33%

This poll is so bad it doesn't even tell if it was 10 or 100 men they polled--LOL
This is just another reason that NO one should be paying any attention to National polling data. This poll is a media bite, to get the Trump supporters to wet their pants over. National polling data has turned into a world wide train wreck. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore, we all have cell phones that pollsters have no access too. Online polls are a joke, as in many of them 1 participant can vote several times for the same candidate, and the majority will not participate in them because they're associated with donation sites. Text polls are the worst, because you can vote a 100 times for the same candidate.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So IGNORE these polls
, unless you're like me and actually READ the internals of them so you can get a good laugh.


Wow, we all better listen to you! Because you've been so accurate this election cycle.......


You have to read the internals, not the headlines--and yes I have been accurate, but I don't depend on polling data. I use the makeup of the national electorate, election history and MATH.

Your methodology and "MATH" have been dead wrong.

Your heroine "Carly" shit the bed despite possessing (gasp) a vagina!
Your back up plan , Lyin' Ted Cruz crapped out despite being a "real" conservative.
Trump, by contrast, just keeps winning and climbing the polls.

Seems to me that your methodology is little more than your own opinion.

Good luck with that!


Carly Fiorina was the only candidate in this race that could have gone toe to toe with Hillary Clinton. Her biggest mistake--she fell on the abortion sword and that was it for her. She was DONE at that point.

What you morons fail to realize is that the FIRST woman Presidential nominee is running in this nation's history, and WOMEN are largest voting block in this country. What you fail to realize is that Republicans have a very sour history with women. What you have failed to realize, is that YES Latino's vote, and the Republican party has needed at least 40% of this block since Reagan to win the White House. And what you never knew is that Republicans are the minority party in this country. But you act like you're the majority.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

You've killed yourselves, and frankly you deserve everything you're going to get.

Clearly you live in an alternate reality.. :rofl:

Carly Fiorina is a lousy candidate who never got over 3% in any poll. Her magic "vagina" didn't help her and hiLIARy's"vagina" will not help her either.
"A new survey of likely voters might at least raise momentary dyspepsia for Democrats since it suggests why it wouldn't be a cakewalk.
The survey by Washington-based Mercury Analytics is a combination online questionnaire and "dial-test" of Trump's first big campaign ad among 916 self-proclaimed "likely voters" (this video shows the ad and the dial test results). It took place primarily Wednesday and Thursday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.
Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

Guy, this isn't as impressive as you think. EVERY election, about 10% of self-described Democrats vote for theRepublican and about 10% of self-described Republicans vote for the Democrat.

Trump, however, has not fixed the basic demographic problems Romney had. In fact, he's made them worse.

Women won't vote for him
Minorities won't vote for him.

Whites will. YOu know. The largest single ethnic group. THe majority of the country.

And white women will.

And the poll shows a lot more dems planning to cross party lines that republicans.
Donald Trump has solved that minor problem by having a vast amount of experience in HIRING the best and the brightest surround him. Unlike Lame Duck President Obama who ignores the advice of those with expertise in other areas. For example, his military advisors. Donald Trump accepts that he doesn't know what he doesn't know and hires the cream of the crop to advise him. Then, and this is shocking, HE LISTENS TO THEM.

Does he? Frankly, if you look over the list of his business failures, it was because he DIDN'T listen to the people who actually knew what they were doing.

To give you one example. His "Trump Airlines" featured gold fixtures in the bathrooms. This made the planes more expensive to operate because they increased the weight of the aircraft. No one really cared if they were washing their hands in a gold plated sink or a plastic one, but he spent a lot of money installing them and wasted a lot of fuel getting them into the air.

How many businesses does he own and are running today?
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624
Once Sanders is out of the race, Clinton will surge forward.

You need a cattle prod to get that cow to surge.
Trump was behind Clinton until he became the presumptive nominee. This is always the pattern. Once a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee, they surge in the polls.

So it will be for Clinton once she puts Sanders to bed.
There were 829 registered voters in the ABC poll. This is considered to be a strong poll. So there is no doubt that Trump has closed the gap.

Despite all the talk about polls not mattering at this stage, in 7 of the last 9 elections, the candidate leading in May won the elections. Reagan had actually closed the gap in April, so he was effectively tied with Carter at this point, and pulled ahead in the summer. Only Clinton lagged substantially into the summer and won.

FTR Trump leads amongst uneducated white males 75-15.

Good work, dude. We are now in serious danger of having a crazy Nazi take over the country.

You're quite a hoot.

Actually, as you know, far left Socialist Bernie Sanders is far more of a Nazi than anyone else running for President.

BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624
Once Sanders is out of the race, Clinton will surge forward.

You need a cattle prod to get that cow to surge.
Trump was behind Clinton until he became the presumptive nominee. This is always the pattern. Once a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee, they surge in the polls.

So it will be for Clinton once she puts Sanders to bed.

Will that be before the indictment or after?
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624
Once Sanders is out of the race, Clinton will surge forward.

You need a cattle prod to get that cow to surge.
Trump was behind Clinton until he became the presumptive nominee. This is always the pattern. Once a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee, they surge in the polls.

So it will be for Clinton once she puts Sanders to bed.

Will that be before the indictment or after?
It will be after you wake up from your wet dream.
There were 829 registered voters in the ABC poll. This is considered to be a strong poll. So there is no doubt that Trump has closed the gap.

Despite all the talk about polls not mattering at this stage, in 7 of the last 9 elections, the candidate leading in May won the elections. Reagan had actually closed the gap in April, so he was effectively tied with Carter at this point, and pulled ahead in the summer. Only Clinton lagged substantially into the summer and won.

FTR Trump leads amongst uneducated white males 75-15.

Good work, dude. We are now in serious danger of having a crazy Nazi take over the country.

You're quite a hoot.

Actually, as you know, far left Socialist Bernie Sanders is far more of a Nazi than anyone else running for President.

That's not an Adolf Hitler quote, dumbass.

But here are some actual ones:

That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.

We chose the red color of our posters after exacting and thorough reflection, in order to provoke the leftists by this,to bring them to indignation and to induce them to come to our meetings, if only to break them up, so that in this way we were at least enabled to speak to these people. -
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624
Once Sanders is out of the race, Clinton will surge forward.

You need a cattle prod to get that cow to surge.
Trump was behind Clinton until he became the presumptive nominee. This is always the pattern. Once a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee, they surge in the polls.

So it will be for Clinton once she puts Sanders to bed.

But that old guy isn't tired yet. The cattle prod comment was gratuitous, but I can't help myself where Hellary is concerned. You're right, She will get a boost, and will continue to lead in the electoral count. Trump has his work cut out for him. He needs to strategize for the elector vote, or he could win the popular but get slammed in the electoral.

But the possible indictment still hangs over her.........
BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44

He's winning in Rasmussen and Fox polls. Now...he's winning in the ABC national poll......Trump 48% Crooked Hillary 46%.

Crooked Hillary is tanking. Prepare yourself libs for the might and magnificent President Donald Trump!!!!

View attachment 75624
Once Sanders is out of the race, Clinton will surge forward.

You need a cattle prod to get that cow to surge.
Trump was behind Clinton until he became the presumptive nominee. This is always the pattern. Once a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee, they surge in the polls.

So it will be for Clinton once she puts Sanders to bed.

Will that be before the indictment or after?

Dems don't like to talk about that possibility, but you know the DNC is discussing a contingency canidate. All I want for Christmas is to see Hellary do the perp walk, head bowed with Bill's coat over head, hands cuffed behind her back as she is lead to a big black SUV....I get shivers thinking about it.

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