BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

Umm, he raised troops levels in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

And he has scheduled withdrawl of our troops from Iraq to begin next year.

What a load of garbage. He won't do it and you already know it.

Obama was always against the war in Iraq and in support of the war in Afghanistan. He never made any claim otherwise.

I don't give a fuck bro, Still in Iraq. = FRAUD. :clap2: ~BH
I don't need a chart to understand the difference that I assure you is much more clear to me than your dumb ass. ~BH

Really? OK, why don't you explain what you believe to be the difference between a "Libertarian" and a "Right-Winger".

You don't ask the questions fuckO. I am not hear to amuse your dumb ass. Your idiot Obama is a liar. We are still in Iraq = FRAUD. ~BH

Yeah, I thought so.

Nice attempt at masking your ignorance. Not.


At least I know that Dude understands the difference between the two, much as he likes to blur the lines for political advantage.
Really? OK, why don't you explain what you believe to be the difference between a "Libertarian" and a "Right-Winger".

You don't ask the questions fuckO. I am not hear to amuse your dumb ass. Your idiot Obama is a liar. We are still in Iraq = FRAUD. ~BH

Yeah, I thought so.

Nice attempt at masking your ignorance. Not.


At least I know that Dude understands the difference between the two, much as he likes to blur the lines for political advantage.

Yeah, You ask a question and that is the debate all of a sudden? More like Feeble minded attempt at a deflection by you dick Lip. Still in Iraq! = Fraud! :razz:~BH
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I think Rand has a bit of an image problem. He sounds a bit like a typical arrogant kid of a politician.

From GMA:

ROBIN: Some people find it a bit ironic that your victory party last night was at a private country club in Kentucky. Doesn’t that kind of send a mixed message there?

PAUL: I think at one time people used to think of golf and golf courses and golf clubs as being exclusive. But I think in recent years now you see a lot of people playing golf. I think Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth, and so no, I don’t think it’s nearly as exclusive as people once considered it to be.


How very arrogant of him to say that more people like golf, and country clubs aren't as exclusive as they used to be.
:lol: Did you see the crowd he was talking to?
I think Rand has a bit of an image problem. He sounds a bit like a typical arrogant kid of a politician.

From GMA:

ROBIN: Some people find it a bit ironic that your victory party last night was at a private country club in Kentucky. Doesn’t that kind of send a mixed message there?

PAUL: I think at one time people used to think of golf and golf courses and golf clubs as being exclusive. But I think in recent years now you see a lot of people playing golf. I think Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth, and so no, I don’t think it’s nearly as exclusive as people once considered it to be.


How very arrogant of him to say that more people like golf, and country clubs aren't as exclusive as they used to be.
:lol: Did you see the crowd he was talking to?

I think Rand has a bit of an image problem. He sounds a bit like a typical arrogant kid of a politician.

From GMA:

ROBIN: Some people find it a bit ironic that your victory party last night was at a private country club in Kentucky. Doesn’t that kind of send a mixed message there?

PAUL: I think at one time people used to think of golf and golf courses and golf clubs as being exclusive. But I think in recent years now you see a lot of people playing golf. I think Tiger Woods has helped to broaden that in the sense that he’s brought golf to a lot of the cities and to city youth, and so no, I don’t think it’s nearly as exclusive as people once considered it to be.


How very arrogant of him to say that more people like golf, and country clubs aren't as exclusive as they used to be.

They aren't. I have some beer drinkin' redneck buddies that play golf that wouldn't have been allowed to ten or twenty years ago.
Yeah, You ask a question and that is the debate all of a sudden? More like Feeble minded attempt at a deflection by you dick Lip. Still in Iraq! = Fraud! :razz:~BH

Actually, jackass, I only asked the question because you specifically attacked my knowledge on a subject that you know squat about, while I was involved in a conversation, about that subject, with another poster.

Observe these quotes from you own posts:

This dipshit is digging himself a hole here brother. Yeah, The GOP went Right-wing! LOL!!!!! He couldn't have his head more shoved up his ass than with that comment. That's the problem, they are not right-wing (True Conservative) or Constitutional (Libertarian) enough. These guys are crack jobs for real bro.~BH

I don't need a chart to understand the difference that I assure you is much more clear to me than your dumb ass. ~BH

So, if you don't want to talk about a subject, and prefer to stick to the topic, you should butt the hell out of other people's conversations. K?
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So much for the liberal mantra that the tea partiers have no influence.

Poor lil' liberals!....Always wrong in so many ways!



The Rand Paul win is significant - both in awakening the realization within the Republican Party that 2010 will NOT be "business as usual", and sending a clear signal to the nation that, as you indicate, the Tea Party movement has become the most significant political movement in America. And despite repeated attempts to marginalize the movement, the Tea Party is comprised of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians connected by the very strong and common thread of Less Government, Greater Individual Liberty, and an end to the Fiscal Insanity of the last decade carried out by both parties.

Dead on right and Colorado is speaking next. The Washington crowd wants Jane Norton but I think it's gonna be Ken Buck who will lead at the assembly. He is the grass roots candidate and is polling very well in every county out here. It's funny that I have not heard his name mentioned on any national media, they are going to left scratching their heads come next week, scrambling to find out who he is.:lol:
Yeah, You ask a question and that is the debate all of a sudden? More like Feeble minded attempt at a deflection by you dick Lip. Still in Iraq! = Fraud! :razz:~BH

Actually, jackass, I only asked the question because you specifically attacked my knowledge on a subject that you know squat about, while I was involved in a conversation, about that subject, with another poster.

Observe these quotes from you own posts:

This dipshit is digging himself a hole here brother. Yeah, The GOP went Right-wing! LOL!!!!! He couldn't have his head more shoved up his ass than with that comment. That's the problem, they are not right-wing (True Conservative) or Constitutional (Libertarian) enough. These guys are crack jobs for real bro.~BH

I don't need a chart to understand the difference that I assure you is much more clear to me than your dumb ass. ~BH

So, if you don't want to talk about a subject, and prefer to stick to the topic, you should butt the hell out of other people's conversations. K?

You get what yuh give in this world fuckO. Practice what you preach and we will see.
Paul is not going to win the general election.

Go check the vote totals for the entire election.

The dems came out in big numbers compared to the Rs

And yet Kentucky is notorious, despite having more registered Democrats, for voting Republican in federal elections, and it's not a good year for Democrats.

And it isn't going to be.
You get what yuh give in this world fuckO. Practice what you preach and we will see.

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I was being perfectly civilized, right up until the point where you butted your fool head in and started in with the meaningless insults and pointless accusations.

But I don't really expect anything you say to make sense at this point.
You get what yuh give in this world fuckO. Practice what you preach and we will see.

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I was being perfectly civilized, right up until the point where you butted your fool head in and started in with the meaningless insults and pointless accusations.

But I don't really expect anything you say to make sense at this point.

You don't comprehend much do you bro? Sounds like a personal problem. Let me spell it out for you ok? You have jumped in on a few of my arguements with your puke bag comrades a few times as well. So practice what you fucking preach and I then might just do the same.

You don't comprehend much do you bro? Sounds like a personal problem. Let me spell it out for you ok? You have jumped in on a few of my arguements with your puke bag comrades a few times as well. So practice what you fucking preach and I then might just do the same.


Look, I don't care if you get involved in any of my arguments.

My point was, don't get involved in one of them, and then complain about the fact that we're talking about the subject of the argument 5 posts later. I mean, if you're going to complain about the subject matter, why get involved in the conversation at all?

Other than that, that's what posting boards are for, to have a community debate.
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You don't comprehend much do you bro? Sounds like a personal problem. Let me spell it out for you ok? You have jumped in on a few of my arguements with your puke bag comrades a few times as well. So practice what you fucking preach and I then might just do the same.


Look, I don't care if you get involved in any of my arguments.

My point was, don't get involved in one of them, and then complain about the fact that we're talking about the subject of the argument 5 posts later. I mean, if you're going to complain about the subject matter, why get involved in the conversation at all?

Other than that, that's what posting boards are for, to have a community debate.

Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH
You don't comprehend much do you bro? Sounds like a personal problem. Let me spell it out for you ok? You have jumped in on a few of my arguements with your puke bag comrades a few times as well. So practice what you fucking preach and I then might just do the same.


Look, I don't care if you get involved in any of my arguments.

My point was, don't get involved in one of them, and then complain about the fact that we're talking about the subject of the argument 5 posts later. I mean, if you're going to complain about the subject matter, why get involved in the conversation at all?

Other than that, that's what posting boards are for, to have a community debate.

Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself.

What do you think?


A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.

Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rand Paul defeated Republican establishment favorite Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, a closely watched race that was a key test of the tea party movement's strength.

Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave the tea party its first victory in a statewide election — one that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 31 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 65,702 votes, or 59 percent, to Grayson's 40,767 votes or 37 percent.

Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle
I read earlier that the guy he beat has followers that think Rand is a POS. I wonder if they'll just sit home for the general election. :eusa_eh:
Look, I don't care if you get involved in any of my arguments.

My point was, don't get involved in one of them, and then complain about the fact that we're talking about the subject of the argument 5 posts later. I mean, if you're going to complain about the subject matter, why get involved in the conversation at all?

Other than that, that's what posting boards are for, to have a community debate.

Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself.

What do you think?



I hear what you're saying bro, but I am not fully convinced as of yet. It remains to be seen if the Republicans are really gonna wake up this time around or just use the current Political climate as a tool to JUST get back control of D.C and The Oval office. Those rat bastards tried hard to pass Amnesty. However, They may have learned their lesson from the nightmare result which is The madman Obama. ~BH

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