BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Is Rand Paul wearing a rug?

Jury is out, his hair looks a little funny but so does my favorite senator's hair an he doesn't wear a rug. Sherrod Brown always looks like a big mess.

We'll find out when we see an interview outside.

Hey that's right, Sherrod's got that poofy Hair Club for Men thing going on. lol, my nephew is in an 80's retro band and they all wear their hair like that.
Is Rand Paul wearing a rug?

Jury is out, his hair looks a little funny but so does my favorite senator's hair an he doesn't wear a rug. Sherrod Brown always looks like a big mess.

We'll find out when we see an interview outside.

Looks a little like Eddie Haskell to me



That's all you desperate morons have to come back with after another defeat? LMAO! ~BH
Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

While I disagree with the majority of this paragraph, I will heartily agree with the last sentence.

Frankly I'm thinking of starting a "Stop the Bullshit, let's get our house back in order party".

Unfortunately, as far as I can see, the Tea Party does not seem to be that.
Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

While I disagree with the majority of this paragraph, I will heartily agree with the last sentence.

Frankly I'm thinking of starting a "Stop the Bullshit, let's get our house back in order party".

Unfortunately, as far as I can see, the Tea Party does not seem to be that.

Well, Atleast you can be reasonable which is more than I can say for a few of the characters you run with. Yeah but I think the Tea Party is more positive than you guys have been told to believe. I am sick of D.C Period though. ~BH
Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself.

What do you think?



I hear what you're saying bro, but I am not fully convinced as of yet. It remains to be seen if the Republicans are really gonna wake up this time around or just use the current Political climate as a tool to JUST get back control of D.C and The Oval office. Those rat bastards tried hard to pass Amnesty. However, They may have learned their lesson from the nightmare result which is The madman Obama. ~BH

"The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]..."

Exactly my friend. ;) I am leery of them as are you.
"The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]..."

Exactly my friend. ;) I am leery of them as are you.

See, that's the thing really.

If the tea party was just the kind of Libertarian-type organization that they originally professed to be, then I would have a lot of respect for them.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with them, but I would respect their point of view.

But they seem to be being subverted into an arm of the GOP, and honestly, I can't see myself trusting 99.9% of the members of the GOP.

If they had combined with the Libertarian party, or formed their own 3rd party, now that would have been interesting, but as it is, I can see the movement dying out in a year or so, once they discover that the GOP politicians they helped elect have betrayed them.

Now, I"m sure you'll take my opinion with a grain of salt, as you should, since I am of the opposing camp, but, for what it's worth, that is my honest opinion.
Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself.

What do you think?



I hear what you're saying bro, but I am not fully convinced as of yet. It remains to be seen if the Republicans are really gonna wake up this time around or just use the current Political climate as a tool to JUST get back control of D.C and The Oval office. Those rat bastards tried hard to pass Amnesty. However, They may have learned their lesson from the nightmare result which is The madman Obama. ~BH

"The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]..."

Exactly my friend. ;) I am leery of them as are you.

That's because you're not a mindless robot. That's why I respect you bro. ~BH
Look, I don't care if you get involved in any of my arguments.

My point was, don't get involved in one of them, and then complain about the fact that we're talking about the subject of the argument 5 posts later. I mean, if you're going to complain about the subject matter, why get involved in the conversation at all?

Other than that, that's what posting boards are for, to have a community debate.

Good, The I will say it again then bro. The GOP has moved to The Left, not The Right. However, That just might change. Just as your Dems have moved to The Left since Kennedy. Personally, I am sick of both of these Parties that are used to keep the sheople herded and arguing over trivial bullshit. ~BH

Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself.

What do you think?



Warm them up? They're already rank-and-file Republicans. The group in it's very early stages was a collection of Ron Paul supporters, but that was over pretty early.
"The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]..."

Exactly my friend. ;) I am leery of them as are you.

See, that's the thing really.

If the tea party was just the kind of Libertarian-type organization that they originally professed to be, then I would have a lot of respect for them.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with them, but I would respect their point of view.

But they seem to be being subverted into an arm of the GOP, and honestly, I can't see myself trusting 99.9% of the members of the GOP.

If they had combined with the Libertarian party, or formed their own 3rd party, now that would have been interesting, but as it is, I can see the movement dying out in a year or so, once they discover that the GOP politicians they helped elect have betrayed them.

Now, I"m sure you'll take my opinion with a grain of salt, as you should, since I am of the opposing camp, but, for what it's worth, that is my honest opinion.

Subverted? Except for that small Paulite segment, they've always been Republicans. It's just a new label Republicans are slapping on themselves because the Republican label is so toxic after eight years of Bush blunders.
"The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]..."

Exactly my friend. ;) I am leery of them as are you.

See, that's the thing really.

If the tea party was just the kind of Libertarian-type organization that they originally professed to be, then I would have a lot of respect for them.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with them, but I would respect their point of view.

But they seem to be being subverted into an arm of the GOP, and honestly, I can't see myself trusting 99.9% of the members of the GOP.

If they had combined with the Libertarian party, or formed their own 3rd party, now that would have been interesting, but as it is, I can see the movement dying out in a year or so, once they discover that the GOP politicians they helped elect have betrayed them.

Now, I"m sure you'll take my opinion with a grain of salt, as you should, since I am of the opposing camp, but, for what it's worth, that is my honest opinion.

A third Party at this desperate junction of American History would only assure a Democrat victory in 2012. However, Yes we will possibly need a Third Party after The madman Obama is stopped. Time will tell. ~BH
Most Democrats voted against the war. Overwhelmingly most Republicans voted against it. Why do people argue with something as irrefutable as simple mathematics? It's maddening.
Barack Obama is president because he was against going into Iraq. That was how he beat Hillary Clinton.

Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

No, he did not run on pulling us out of Afghanistan.

No he rather ran on 'Bombing targets in PAKISTAN'...

From 2007

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy."



(Image: EIB )

Get it straight will you? And How's that 'Bombing campaign" working out these days? ODD that a Pakistani National TRIED to take out Times Square...isn't it?
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Yet he has raised troop levels. LOL!!! He's a fraud bro. Same two Wars going on. Face it, he's full of shit. ~BH

No, he did not run on pulling us out of Afghanistan.

No he rather ran on 'Bombing targets in PAKISTAN'...

From 2007

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy."



(Image: EIB )

Get it straight will you? And How's that 'Bombing campaign" working out these days? ODD that a Pakistani National TRIED to take out Times Square...isn't it?

Good point bro.:eusa_shhh: ~BH
No, he did not run on pulling us out of Afghanistan.

No he rather ran on 'Bombing targets in PAKISTAN'...

From 2007

"Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy."



(Image: EIB )

Get it straight will you? And How's that 'Bombing campaign" working out these days? ODD that a Pakistani National TRIED to take out Times Square...isn't it?

Good point bro.:eusa_shhh: ~BH

Thanks Brother!
A third Party at this desperate junction of American History would only assure a Democrat victory in 2012. However, Yes we will possibly need a Third Party after The madman Obama is stopped. Time will tell. ~BH

Yeah, but I like the Obaminator.

I mean, lots of people disagree with his philosophies, but he seems like he is honestly trying to do right by the country. To me, it's really all people in congress, with all their individual self-interests that are messing up the works.

Whether what he thinks if right for the country is actually right for the country, only time will tell, but he seems like he's honestly trying.

And on the economic front, it looks like he's succeeding.

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