BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Deflection? You were the one who came after me, dumbass.

You made a FALSE statement. Of course I addressed it. Now? You wanna try this again?

Calling me a child is addressing the topic? No, it's name-calling. Then again, what would you do otherwise? Have a serious discussion on the topic? Yeah, we both know that's never going to happen.

Got proof of those accusations? I never heard Paul say that. Gotta link bro? ~BH
He's publicly stated that he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act.

And this is rascist? Show a LINK or shut up.

Saying you support segregation isn't racist? On what planet?

Umm, saying you'd vote against the Civil Rights Act isn't saying you support segregation, though after hearing his speech last night I'm sure Conway intends to try to spin it that way as well.
it doesn't. He [POLK], is assuming...

No, Polk is deliberately trying to make Rand look like a racist. Lying in other words.

Where did I lie? Paul has publicly stated that if he could have voted on it, he would have cast his lot in favor of segregation.

Voting against the Civil Rights Act wouldn't make you for segregation, anymore than voting against spending more federal money on education would make you against education.
The 2010 Results Maps -

Rand has a problem.

The dem turnout was way bigger than the R turnout.

The 2010 Results Maps -

Rand Paul will lose the general election folks

Endlessly repeating yourself isn't going to make this statement true. So far the polls show Rand is beating Conway, Kentucky generally votes Republican in federal elections, and the political climate does not favor Democrats this year.
That's all you desperate morons have to come back with after another defeat? LMAO! ~BH

Who was defeated? A Republican?

Randi Paul would have finished third in an open primary. Both Democrats would have outpolled him

My point was in regards to making him out to be a teenage looking Politician. Face it though bro, your Party is heading down the turd pipe. Nothing you say or dream up is gonna change that and deep down inside I believe even you realize it. ~BH

Do you actually think the Rand Pauls of the political spectrum are a threat to the Democrats?

They will drive the GOP to a party of limited scope and secondary status
it doesn't. He [POLK], is assuming...

No, Polk is deliberately trying to make Rand look like a racist. Lying in other words.

Where did I lie? Paul has publicly stated that if he could have voted on it, he would have cast his lot in favor of segregation.

HOW? Did he even IMPLY it? Or is it in the dark recesses of your mind? Those that didn't vote for it were either RASCIST [Largely Southern DEMOCRATS whom wanted them forever ON the Plantation...[and the Statists of TODAY still practice it for vote-buying schemes]or those that saw a FLAW in LAW favoring ONE group of citizens over another...

But DID Rand Paul imply this? YOU have yet to show that he did...*You Can't* and are making assumptions.
No, Polk is deliberately trying to make Rand look like a racist. Lying in other words.

Where did I lie? Paul has publicly stated that if he could have voted on it, he would have cast his lot in favor of segregation.

Voting against the Civil Rights Act wouldn't make you for segregation, anymore than voting against spending more federal money on education would make you against education.

Or for whatever Government program one would care to name.
Who was defeated? A Republican?

Randi Paul would have finished third in an open primary. Both Democrats would have outpolled him

My point was in regards to making him out to be a teenage looking Politician. Face it though bro, your Party is heading down the turd pipe. Nothing you say or dream up is gonna change that and deep down inside I believe even you realize it. ~BH

Do you actually think the Rand Pauls of the political spectrum are a threat to the Democrats?

They will drive the GOP to a party of limited scope and secondary status

That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH
it doesn't. He [POLK], is assuming...

No, Polk is deliberately trying to make Rand look like a racist. Lying in other words.

Where did I lie? Paul has publicly stated that if he could have voted on it, he would have cast his lot in favor of segregation.

Can you maybe back yourself up with some proof, a link maybe? Yuh think? :razz:

Because if you can't, it pretty much looks like you are neck deep in bullshit bro. Hell Polk, You're deep see diving in that bullcrap. ~BH

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