BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

Yeah, ok :rolleyes:

I can't wait until Rand gets in office and votes in the name of non-interventionism on foreign policy bills.

Don't fucking cry like a little bitch about it, just remember what you voted for.
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

Yeah, ok :rolleyes:

I can't wait until Rand gets in office and votes in the name of non-interventionism on foreign policy bills.

Don't fucking cry like a little bitch about it, just remember what you voted for.
Come on man, he won't get into office if his supporters take that path. It killed his father in the last election.

Just tone it down, that's all!

The GOP has another young star in Rand Paul. Don't fuck it up!

Just sayin'!
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

Yeah, ok :rolleyes:

I can't wait until Rand gets in office and votes in the name of non-interventionism on foreign policy bills.

Don't fucking cry like a little bitch about it, just remember what you voted for.


He has to win first. He received fewer votes than either of the Democrats.

All Randi Paul can do anyway is vote NO like his Daddy

Won't do anything for the people of Kentucky
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

Yeah, ok :rolleyes:

I can't wait until Rand gets in office and votes in the name of non-interventionism on foreign policy bills.

Don't fucking cry like a little bitch about it, just remember what you voted for.
Come on man, he won't get into office if his supporters take that path. It killed his father in the last election.

Just tone it down, that's all!

The GOP has another young star in Rand Paul. Don't fuck it up!

Just sayin'!
Do you even realize how ridiculous it is to vote on a candidate based on who LIKES him?

The messages are the friggin same. Who cares what group of people support him?

You think the John Birch society, the stormfronters, the 9/11 truthers, etc, aren't supporting Rand as well?

Wake the hell up dude.
There's more Democrats then GOP'ers in Kentucky by default, but they usually manage to go Republican anyway.

I don't see this time being any different.
Here's the difference:

The media didn't cram Rand's fringe supporters down your throats like they did with Ron during the entire presidential election cycle.

That's what is meant when people call you "sheep".
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

RON Paul hurt himself on matters of Security, and seemed like an *Isolationist*.
Key word is SEEM, Tom. You have to go into the matter deeply for yourself, and you'll realize it's not what the GOP Establishment tells us his views are.
Don't tell me we are gonna revisit the old days where anyone who supports Ron Paul is an isolationist? If people want to play that game again, you can say hello to Obama for a second fucking term. ~BH
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

RON Paul hurt himself on matters of Security, and seemed like an *Isolationist*.
Very true buddy!...But many of his supporters didn't help his cause. Particularly among true conservatives. When they just start throwin' the neo-con label around like that, it only helps to isolate true conservatives who get tired of being painted with such a wide brush because they don't happen to agree on some of the issues like, as you said, security.

Rand differs from his father in many ways. I don't want to see his potential tainted by numbskulls who don't think before they speak.

Ya' know what i'm sayin'?
Here's the difference:

The media didn't cram Rand's fringe supporters down your throats like they did with Ron during the entire presidential election cycle.

That's what is meant when people call you "sheep".

Did they Cram RON's point either? NO they didn't. They were treated the SAME.

I didn't say anything about "points" being crammed.

I said the media focused heavily on Ron's fringe supporters and ultimately created a bad name for his campaign by doing so.

Ron's supporters are Rand's supporters. The media didn't focus on those same supporters during Rand's campaign, so to the sheep, they must not exist.
Rand believes in going to war only by a congressional declaration, not by an authorization given to the executive to choose wars as he desires.

And he also believes in the idea of "blowback", where we create more enemies than we eliminate via our interventionism around the world.

This was one of the biggest issues republicans had with Ron. He was chastized for this idea, but now with Rand it's ok?

Sorry guys, Rand and Ron are close enough on foreign policy that there's no much of a distinction to speak of. Certainly not enough to vote for one, but not the other.
Rand believes in going to war only by a congressional declaration, not by an authorization given to the executive to choose wars as he desires.

And he also believes in the idea of "blowback", where we create more enemies than we eliminate via our interventionism around the world.

This was one of the biggest issues republicans had with Ron. He was chastized for this idea, but now with Rand it's ok?

Sorry guys, Rand and Ron are close enough on foreign policy that there's no much of a distinction to speak of. Certainly not enough to vote for one, but not the other.
Rand hasn't said anything insane like "closing down our foreign bases", which would not only weaken our security, but that of our allies. That absoluetly is NOT an option. Not in todays twisted world.

And if you provide proof that he has said anything like that, it would definitely give me second thoughts about him.

Btw buddy, off topic, how about Mcnabb?.....Good thing or bad for the Eagles?

Personally, I think it's a good thing. What are your fellow Eagle fanatics thinking way over in your neck of the woods?
Rand believes in going to war only by a congressional declaration, not by an authorization given to the executive to choose wars as he desires.

And he also believes in the idea of "blowback", where we create more enemies than we eliminate via our interventionism around the world.

This was one of the biggest issues republicans had with Ron. He was chastized for this idea, but now with Rand it's ok?

Sorry guys, Rand and Ron are close enough on foreign policy that there's no much of a distinction to speak of. Certainly not enough to vote for one, but not the other.
Rand hasn't said anything insane like "closing down our foreign bases", which would not only weaken our security, but that of our allies. That absoluetly is NOT an option. Not in todays twisted world.

And if you provide proof that he has said anything like that, it would definitely give me second thoughts about him.

Btw buddy, off topic, how about Mcnabb?.....Good thing or bad for the Eagles?

Personally, I think it's a good thing. What are your fellow Eagle fanatics thinking way over in your neck of the woods?

By having an unfavorable view of interventionism, he is obviously speaking about things like establishing bases overseas. Even the founders warned against entangling alliances.

We build bases and embassies in the Islamic world, and we don't expect that to generate new hatred? Whatever though. Rand is for term limits and has promised only sitting for 2 terms. So I don't expect him to pander.

I expect him to demonstrate where his non-interventionist beliefs actually lie, and trust me, they're there. Maybe not QUITE as much as his fathers, but he and his father agree on a lot of foreign policy issues. I've heard plenty of Rand speeches from years ago during Ron's campaign, some of them in person at rallies.

Rand will not be handing the executive a blank check to go build nations and fight wars of choice.

On Mcnabb, I'm relieved. I also thought we did really well in the draft. I expect an exciting season.
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

RON Paul hurt himself on matters of Security, and seemed like an *Isolationist*.
Very true buddy!...But many of his supporters didn't help his cause. Particularly among true conservatives. When they just start throwin' the neo-con label around like that, it only helps to isolate true conservatives who get tired of being painted with such a wide brush because they don't happen to agree on some of the issues like, as you said, security.

Rand differs from his father in many ways. I don't want to see his potential tainted by numbskulls who don't think before they speak.

Ya' know what i'm sayin'?

You can't agree with everything any one canidate says brother, and Ron Paul would have never gotten his Security or CIA comments passed into real action because of Congress. Fact is, The masters in Washington don't want an outsider who actually puts the people, Constitution and Individual rights before Internationalism, foreign interests and political contributions. The fucking game is over, and it's time to stick together. ~BH
Rand believes in going to war only by a congressional declaration, not by an authorization given to the executive to choose wars as he desires.

And he also believes in the idea of "blowback", where we create more enemies than we eliminate via our interventionism around the world.

This was one of the biggest issues republicans had with Ron. He was chastized for this idea, but now with Rand it's ok?

Sorry guys, Rand and Ron are close enough on foreign policy that there's no much of a distinction to speak of. Certainly not enough to vote for one, but not the other.
Rand hasn't said anything insane like "closing down our foreign bases", which would not only weaken our security, but that of our allies. That absoluetly is NOT an option. Not in todays twisted world.

And if you provide proof that he has said anything like that, it would definitely give me second thoughts about him.

Btw buddy, off topic, how about Mcnabb?.....Good thing or bad for the Eagles?

Personally, I think it's a good thing. What are your fellow Eagle fanatics thinking way over in your neck of the woods?

By having an unfavorable view of interventionism, he is obviously speaking about things like establishing bases overseas. Even the founders warned against entangling alliances.

We build bases and embassies in the Islamic world, and we don't expect that to generate new hatred? Whatever though. Rand is for term limits and has promised only sitting for 2 terms. So I don't expect him to pander.

I expect him to demonstrate where his non-interventionist beliefs actually lie, and trust me, they're there. Maybe not QUITE as much as his fathers, but he and his father agree on a lot of foreign policy issues. I've heard plenty of Rand speeches from years ago during Ron's campaign, some of them in person at rallies.

Rand will not be handing the executive a blank check to go build nations and fight wars of choice.

On Mcnabb, I'm relieved. I also thought we did really well in the draft. I expect an exciting season.

Yeah, DeSean really ran off at the mouth about McNabb. ~BH
A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.

Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rand Paul defeated Republican establishment favorite Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, a closely watched race that was a key test of the tea party movement's strength.

Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave the tea party its first victory in a statewide election — one that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 31 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 65,702 votes, or 59 percent, to Grayson's 40,767 votes or 37 percent.

Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

He represents the tea baggers so well. I just watched an interview with this uh...guy. He said he had issues with the civil rights bill. He said to make it clear, he hates racism, but he thinks its wrong to MAKE it so a private business cannot say they do not want blacks or gays or whatever cant come in.

In other words he says let businesses say that they can have signs that say, no blacks allowed. Wow. He said this. Seriously. Damn.

Way to represnt sir. Tea baggers, I am so glad this racist won. He represents you well and the middle of the road republicans will not accept this crap. Amanda, Rand. Rand, amanda.
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