BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Rand believes in going to war only by a congressional declaration, not by an authorization given to the executive to choose wars as he desires.

And he also believes in the idea of "blowback", where we create more enemies than we eliminate via our interventionism around the world.

This was one of the biggest issues republicans had with Ron. He was chastized for this idea, but now with Rand it's ok?

Sorry guys, Rand and Ron are close enough on foreign policy that there's no much of a distinction to speak of. Certainly not enough to vote for one, but not the other.
Rand hasn't said anything insane like "closing down our foreign bases", which would not only weaken our security, but that of our allies. That absoluetly is NOT an option. Not in todays twisted world.

And if you provide proof that he has said anything like that, it would definitely give me second thoughts about him.

Btw buddy, off topic, how about Mcnabb?.....Good thing or bad for the Eagles?

Personally, I think it's a good thing. What are your fellow Eagle fanatics thinking way over in your neck of the woods?

By having an unfavorable view of interventionism, he is obviously speaking about things like establishing bases overseas. Even the founders warned against entangling alliances.

We build bases and embassies in the Islamic world, and we don't expect that to generate new hatred? Whatever though. Rand is for term limits and has promised only sitting for 2 terms. So I don't expect him to pander.

I expect him to demonstrate where his non-interventionist beliefs actually lie, and trust me, they're there. Maybe not QUITE as much as his fathers, but he and his father agree on a lot of foreign policy issues. I've heard plenty of Rand speeches from years ago during Ron's campaign, some of them in person at rallies.

Rand will not be handing the executive a blank check to go build nations and fight wars of choice.

On Mcnabb, I'm relieved. I also thought we did really well in the draft. I expect an exciting season.
I served two tours in Iraq. I have a lil' different perspective on whether we should have gone in. I feel it was absolutely right, for many reasons. But that's for another time

Sure, we can afford to close SOME bases overseas. But those bases in the M.E. are absolutely crucial. We do have allies over there who need and deserve our support. But again, that's for another time.

My beloved Lakers are playin' right now. I need to get back to the game. It's gettin' a lil' tight.

Y'all have an excellent evening, and we'll continue this again.
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.

RON Paul hurt himself on matters of Security, and seemed like an *Isolationist*.
Very true buddy!...But many of his supporters didn't help his cause. Particularly among true conservatives. When they just start throwin' the neo-con label around like that, it only helps to isolate true conservatives who get tired of being painted with such a wide brush because they don't happen to agree on some of the issues like, as you said, security.

Rand differs from his father in many ways. I don't want to see his potential tainted by numbskulls who don't think before they speak.

Ya' know what i'm sayin'?

YES. Certainly. Ron has some very good ideas...One I applaud is *AUDITING THE FED*

And others like it. In the Global climate we find ourselves in? We cannot be isolationists, and we MUST promote Liberty to the Downtrodden and demonstrate it as the FRENCH did for us during the Revolutionary WAR.

This is a two-way street...especially IF the cause is JUST.
YES. Certainly. Ron has some very good ideas...One I applaud is *AUDITING THE FED*

And others like it. In the Global climate we find ourselves in? We cannot be isolationists, and we MUST promote Liberty to the Downtrodden and demonstrate it as the FRENCH did for us during the Revolutionary WAR.

This is a two-way street...especially IF the cause is JUST.

if we are to "promote liberty" how do we pick and choose? we have watched by idly as multiple genocides have happened and seem only to be worried when their is oil or communism involved. We also seem to turn a blind eye to china even though they have the worst humans rights record in the world as we speak they are killing babies born to familes who already have kids and sterilizing the parents involved.
YES. Certainly. Ron has some very good ideas...One I applaud is *AUDITING THE FED*

And others like it. In the Global climate we find ourselves in? We cannot be isolationists, and we MUST promote Liberty to the Downtrodden and demonstrate it as the FRENCH did for us during the Revolutionary WAR.

This is a two-way street...especially IF the cause is JUST.

if we are to "promote liberty" how do we pick and choose? we have watched by idly as multiple genocides have happened and seem only to be worried when their is oil or communism involved. We also seem to turn a blind eye to china even though they have the worst humans rights record in the world as we speak they are killing babies born to familes who already have kids and sterilizing the parents involved.

Two things...POLITICS...and those Elites in POWER...that's why it is a truism of "Elections have consequences"...Which Dovetails into something Ben Franklin replied as to the type of Government we settled upon..."A Republic...IF you can keep it...".

What was he saying? WHY do elections have Consequences? WHY DO people Flock to America?

See A pattern?

Then the next logical question would be? Why support those that WISH to destroy that which people FLOCK HAVE for thier own that they have been deprived of? WHY Emulate failed experiments History has taught us as BAD for Humanity?

WHY destroy...The United States? The Last Best Hope of Liberty for Humanity? WHY emulate that History has shown to be false ? Why Follow failure?


The answer is ONE WORD.
its wrong to MAKE it so a private business cannot say they do not want blacks or gays or whatever cant come in.

In other words he says let businesses say that they can have signs that say, no blacks allowed. Wow. He said this. Seriously. Damn.

Way to represnt sir. Tea baggers, I am so glad this racist won. He represents you well and the middle of the road republicans will not accept this crap. Amanda, Rand. Rand, amanda.

how many people would shop at a place with a no blacks allowed sign? what would this do to their business? Why do you need nanny government to perform everything for you when the market would handle this situation and many others?
YES. Certainly. Ron has some very good ideas...One I applaud is *AUDITING THE FED*

And others like it. In the Global climate we find ourselves in? We cannot be isolationists, and we MUST promote Liberty to the Downtrodden and demonstrate it as the FRENCH did for us during the Revolutionary WAR.

This is a two-way street...especially IF the cause is JUST.

if we are to "promote liberty" how do we pick and choose? we have watched by idly as multiple genocides have happened and seem only to be worried when their is oil or communism involved. We also seem to turn a blind eye to china even though they have the worst humans rights record in the world as we speak they are killing babies born to familes who already have kids and sterilizing the parents involved.

Two things...POLITICS...and those Elites in POWER...that's why it is a truism of "Elections have consequences"...Which Dovetails into something Ben Franklin replied as to the type of Government we settled upon..."A Republic...IF you can keep it...".

What was he saying? WHY do elections have Consequences? WHY DO people Flock to America?

See A pattern?

Then the next logical question would be? Why support those that WISH to destroy that which people FLOCK HAVE for thier own that they have been deprived of? WHY Emulate failed experiments History has taught us as BAD for Humanity?

WHY destroy...The United States? The Last Best Hope of Liberty for Humanity? WHY emulate that History has shown to be false ? Why Follow failure?


The answer is ONE WORD.

I really have no idea what you are talking about, but I am fairly certain you didn't answer my question
if we are to "promote liberty" how do we pick and choose? we have watched by idly as multiple genocides have happened and seem only to be worried when their is oil or communism involved. We also seem to turn a blind eye to china even though they have the worst humans rights record in the world as we speak they are killing babies born to familes who already have kids and sterilizing the parents involved.

Two things...POLITICS...and those Elites in POWER...that's why it is a truism of "Elections have consequences"...Which Dovetails into something Ben Franklin replied as to the type of Government we settled upon..."A Republic...IF you can keep it...".

What was he saying? WHY do elections have Consequences? WHY DO people Flock to America?

See A pattern?

Then the next logical question would be? Why support those that WISH to destroy that which people FLOCK HAVE for thier own that they have been deprived of? WHY Emulate failed experiments History has taught us as BAD for Humanity?

WHY destroy...The United States? The Last Best Hope of Liberty for Humanity? WHY emulate that History has shown to be false ? Why Follow failure?


The answer is ONE WORD.

I really have no idea what you are talking about, but I am fairly certain you didn't answer my question

You don't? Try looking at the Founding Documents.

And the word I speak of is 'CONTROL'

Control over us by the ELITES...what the Founders WARNED us about.

Sorry blu...

[EDITED by choice...and by my own IGNORENCE]

~T (Sorry blu).
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The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.

The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.
The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.
The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.
I don't know that this is true. Don't libertarians believe a business has the right to serve whomever they wish?
The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.
The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.
I don't know that this is true. Don't libertarians believe a business has the right to serve whomever they wish?

So this is pure speculation on your part. You heard these people are like this and nothing that he's said indicates this is what he believes...but that doesn't matter.

Personally, I think if you hate racism you should dislike it in any form....not just from the right. Obama showed his racism yesterday standing by the side of the Mexican President and you don't even bat an eye.
Jesus H christ, you are one misguided and misinformed idiot.

Wow "Paulie", that's such an intelligent productive point you've brought up there.

I'll tell you what, why don't you tell me where I'm "misinformed" specifically, instead of using meaningless dismissals about a post on the tail end of a long discussion?
The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.

The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.

The matter of segregation is NOT closed? What, exactly, in the 1964 Civil Rights Act should we still be debating, and considering for repeal?
The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.

The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.

The matter of segregation is NOT closed? What, exactly, in the 1964 Civil Rights Act should we still be debating, and considering for repeal?

I can't believe that people are still using the same arguments that were used in 1964 to justify open discrimination. Even worse, I can't believe we have a candidate for the US Senate who uses those same arguments

The matter of segregation is NOT closed? What, exactly, in the 1964 Civil Rights Act should we still be debating, and considering for repeal?

I can't believe that people are still using the same arguments that were used in 1964 to justify open discrimination. Even worse, I can't believe we have a candidate for the US Senate who uses those same arguments

The arguments that were used in 1964 were used by democrats.
The matter of segregation is NOT closed? What, exactly, in the 1964 Civil Rights Act should we still be debating, and considering for repeal?

I can't believe that people are still using the same arguments that were used in 1964 to justify open discrimination. Even worse, I can't believe we have a candidate for the US Senate who uses those same arguments

The arguments that were used in 1964 were used by democrats.
Don't you ever tire of posting that crap? Those Democrats [Dixiecrats] all switched parties because of civil rights. They're now repubs, but of course you knew that.
The matter of segregation is NOT closed? What, exactly, in the 1964 Civil Rights Act should we still be debating, and considering for repeal?

I can't believe that people are still using the same arguments that were used in 1964 to justify open discrimination. Even worse, I can't believe we have a candidate for the US Senate who uses those same arguments

The arguments that were used in 1964 were used by democrats.

Ummm...what does that have to do with anything?

Is your point that now the Republicans are picking up the racist rhetoric that the Democrats abandoned 45 years ago?
The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed.
The American Conservative Rand Paul and the Zombies

That about sums it up.
I don't know that this is true. Don't libertarians believe a business has the right to serve whomever they wish?

That would be correct, but a libertarian would also support the right of anybody to boycott any business they wanted so long as they did it peacefully.

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