BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

My point was in regards to making him out to be a teenage looking Politician. Face it though bro, your Party is heading down the turd pipe. Nothing you say or dream up is gonna change that and deep down inside I believe even you realize it. ~BH

Do you actually think the Rand Pauls of the political spectrum are a threat to the Democrats?

They will drive the GOP to a party of limited scope and secondary status

That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH

Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.
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Yeah, it's completely absurd to believe that a supporter of segregation is a racist.

Support your allegation.

He's publicly stated that he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act.
That's not an automatic support for segregation. There are different reasons why people would have voted against it. Federal involvement in schools is one such example.

I could say that I'm against the Federal Marriage Amendment, for example, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell all my friends, family, and neighbors to join PFLAG and to take up the "gay cause." It just means that I don't want the feds defining marriage on such an extreme level.
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Do you actually think the Rand Pauls of the political spectrum are a threat to the Democrats?

They will drive the GOP to a party of limited scope and secondary status

That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH

Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Worry about what? Having Rand Paul instead of Jim Bunning in the Senate? What the fuck is the difference?
Do you actually think the Rand Pauls of the political spectrum are a threat to the Democrats?

They will drive the GOP to a party of limited scope and secondary status

That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH

Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Not worried but even you must admit it will be an interesting point to bring out in debate and Democratic ads, yes? Kind of hard for him to defend.

I like the guy and I'm having trouble with it. It could be his waterloo. :lol:
Rand WILL win in Kentucky, regardless of our profitless rambly arguments.

If they'll elect a ticket like McCain/Palin (*shudder* on thoughts of Sarah in Washington DC still), Rand will have no problems.
That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH

Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Not worried but even you must admit it will be an interesting point to bring out in debate and Democratic ads, yes? Kind of hard for him to defend.

I like the guy and I'm having trouble with it. It could be his waterloo. :lol:

Not HARD nor IMPOSSIBLE. It is Hacks like YOU that Fail to see what it was really all about considering the TIME.

And nice Hijacking of the term 'Waterloo'. I think Rand has ZERO to worry of. He reflects the American Majority.

Obama is meeting HIS 'Waterloo'...Yesterday was the first step. Obama was Rejected. Statism/Liberalism was rejected.
Minimum is not absence; which would be anarchy.

Plea of ignorance accepted.

I didn't classify Libertarians as "Anarchists" by the way, just the extreme ones. Just like extreme Liberals would be "Socialists", and extreme Totalitarians would be "Fascists".

I don't think I can think of what extreme Conservatives could be compared to... "Theocrats" maybe?

And taken to the extreme position, given enough minimization, there would be no practical difference to separate it from Anarchy.

Jesus H christ, you are one misguided and misinformed idiot.
That's what you guys are hoping for anyway. Dream on bro. ~BH

Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Worry about what? Having Rand Paul instead of Jim Bunning in the Senate? What the fuck is the difference?

Large. Constitution Vs...??

Got it ace?
Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Worry about what? Having Rand Paul instead of Jim Bunning in the Senate? What the fuck is the difference?

Large. Constitution Vs...??

Got it ace?

I'm just saying that Bunning was a tea party guy before the term was invented. It's not Paul is going after a Democrat's seat.

Plus, I'm still fascinated that all the ex-neocon Cheney worshippers have rushed over to the other side of the boat.
Rand Paul, and Conservatives like the Tea Party have them worried. Their [Statist Leftist]rhetoric proves it. They have nothing BUT rhetoric in their corner. NO Substance. The LEFT is full of arrogance BY the rhetoric.

Not worried but even you must admit it will be an interesting point to bring out in debate and Democratic ads, yes? Kind of hard for him to defend.

I like the guy and I'm having trouble with it. It could be his waterloo. :lol:

Not HARD nor IMPOSSIBLE. It is Hacks like YOU that Fail to see what it was really all about considering the TIME.

And nice Hijacking of the term 'Waterloo'. I think Rand has ZERO to worry of. He reflects the American Majority.

Obama is meeting HIS 'Waterloo'...Yesterday was the first step. Obama was Rejected. Statism/Liberalism was rejected.

Well, goodnight. Have fun in that rushworld you seem to live in.
Not worried but even you must admit it will be an interesting point to bring out in debate and Democratic ads, yes? Kind of hard for him to defend.

I like the guy and I'm having trouble with it. It could be his waterloo. :lol:

Not HARD nor IMPOSSIBLE. It is Hacks like YOU that Fail to see what it was really all about considering the TIME.

And nice Hijacking of the term 'Waterloo'. I think Rand has ZERO to worry of. He reflects the American Majority.

Obama is meeting HIS 'Waterloo'...Yesterday was the first step. Obama was Rejected. Statism/Liberalism was rejected.

Well, goodnight. Have fun in that rushworld you seem to live in.

LOL! "Rushworld" Gracie? Try Majority that will voice itself in coming months that will setback Obama and the Statist cause as it already has.
Not worried but even you must admit it will be an interesting point to bring out in debate and Democratic ads, yes? Kind of hard for him to defend.

I like the guy and I'm having trouble with it. It could be his waterloo. :lol:

Not HARD nor IMPOSSIBLE. It is Hacks like YOU that Fail to see what it was really all about considering the TIME.

And nice Hijacking of the term 'Waterloo'. I think Rand has ZERO to worry of. He reflects the American Majority.

Obama is meeting HIS 'Waterloo'...Yesterday was the first step. Obama was Rejected. Statism/Liberalism was rejected.

Well, goodnight. Have fun in that rushworld you seem to live in.
Hahaha! "Rush" World. If he were in "Rush" World, T wouldn't be speaking so positively about Rand Paul. After all, Rush isn't exactly the Liberty Movement's #1 Fan.
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
The neocons in here were so busy with Romney et al's dicks down their throats back in 2007 and 2008 that they had no fucking clue who Rand Paul even was, while us Paul supporters donated many months of our lives to canvassing our streets trying to bring about awareness of this message.

Funny how now that the media embraces Paul, he's accepted.

You guys are fucking fake ass bitches, but we'll gladly take your sheep ass votes any day of the week :lol:
One more reason why Paul could only garner 6% support. Many of his supporters, like the one above. hurt his cause with rhetoric like that.

Grow up, lil' man!...You're not helping the cause.
Worry about what? Having Rand Paul instead of Jim Bunning in the Senate? What the fuck is the difference?

Large. Constitution Vs...??

Got it ace?

I'm just saying that Bunning was a tea party guy before the term was invented. It's not Paul is going after a Democrat's seat.

Plus, I'm still fascinated that all the ex-neocon Cheney worshippers have rushed over to the other side of the boat.

As to 'Neocons' we might AGREE *GASP* ! :eek:

As I said to my Brother BH Earlier?

"Do you think the Tea Party has sent the GOP a message? I do...and to BOTH [parties].The GOP seems to warm-up to them [for nefarious purposes remains to be seen IMO]...and of Course the Democrats [Whose party really dosens't exist any longer...and should rename themselves to reflect the Ideology of those whom took it over..."Statist"]...WE know the Tea Party message gets them HOT under the collar due to the exponetial rise in rhetoric from these leftist cretins on a daily basis and that incldes the POTUS himself."

Have we an 'Icebreaker' here? [Highlighted in RED ]As to the rest of it? What say you?


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