BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

It looks like I am getting in on this after the fact but anyone from Kentucky that voted for Rand I and most of the people(conservative and liberals) I was with last night that heard the news back here in Texas..We really appreciate your choice!
Wrong, yet again....They became LEFT wing.

Get back to us when you've boned up on how the neoconservative movement got rolling.

NO, they didn't.

They still preached limiting government oversight of business and free trade policies.

They just also started preaching moral oversight by government.

Thus, RIGHT wing.

You folks simply want to have a nice convenient little black and white world where all things bad are left-wing and all things good are right-wing.

Just like left-wingers see the world in the same way, just vice versa.

The real world just doesn't work like that.

And what are you complaining about anyway Dude? I'm pointing out differences between right-wingers from Libertarian. As a Libertarian, you should appreciate that.
This dipshit is digging himself a hole here brother. Yeah, The GOP went Right-wing! LOL!!!!! He couldn't have his head more shoved up his ass than with that comment. That's the problem, they are not right-wing (True Conservative) or Constitutional (Libertarian) enough. These guys are crack jobs for real bro.~BH

Of course, if you don't understand the difference between Libertarians and "Right-Wingers" you would feel that way.

Why don't you check out the Nolan chart that I posted earlier. It may enlighten you.
To go further on this...

Prosecuting the Iraq war was part of the Neo-Con Moral agenda, thus it was part of a Right-wing agenda. (Though certainly not part of a Libertarian agenda)

In addition to moving towards government control of morality here in America, they wanted to spread their philosophy to other parts of the world that they deemed morally lacking. Thus Iraq and their "Spreading Democracy" rhetoric.

The mistake you folks are making is that you think that just because they spent a lot of money to advance their agenda of moral control that somehow makes them "Left-Wingers".

That is patently untrue. The goal of left-wingers is not to spend money, it is to promote more government control of business and to create a social safety net.

The spending money part is something that all sides are guilty of when they want to promote an agenda.
Now, to get back to the topic at hand.

Since Arlen Specter lost to a more Liberal opponent...

...Doesn't that cancel out this Kentucky primary?


And meanwhile, the Liberal in the Arkansas primary is in a runoff with Blanche Lincoln. Seems like an all-around tie as far as political philosophy goes.
Now, to get back to the topic at hand.

Since Arlen Specter lost to a more Liberal opponent...

...Doesn't that cancel out this Kentucky primary?


And meanwhile, the Liberal in the Arkansas primary is in a runoff with Blanche Lincoln. Seems like an all-around tie as far as political philosophy goes.

I agree. However I think the runoff is going to create a mudslinging campaign for both sides. It should be fairly easy for Boozman to take that Senate spot. I just feel we saw real change last night by kicking out the incumbents from both parties.
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Now, to get back to the topic at hand.

Since Arlen Specter lost to a more Liberal opponent...

...Doesn't that cancel out this Kentucky primary?


And meanwhile, the Liberal in the Arkansas primary is in a runoff with Blanche Lincoln. Seems like an all-around tie as far as political philosophy goes.

Good point......The logical explanation seems to be that you have to run the type of candidate for the specific district or region.

A "one size fits all" political strategy is a loser
Guys maybe you better go see how many people voted in the R primary in this state and then go see how many people voted in the Dem primary in this state.

It does not bode wellk for Paul.

Winning an R primary is not winning the seat folks.
Wrong, yet again....They became LEFT wing.

Get back to us when you've boned up on how the neoconservative movement got rolling.

NO, they didn't.

They still preached limiting government oversight of business and free trade policies.

They just also started preaching moral oversight by government.

Thus, RIGHT wing.

You folks simply want to have a nice convenient little black and white world where all things bad are left-wing and all things good are right-wing.

Just like left-wingers see the world in the same way, just vice versa.

The real world just doesn't work like that.

And what are you complaining about anyway Dude? I'm pointing out differences between right-wingers from Libertarian. As a Libertarian, you should appreciate that.
Excuse me?...Expanding bureaucracy and spending is now "right wing", because of the supposed rationale for doing so?

Oh, brother! :rolleyes:
He was great on Morning Joe.

When asked: How will you reduce the deficit?

His answer: We will introduce "term limits".

Yes, but what's your plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Spending cap.

Yes, but what's the plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Balance the budget.

Yes, but what's the plan to, oh, never-mind. What do you think about Afghanistan?

His answer: We need to bring all our troops home now. (Republicans are going to like that one).

And finally, I wonder if he believes in "magical creation" like his father does? His father, possibly the only doctor in the US who believes that the science of evolution is wrong and "magical creation" is a fact. Does the apple fall far from the tree?
The dem primary had like trhee times the turnout as teh Rs primary.

Paul aint going to win the seat.
He was great on Morning Joe.

When asked: How will you reduce the deficit?

His answer: We will introduce "term limits".

Yes, but what's your plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Spending cap.

Yes, but what's the plan to reduce the deficit?

His answer: Balance the budget.

Yes, but what's the plan to, oh, never-mind. What do you think about Afghanistan?

His answer: We need to bring all our troops home now. (Republicans are going to like that one).

And finally, I wonder if he believes in "magical creation" like his father does? His father, possibly the only doctor in the US who believes that the science of evolution is wrong and "magical creation" is a fact. Does the apple fall far from the tree?

Its just the start for Rand Paul......

The spotlight is now on him and the simplistic strategies are not going to cut it
Paul is not going to win the general election.

Go check the vote totals for the entire election.

The dems came out in big numbers compared to the Rs
The dem primary had like trhee times the turnout as teh Rs primary.

Paul aint going to win the seat.

What about this fact....democrats vote in republican primaries and vice verse to vote out who they think is the less craziest candidate of their opponents party? I know many liberals in Texas that do the same thing. Especially with the GOP's governor primary. Also remember its Kentucky...
A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.

Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rand Paul defeated Republican establishment favorite Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, a closely watched race that was a key test of the tea party movement's strength.

Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave the tea party its first victory in a statewide election — one that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 31 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 65,702 votes, or 59 percent, to Grayson's 40,767 votes or 37 percent.

Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

The RNC would find another Lee harvey Oswald to kill him it will make your head spin.

And if the RNC doesn't know any assassins, they'd ask the DNC to find one for them.

And the DNC would find one for exactly the same reason the RNC would want one.

Ron Paul's political philosophy, were it given its head, would wreck the cozy BANKSTERS' stranglehold over the world's economy.

Ron Paul and I have our differences of opinion, but one thing I know...the man is a threat to what we have now.
If there was an open primary in Kentucky, Rand Paul would have finished third. Both Democrats got more votes than Paul did.

Now the spotlight gets placed firmly onto Rand Paul. Every statement about abolishing programs that help the people of Kentucky will be scrutinized.

Paul will prove whether Tea Baggers are electable in a general election

It's weird that the teabaggers backed him and especially weird that Palin supported him as well. This other guy had Cheney's support.. Maybe they thought Cheney was the kiss of death and Rand has a better chance against the Democrat.

Rs are not usually very good at campaign strategy so I don't think they reasoned this out past the primary.

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