Boom! Where’s Your Recession Now?

If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
I’ve no doubt I understand the economy much better than you. You think near monopolies work well in capitalism? Are non competes good capitalism? It seems unlikely you have a clue...
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
I’ve no doubt I understand the economy much better than you. You think near monopolies work well in capitalism? Are non competes good capitalism? It seems unlikely you have a clue...
I doubt that.
Btw the market closed up over yet another 100 today, dumbass.
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
I’ve no doubt I understand the economy much better than you. You think near monopolies work well in capitalism? Are non competes good capitalism? It seems unlikely you have a clue...
I doubt that.
Btw the market closed up over yet another 100 today, dumbass.
The market goes up and down all the time. Went up a lot for Obama too. The debt is going up... wages pretty stagnant.
Yeah growth could hurt those huge deficits. You must think people are idiots...

Too much spending causes deficits. Not less growth, not cutting taxes.... ...too much spending causes deficits.

And I don't think people are idiots, just people like you.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
I’ve no doubt I understand the economy much better than you. You think near monopolies work well in capitalism? Are non competes good capitalism? It seems unlikely you have a clue...
I doubt that.
Btw the market closed up over yet another 100 today, dumbass.
The market goes up and down all the time. Went up a lot for Obama too. The debt is going up... wages pretty stagnant.

That is simply not true. I thought you were rational?
How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
I’ve no doubt I understand the economy much better than you. You think near monopolies work well in capitalism? Are non competes good capitalism? It seems unlikely you have a clue...
I doubt that.
Btw the market closed up over yet another 100 today, dumbass.
The market goes up and down all the time. Went up a lot for Obama too. The debt is going up... wages pretty stagnant.
You're clueless.
BTW You should to find another avatar that reads BRAINLESS.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

"A lot of studies"

Please share one. Europe is socialist for all intents and purposes and the US is much better in terms of the economy. How do you explain that? Workers get paid via supply/demand. Few are under contracts, don't like your pay, move around.
Where's the 4% the con bragged about?

He got it when he needed it you punkass bitch:
President Trump got his triumphant 4% economic growth moment today, and he threw together a surprise speech to celebrate on the White House's south lawn
Between the lines: Trump's 4% growth

Do you ever look at numbers or just blab knees news talking points.

Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Hows that number BITCH
U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.7 Percent, Lowest In Nearly 50 Years

He hasn't created any more jobs than Obama.

Another ignorant lie from an ignorant punk. If you spent less time sucking cock and more time learning facts you'd be better off.
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...
Yeah growth could hurt those huge deficits. You must think people are idiots...

Too much spending causes deficits. Not less growth, not cutting taxes.... ...too much spending causes deficits.

And I don't think people are idiots, just people like you.
The tax cuts flattened revenue . The biggest spending increase was military...

?? Revenue was a record high I am pretty sure ?? Military spend is minute compared to entitlements and the military employs millions via private subcontractors.
How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...

Do you not realize how many private companies have military contracts? Military spend is actually good for the economy. Do you work in business/finance?

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