Boom! Where’s Your Recession Now?

I see how you avoid the truth of the thread. We have the lowest unemployment in 50 years and a booming economy and moron idiots like you try to talk it down.
I see that you avoid the fact that he is quoting CNBC

Unemployment is low because Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of 360,000 a month. There aren't enough new workers to replace them.

Economic and wage growth, on the other hand, are kind of limp.
when i retired from the PO there were a long line of people to replace me....just saying...
.........Trump increased military spending drastically.

He had to because the Kenyan pig almost destroyed the military. Thats another problem: The Dems fuck shit up and then we have to spend to fix it even though we don't want to spend. If the GOP ruled for 30 years all would be well and the budget would be balanced and the debt would be being paid down.
What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
What we have still is way too much stupidity because we still have know nothing assholes like yourself spewing nonsense about things they haven't a single solitary clue about. Beginning with what capitalism is and what socialism is.
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...

Do you not realize how many private companies have military contracts? Military spend is actually good for the economy. Do you work in business/finance?
I'm aware. This economy is fueled by debt. Imagine how slow it would be without the trillion dollar deficits. That should tell you how it isn't a healthy economy.

Entitlement are causing the deficit not the military spend. We have too many people as well working at places like the EPA, not doing anything and collecting a nice paycheck. Time to end some of those cushy gigs.
I post this again. Picture says a 1000 words

That is historically low. And it’s the highest where we are increasing min wage....

It is the highest since 08? All you see are negatives? There are some but there are positives too.
08' to now is not a good time for wages. We are comparing stagnant to stagnant. I don't know any economists that don't say the wage growth is really bad given 3.5% unemployment.

But it is not bad? 3% is bad? Again, people are unemployed now or not getting paid what they believe they are worth because they choose to be. My clients are overpaying by nearly 20% to retain top talent.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

"A lot of studies"

Please share one. Europe is socialist for all intents and purposes and the US is much better in terms of the economy. How do you explain that? Workers get paid via supply/demand. Few are under contracts, don't like your pay, move around.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
Inequality is getting so bad it's threatening the very foundation of economic growth

What country in Europe is socialist? It's hard to move around when we have wage collusion, near monopolies, and non compete agreements. Policy has gone against workers for a long time.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Why wasn't that ideal when Obama was President?
Repubs told us getting rid of unions would bring prosperity, where is it? They said corporate tax cuts would be a boom for the economy. Haven’t seen that either. Oh if only we cut regulations things will take off. Yep that didn’t work either... tell me how much repubs understand the economy.
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...

Do you not realize how many private companies have military contracts? Military spend is actually good for the economy. Do you work in business/finance?
I'm aware. This economy is fueled by debt. Imagine how slow it would be without the trillion dollar deficits. That should tell you how it isn't a healthy economy.

Entitlement are causing the deficit not the military spend. We have too many people as well working at places like the EPA, not doing anything and collecting a nice paycheck. Time to end some of those cushy gigs.
We had entitlements under Obama. Trump increased deficits rapidly. He increased military spending while flattening revenue.
........Policy has gone against workers for a long time.

Nonsense. The best thing for workers is for government to stay out of everybody's hair.

So tell me this since you are talking about debt. Ronald Reagan always wanted a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

Heres the thing: We are like a heroin addict and we have two choices: Keep doing the drug (borrowing) to keep from getting sick until we finally crash and die, or go Cold Turkey (balanced budget) and experience some serious pain, but knowing the healing will come soon enough.
RUSH: “U.S. Jobs Trounce Forecasts: 266,000 New Jobs.” The aforementioned experts — themselves dripping with hatred — predicted 180,000 jobs. It’s 266,000 jobs created. The economy is roaring.
Let's look at what worthless lying scum Russia Limpboy said when Obama had 280,000 New Jobs created in one month!
June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!

THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — MAY 2015 Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 280,000 in May
I post this again. Picture says a 1000 words

That is historically low. And it’s the highest where we are increasing min wage....

It is the highest since 08? All you see are negatives? There are some but there are positives too.
08' to now is not a good time for wages. We are comparing stagnant to stagnant. I don't know any economists that don't say the wage growth is really bad given 3.5% unemployment.

But it is not bad? 3% is bad? Again, people are unemployed now or not getting paid what they believe they are worth because they choose to be. My clients are overpaying by nearly 20% to retain top talent.
It's not good. In 2000 it was over 5% by comparison. Again, you are ignoring we have a monopoly problem.
America Has A Monopoly Problem

As we have reported, some economists say this concentration of market power is gumming up the economy and is largely to blame for decades of flat wages and weak productivity growth.

On top of that we have non competes and wage collusion.

What you describe is true in good capitalism. We don't currently have that.
........Policy has gone against workers for a long time.

Nonsense. The best thing for workers is for government to stay out of everybody's hair.

So tell me this since you are talking about debt. Ronald Reagan always wanted a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

Heres the thing: We are like a heroin addict and we have two choices: Keep doing the drug (borrowing) to keep from getting sick until we finally crash and die, or go Cold Turkey (balanced budget) and experience some serious pain, but knowing the healing will come soon enough.
Reagan tripled the debt. He played the same game as trump and gave out tax cuts. Clinton is the only president to balance the budget.
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

"A lot of studies"

Please share one. Europe is socialist for all intents and purposes and the US is much better in terms of the economy. How do you explain that? Workers get paid via supply/demand. Few are under contracts, don't like your pay, move around.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
Inequality is getting so bad it's threatening the very foundation of economic growth

What country in Europe is socialist? It's hard to move around when we have wage collusion, near monopolies, and non compete agreements. Policy has gone against workers for a long time.
The tax rate in Spain is 51% and they have UH. That’s one example of fairly socialistic economic and social views. How many more would you like? Sweden is another one. Norway is another one.
Nonsense. The best thing for workers is for government to stay out of everybody's hair.
So tell me this since you are talking about debt. Ronald Reagan always wanted a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

Heres the thing: We are like a heroin addict and we have two choices: Keep doing the drug (borrowing) to keep from getting sick until we finally crash and die, or go Cold Turkey (balanced budget) and experience some serious pain, but knowing the healing will come soon enough.
Reagan tripled the debt. He played the same game as trump and gave out tax cuts. Clinton is the only president to balance the budget.

You did not answer my question. Are you okay with a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

As for debt: There is debt and then there is Debt.
  • If I have a hundred bucks on my credit card and I triple it to 3, who gives a fuck.
  • If I am defaulting on a home loan and then I buy two more homes when I am broke then I am a dumbass and I am in trouble.

"Tripling the debt" is a relative statement, relative to whether or not the debt is manageable. Obama racked up more debt than all other presidents combined!!! I notice that you glossed over that little tidbit.

So: Are you okay with a balanced budget amendment
If the economy grows too slowly, or even contracts, it's not healthy. If it grows too fast, that's not ideal either. If GDP growth starts spiking above 4% for several quarters, it means there is an asset bubble. In the business cycle, the phase that follows expansion is the peak.

If nothing is done, the economy will go into recession. When the economy grows too fast it overheats. There's too much money chasing too few real growth opportunities. Investors start putting excess money into mediocre investments. When they lose money, they panic. They start selling, causing more investments to lose money. It doesn't end until prices are low enough to stop the madness and attract investors again.

Ideal GDP growth is 2%
Why wasn't that ideal when Obama was President?
Find one post where I said it wasn’t. Obama inherited a shit storm. I dislike his over regulation and international policies but not the GDP
Dow is near 29k and this is the wage growth chart. Trump inherited a ton of debt. It is impossible for him to balance the budget without attacking entitlements and no president can attack entitlements in their first term.

He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...

Do you not realize how many private companies have military contracts? Military spend is actually good for the economy. Do you work in business/finance?
I'm aware. This economy is fueled by debt. Imagine how slow it would be without the trillion dollar deficits. That should tell you how it isn't a healthy economy.

Entitlement are causing the deficit not the military spend. We have too many people as well working at places like the EPA, not doing anything and collecting a nice paycheck. Time to end some of those cushy gigs.
We had entitlements under Obama. Trump increased deficits rapidly. He increased military spending while flattening revenue.
Interest expense is higher due to higher rates. Entitlements keep growing.
Not with our debt it isn’t. We need to pay for them trump tax cuts and this growth isn’t doing it. Trillion dollar deficits.

How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

"A lot of studies"

Please share one. Europe is socialist for all intents and purposes and the US is much better in terms of the economy. How do you explain that? Workers get paid via supply/demand. Few are under contracts, don't like your pay, move around.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
Inequality is getting so bad it's threatening the very foundation of economic growth

What country in Europe is socialist? It's hard to move around when we have wage collusion, near monopolies, and non compete agreements. Policy has gone against workers for a long time.
The tax rate in Spain is 51% and they have UH. That’s one example of fairly socialistic economic and social views. How many more would you like? Sweden is another one. Norway is another one.
That's tax rates, not socialism. Sweden has some of the happiest people in the world an they have a lower debt/gdp ratio than us.
Nonsense. The best thing for workers is for government to stay out of everybody's hair.
So tell me this since you are talking about debt. Ronald Reagan always wanted a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

Heres the thing: We are like a heroin addict and we have two choices: Keep doing the drug (borrowing) to keep from getting sick until we finally crash and die, or go Cold Turkey (balanced budget) and experience some serious pain, but knowing the healing will come soon enough.
Reagan tripled the debt. He played the same game as trump and gave out tax cuts. Clinton is the only president to balance the budget.

You did not answer my question. Are you okay with a balanced budget amendment. Would you accept that?

As for debt: There is debt and then there is Debt.
  • If I have a hundred bucks on my credit card and I triple it to 3, who gives a fuck.
  • If I am defaulting on a home loan and then I buy two more homes when I am broke then I am a dumbass and I am in trouble.

"Tripling the debt" is a relative statement, relative to whether or not the debt is manageable. Obama racked up more debt than all other presidents combined!!! I notice that you glossed over that little tidbit.

So: Are you okay with a balanced budget amendment
I think we should have a balance budget that can only be broken in emergencies.

Yes Obama was bad, and then Trump increased the Obama deficits drastically.
How would you grow it? What is your solution? Universal Healthcare? More Regulations?
There are a lot of studies linking slow growth to inequality. We need to give workers some power again. We have many companies near monopolies. We have non compete agreements. Wage collusion. We need to get better pay for workers and we’ll have a much better economy again. Our capitalism is broken.

"A lot of studies"

Please share one. Europe is socialist for all intents and purposes and the US is much better in terms of the economy. How do you explain that? Workers get paid via supply/demand. Few are under contracts, don't like your pay, move around.
Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research - OECD
Inequality is getting so bad it's threatening the very foundation of economic growth

What country in Europe is socialist? It's hard to move around when we have wage collusion, near monopolies, and non compete agreements. Policy has gone against workers for a long time.
The tax rate in Spain is 51% and they have UH. That’s one example of fairly socialistic economic and social views. How many more would you like? Sweden is another one. Norway is another one.
That's tax rates, not socialism. Sweden has some of the happiest people in the world an they have a lower debt/gdp ratio than us.
Homogeneous and small but not as happy as before.
He flattened revenue with tax cuts and lead the spending increase with military. He has done the opposite of tackling the debt...

Do you not realize how many private companies have military contracts? Military spend is actually good for the economy. Do you work in business/finance?
I'm aware. This economy is fueled by debt. Imagine how slow it would be without the trillion dollar deficits. That should tell you how it isn't a healthy economy.

Entitlement are causing the deficit not the military spend. We have too many people as well working at places like the EPA, not doing anything and collecting a nice paycheck. Time to end some of those cushy gigs.
We had entitlements under Obama. Trump increased deficits rapidly. He increased military spending while flattening revenue.
Interest expense is higher due to higher rates. Entitlements keep growing.
You can keep saying that, but it doesn't explain the HUGE increases since trump. The HUGE increase is explained by the tax cuts that didn't pay for themselves and the HUGE increase in military spending. Trump policy greatly increased deficits, it's simply a fact.

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