Boomers Left Us Nothing

Instead of 100% of their income like younger people do? We Boomers are the most selfish generation in US history.
I pay taxes on 100 percent of my other income as well. I do get a small additional deduction for my age, however.

I'm slightly older than the boomers, but I look with disdain on the younger generations that have chosen a losing lifestyle. They have better opportunities than I ever did, and they blew it.
Boomers left us NOTHING

Guy pontificating that the boomer generation benefitted from the greatest generation ever and instead of helping out the next generation they are keeping it for themselves.

Spending 90K on a kitchen remodel instead of leaving the house to the kids
Taking out reverse mortgages and destroying the equity in the house instead of leaving it to the kids.

I'm sure this will spark a calm, rational debate void of emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. ;)

Me? I hope the last check I write bounces. ;)
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Boomers were the 1st generation to benefit from social safety nets and then told Gen X we could no longer afford these things. They told us we were lazy and entitled. Looking for a handout. Who’s to decide what you are worth? Many of us had to move back home after college during the recession of 90-91. The Bush yrs. We were told we’d be the 1st generation to do “worse” than our Boomer parents, and it was all our fault. Don’t expect SS to be there when you retire they told us. We picked “frivolous” majors in college. Of course, that all turned out to be garbage. Gen X would go on to create the smart phone generation. We weren’t lazy. We were struggling because our economy had only gotten more favorable to the wealthy in the 1980s under Reaganomics. Jobs were rapidly moving overseas. “trickle down” wasn’t working. The wealth gap was increasing. Wages remained stagnant, and many conservatives believed the only solution was to lower taxes and cut social programs. Welfare queens!!!

As Gen X had proven to actually be “hard workers” who helped create our tech-savvy world, millennials were the new kids to be picked on. Unable to find work in, you guessed it, the Bush 2001 recession and the 2007 economic collapse.

Then the next generation was picked on. They were the ones who wanted “participation trophies” and were “helicopter parented” to the point of uselessness. It was everyone else’s fault BUT the economy, which had only become more volatile as, again, the social safety net was further stripped away.

It didn’t trickle down, as wealth continued to become more concentrated at the top. Millennials, like Gen X before, watched their dreams of paying off student loans or buying homes become more and more fraught. Marriage and children also seemed off the table. Births and weddings declined because who could afford a family now?

Boomers did well thanks to social programs and safety nets. Everything from Social Security to welfare to Medicaid and Medicare to low tuition costs and benefits for returning soldiers, as well as public works programs and blue-collar union jobs, led to a boom unseen before in American history.

“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?”

Who said this? Plato. 347 BC. So this con is as old as antiquity.
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Boomers were the 1st generation to benefit from social safety nets and then told Gen X we could no longer afford these things. They told us we were lazy and entitled. Looking for a handout. Who’s to decide what you are worth? Many of us had to move back home after college during the recession of 90-91. The Bush yrs. We were told we’d be the 1st generation to do “worse” than our Boomer parents, and it was all our fault. Don’t expect SS to be there when you retire they told us. We picked “frivolous” majors in college. Of course, that all turned out to be garbage. Gen X would go on to create the smart phone generation. We weren’t lazy. We were struggling because our economy had only gotten more favorable to the wealthy in the 1980s under Reaganomics. Jobs were rapidly moving overseas. “trickle down” wasn’t working. The wealth gap was increasing. Wages remained stagnant, and many conservatives believed the only solution was to lower taxes and cut social programs. Welfare queens!!!

As Gen X had proven to actually be “hard workers” who helped create our tech-savvy world, millennials were the new kids to be picked on. Unable to find work in, you guessed it, the Bush 2001 recession and the 2007 economic collapse.

Then the next generation was picked on. They were the ones who wanted “participation trophies” and were “helicopter parented” to the point of uselessness. It was everyone else’s fault BUT the economy, which had only become more volatile as, again, the social safety net was further stripped away.

It didn’t trickle down, as wealth continued to become more concentrated at the top. Millennials, like Gen X before, watched their dreams of paying off student loans or buying homes become more and more fraught. Marriage and children also seemed off the table. Births and weddings declined because who could afford a family now?

Boomers did well thanks to social programs and safety nets. Everything from Social Security to welfare to Medicaid and Medicare to low tuition costs and benefits for returning soldiers, as well as public works programs and blue-collar union jobs, led to a boom unseen before in American history.

“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?”

Who said this? Plato. 347 BC. So this con is as old as antiquity.
The boomer generation is twice the size of Generation X. I read an interesting statement. The fact is as the boomers die off there will be less stress on the Social Security system. Also remember that the politicians in the 1980's after a massive increase in SS taxes, stated that the system would be solvent until the 2070's. As we pass on the system will strengthen. However, the Millennial generation is twice the size of Generation X and are more diverse and crankier as they are the first generation to e poorer than all before them in American history.
Boomers left us NOTHING

Guy pontificating that the boomer generation benefitted from the greatest generation ever and instead of helping out the next generation they are keeping it for themselves.

Spending 90K on a kitchen remodel instead of leaving the house to the kids
Taking out reverse mortgages and destroying the equity in the house instead of leaving it to the kids.

I'm sure this will spark a calm, rational debate void of emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. ;)

Me? I hope the last check I write bounces. ;)
He's right.
The boomer generation is twice the size of Generation X. I read an interesting statement. The fact is as the boomers die off there will be less stress on the Social Security system. Also remember that the politicians in the 1980's after a massive increase in SS taxes, stated that the system would be solvent until the 2070's. As we pass on the system will strengthen. However, the Millennial generation is twice the size of Generation X and are more diverse and crankier as they are the first generation to e poorer than all before them in American history.
My generation, X, will still inherit money from our parents. In the future parents are going to move in with their kids when they want to retire because they didn’t save. Pensions dont exist anymore and young people aren’t saving. And now they say social security is going bust in 10 years, so they’re going to cut benefits 20-30%. So imagine people in the future retiring with no savings and only getting 70% of what you got each month.
Well, then their kids need to take care of themselves instead of relying on others to give them money and property.

I am 47 and had nothing left to me at all yet I own a bit of land, a house, a paid off car, and while money is tight I can manage it.

I expect nothing from my mom and dad. My grandma has it set so I get everything, but I don't care about what she is leaving me. I just assume I'll get nothing.

There are too many people in America saying "but I don't get anything". Well that's because you're more worried about what someone will give you rather than worrying about what you can go get for yourself.

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