Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Science fiction is full of doomsday weapons. So, if there are any sci-fi fans here, I ask you. What is the biggest, baddest doomsday weapon you've read about? If I get enough replies, we'll have a vote for the best one.

Here's my entry. There was a weapon in a series called the Star of the Guardian. It was called a space rotation bomb... also known as a color bomb. If you're a science geek you'll probably get the reference. Anyway, it was designed to take a section of space and rotate it 90 degrees from everything else. If you're any kind of sci-fi fan, you can probably guess what happes next.

To me its the orbital nightcloak from Star Wars Extended Universe.

Orbital nightcloak

The orbital nightcloak was a siege weapon deployed by the Galactic Empire. It consisted of a network of hundreds of satellites orbiting a targeted planet. When placed in orbit around a world, the satellites would prevent all sunlight from reaching the surface, creating utter darkness and eventually turning the world to solid ice, killing all life.

Anything can blow up a planet, but real evil is freezing it to death over time.

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