Border Insecurity Rate Doubles Congress Deal Faulted!


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Illegal Border Crossings Double, Border Becomes Less Secure As Beltway Gets Close to Deal!

As the immigration reform Gang of Eight inside the Beltway prepares to announce a deal later this week, claiming border security will come before a path to citizenship for millions of illegals, Border Patrol agents have seen illegal border crossings double and warn the cutting of agent work hours will only result in less border security, not more.

Townhall Link
More on doubled border crossings:

Despite border security being put further at risk through bad policy, the push for immigration reform well before full border security is ongoing. The AFL-CIO reached a deal with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on a guest worker program late last Friday. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said the Gang of Eight has reached a deal on immigration reform on CNN's State of the Union over the weekend, but Republican Senator Marco Rubio says that is premature.

There are pictures of illegal aliens crossing with weapons. Wonder where they got them and why illegals are bringing arms into the country? Gonna kill border police? Well, hell's bells, they certainly were given the best equipment by Eric Holder!

And the American public did not hold him accountable, either, other than a little I-know-nothing jabberwocky before a Congressional committee or two.

Link to article by Katy Pavlich
I see nobody is interested in Mexico's takeover of populations on the border for quick expropriation of American territory!

If so, we deserve the bloody Alamo we're going to get. If this were going on in New England, you'd better believe there would be some protest in the rank and file. It's neglect like this that caused the Civil War of 1860.
174 illegals were apprehended out of 504 observed crossing the border in a month and this is a major crisis?

Did you know that between 2001 and 2010, an average of 1,374 illegals were apprehended in Arizona PER DAY? And that's only the ones they caught!

Immigration in Arizona: Fact Sheet (2012)

Instead of running around in circles screaming, "ALARM! ALARM!" maybe you ought to thank this administration for the real progress they've made on the border.
174 illegals were apprehended out of 504 observed crossing the border in a month and this is a major crisis?

Did you know that between 2001 and 2010, an average of 1,374 illegals were apprehended in Arizona PER DAY? And that's only the ones they caught!

Immigration in Arizona: Fact Sheet (2012)

Instead of running around in circles screaming, "ALARM! ALARM!" maybe you ought to thank this administration for the real progress they've made on the border.

Thank you for stepping up to the plate with another view, Oldguy.

Pity you didn't read the article about WHAT IS GOING ON THIS YEAR, according to what Border Control Agents are seeing since Congress is once more alleged to be bartering citizenship away on hostiles coming over here with guns. Didn't you see the pictures in which this was shown?

In a couple of months, we're not going to have a mere ten million new pro-Mexico citizens, we're going to be hosting citizenships to people who just crossed with the relaxation of border patrols this year. They have 3 million more ready to cross any day now, and Mexico can send hordes more by emptying their prisons once more so they don't have to pay for their housing and feeding, but we do. We also cannot execute any of their serial murderers or serial rapists who are released at the borders with the warning they will be shot should they try to return.

It's a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty deal for America.

We'll see the Alamo revisited, and it won't be pretty.

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