Border Patrol Praises Abbot For Seizing Control Of Border Away From Biden

The fault is that there's no interest in stopping illegal immigration. Go tell your representative you want to punish people who knowingly employ illegal immigrants. I bet they won't.
Biden invited them here. He should be shot.
I talked with one of my BP friends and they love it!

Still doesn't negate the fact that they've been doing the administration's dirty work in the trafficking operation, operating as agents of federal usurpers for the duration of the current regime's administration.

The Federalist (numbers 28 by Hamilton and 46 by Madison) ring a bell here with regard to the assumption and expectation of The Framers that all States would marshall their forces and act jointly to crush the usurpers' forces.

Consider numbers 17 and 45 for clarity and good measure.

This is the part where it becomes critically important to understand the nature of our ''compound Republic'' (see The Federalist number 51)
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The Constitution says that anyone standing on US soil has all of the same rights and freedoms as a citizen, when it comes to due process. It's Republicans who are shitting on the Constitution and the laws Congress has passed in regards to claiming asylum.

Last but not least, the richest nation in the world, whose policies have lead directly to the Central American refugee crisis, is now refusing to take responsibility for helping the refugees their policies create.

Greedy, selfish and stupid - the Republican trifecta!

No it doesn't. The COTUS applies to CITIZENS.
The fault is that there's no interest in stopping illegal immigration. Go tell your representative you want to punish people who knowingly employ illegal immigrants. I bet they won't.
Go tell your representative you want to punish people who knowingly employ illegal immigrants. I bet they won't.
of course they won't.

they're all dems
So much for the constitution.

The government of texass is in a state of rebellion and it's time to put it down.

Their petitions do not empower them to seize control of the border.

The fault is that there's no interest in stopping illegal immigration. Go tell your representative you want to punish people who knowingly employ illegal immigrants. I bet they won't.
”How dare they stop wetbacks from fucking over real Americans.”
The fault is that there's no interest in stopping illegal immigration. Go tell your representative you want to punish people who knowingly employ illegal immigrants. I bet they won't.
The federal government sues those refusing employment to migrants:

In 1986 President Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegals in the USA in return for legislation prohibiting the hiring of those who came into the country by any means other than existing immigration laws.

That law has never been rescinded. Biden and woke judges ignore it.
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Are they going to make me move to Mexico? I’m still here. How can I be replaced if I haven’t moved?
You used to work construction trade jobs, you used to work city jobs, you used to work in medical offices, your kids used to work at fast food joints for work experience, your kids used to get college scholarships.… Guess who works all those jobs now? Guess who gets collegiate funding now? Tell us how you are not being replaced.
Constitution gives the executive branch sole authority to manage immigration. Not a governor.
Be careful, the Constitution also gives the people the power to deal with traitors like Democrats. That said, do something about it you gutless punk cowards, get some!
You used to work construction trade jobs, you used to work city jobs, you used to work in medical offices, your kids used to work at fast food joints for work experience, your kids used to get college scholarships.… Guess who works all those jobs now? Guess who gets collegiate funding now? Tell us how you are not being replaced.
Unemployment is like 3% dude. WTF are you talking about?
Be careful, the Constitution also gives the people the power to deal with traitors like Democrats. That said, do something about it you gutless punk cowards, get some!
And you guys wonder why we say you’re inching your way towards fascism.

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