Boris Johnson and Trump infected?

Boris and Donald were both public deniers to how deadly the virus could be, to their nation. And both did not take precautions. It's expected that they would catch it, over any leader who took it seriously, and took precautions.

ONCE AGAIN, just show us the data that of the millions in the USA that have tested + for Covid, that there is a statistically higher number of them who did NOT wear masks!

Then tell me that NONE of those millions ever wore a mask.

Then tell me why people who wore the mask all the time still got Covid?

Where is the DATA? When are you going to stop talking assumptions and theories and show us this SCIENCE you keep harping about?

Is it just possible that a lot of people wore masks religiously but still got Covid, and some people have yet to catch it despite never wearing a mask?

COULD IT BE that who catches it and how sick they get depends as much on the INDIVIDUAL, their natural resistance, health, diet and circumstances and the mask is just a blanket panacea for the public that we hope may help a little over all?
Boris and Donald were both public deniers to how deadly the virus could be, to their nation. And both did not take precautions. It's expected that they would catch it, over any leader who took it seriously, and took precautions.

Except that taking precautions kills far more people by dragging this out indefinitely.
It saves lives to get it over quickly, by all the healthy people deliberately getting it.
It is not any more deadly than any flu.
If we dragged out the flu for 8 months by social distancing, that would have killed even more people than covid-19.
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?

Ever think that the reason the health care workers caught the virus is because they are continually working in an environment where the virus is present? Masks DO help, and for the average person who is not in an environment where the virus is prevalent?
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
We were short on personal protection gear, and masks had to be reused, and worn days at a time.... And Their exposure to the highly contagious disease is 24/7.... how come millions of them have NOT caught it?

Um...dumbshit? Over seven and a half million people have caught it.

Trump should have immediately invoked the Defense Production Act to get manufacturers to make PPE.

He didn't.

Masks are not a 100% guarantee of not catching or spreading the virus...masks reduces the spread of the virus.

Masks are a prophylactic! Only an idiot doesn't wear one.

A high school education is not a 100 percent guarantee you won't be a dumbshit.

Case in point.
Says the dumbshit who didn't know millions have been infected in the US.

Man, your propagandists really keep you tards in the dark, don't they.

You are a dumb fuck. I know over 7 million people have been infected. But if masks stopped covid19 those would not include over half a million health care workers.

Want to argue with me or Dr Fauci?

Bolsonaro also had it.

Must be a conspiracy. I bet Hillary infected all of them. Makes perfect sense.
Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?

I say some filthy liberal gave it to Trump on purpose. If only liberals would bath regularly.

You think a liberal gave it to Trump on purpose? Can you get any dumber?

No Joe Biden holds the record for dumb. ^^^ the left walk right into the mockery buzz saw willingly. :auiqs.jpg:
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
We were short on personal protection gear, and masks had to be reused, and worn days at a time.... And Their exposure to the highly contagious disease is 24/7.... how come millions of them have NOT caught it?

Um...dumbshit? Over seven and a half million people have caught it.

Trump should have immediately invoked the Defense Production Act to get manufacturers to make PPE.

He didn't.

Masks are not a 100% guarantee of not catching or spreading the virus...masks reduces the spread of the virus.

Masks are a prophylactic! Only an idiot doesn't wear one.

A high school education is not a 100 percent guarantee you won't be a dumbshit.

Case in point.
Says the dumbshit who didn't know millions have been infected in the US.

Man, your propagandists really keep you tards in the dark, don't they.

You are a dumb fuck. I know over 7 million people have been infected. But if masks stopped covid19 those would not include over half a million health care workers.

Want to argue with me or Dr Fauci?

Ever think that the reason those health care workers got the virus is because they are continually working in an infected environment?
Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?

I say some filthy liberal gave it to Trump on purpose. If only liberals would bath regularly.

You think a liberal gave it to Trump on purpose? Can you get any dumber?
What do you think?

The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
We were short on personal protection gear, and masks had to be reused, and worn days at a time.... And Their exposure to the highly contagious disease is 24/7.... how come millions of them have NOT caught it?

Um...dumbshit? Over seven and a half million people have caught it.

Trump should have immediately invoked the Defense Production Act to get manufacturers to make PPE.

He didn't.

Masks are not a 100% guarantee of not catching or spreading the virus...masks reduces the spread of the virus.

Masks are a prophylactic! Only an idiot doesn't wear one.

A high school education is not a 100 percent guarantee you won't be a dumbshit.

Case in point.
Says the dumbshit who didn't know millions have been infected in the US.

Man, your propagandists really keep you tards in the dark, don't they.

You are a dumb fuck. I know over 7 million people have been infected. But if masks stopped covid19 those would not include over half a million health care workers.

Want to argue with me or Dr Fauci?

Ever think that the reason those health care workers got the virus is because they are continually working in an infected environment?

Funny thing, ask a health care worker about the masks everyone is told to wear and they will tell you we all have the wrong mask for adequate protection.
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
Because they’re constantly around people infected with COVID and so their risk of contracting it is considerably higher.

Seems kind of obvious.
Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?

I say some filthy liberal gave it to Trump on purpose. If only liberals would bath regularly.

You think a liberal gave it to Trump on purpose? Can you get any dumber?
What do you think?


Sorry, but that is quite a stretch to think that someone would willingly infect themselves, just so they could give it to Trump.
Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?

I say some filthy liberal gave it to Trump on purpose. If only liberals would bath regularly.

You think a liberal gave it to Trump on purpose? Can you get any dumber?

No Joe Biden holds the record for dumb. ^^^ the left walk right into the mockery buzz saw willingly. :auiqs.jpg:
Joe Biden didn’t suggest injecting disinfectants into people on live TV.
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
We were short on personal protection gear, and masks had to be reused, and worn days at a time.... And Their exposure to the highly contagious disease is 24/7.... how come millions of them have NOT caught it?

Um...dumbshit? Over seven and a half million people have caught it.

Trump should have immediately invoked the Defense Production Act to get manufacturers to make PPE.

He didn't.

Masks are not a 100% guarantee of not catching or spreading the virus...masks reduces the spread of the virus.

Masks are a prophylactic! Only an idiot doesn't wear one.

A high school education is not a 100 percent guarantee you won't be a dumbshit.

"Gee, if it isn't 100 percent, I ain't a-gonna wear one..."
Uhh, air mechanic was saying how come doctors and nurses were catching it, with 24/7 mask wearing..... And I gave him my answer!!! Not certain what the 7 million have caught it, has to do with me answering him, g5000???

Mask wearing reduces the spread of the virus, and was never claimed to be a 100% some right wingers bring up....

Mask wearing is critical, because 40% of those infected with it, I believe are asymptomatic and do not know they have it, making them silent spreaders.... the people who catch covid and have symptoms, can know they are sick and self quarantine/ self isolate when they get symptoms...but they are contagious days earlier, before symptoms, so they need to wear masks too....

A combination of wearing masks, washing hands frequently, keeping at minimum 6 -10 ft distance from another human reduces the spread of the virus by over 90% is what is estimated....
Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?

I say some filthy liberal gave it to Trump on purpose. If only liberals would bath regularly.

You think a liberal gave it to Trump on purpose? Can you get any dumber?
What do you think?

Totally disrespectful!!! But, she is a Comedian shock jock, it is what they do....

And she has zip to do with your crazy assertion of someone in the Whitehouse or gvt. doing this to Trump...
"Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro, and now Donald Trump. What do they all have in common? Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is responsible for all of this."

Does it strike anyone odd that the only world leaders who seem to have contracted Covid are two leaders that the Left despises with a passion?

Conspiracy anyone?
I knew some tards like you would let their feeble imaginations run away with them:

Trump was infected by the D33P STAIT! Hillary coughed on him! Mike Pence swabbed Trump's face mask with Covid! He's trying to kill Trump so he can be President. Jeff Bezos put Covid on the cardboard box which brought Trump his catheters!
His feeble imagination? Where have you been these last four years? I can answer for your dumb ass, with fascist head up fascist ass! We have had an escalating series of coup d' tat attacks upon the president and the people of the United States, its not feeble imagination, its painful fact that the democratic party, the CCP, along with rogue elements in CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI have conducted these attacks, and worse, its clear that they have had to have coordinated them among themselves, including between democratic party and the CCP!

We know that the DNC/Obama/Clinton did exactly that with Russia in 2016, such is now proven beyond all doubt, proven! I haven't one fucking shred of doubt that these same animals would dose the president, along with targeted senators in the US senate in order to assassinate Trump, and derail Barrett's confirmation! Fucktards such as yourself, do the typical drive-by "tinfoil hat" routine for no better reason than you could care fucking less just as long as your political zealotry is satisfied!

The timing of this is like the pandemic itself, just to fucking good to be true..... So, fuck you, and one other thing fascist fuck, you'd better pray to whatever evil thing you worship he survives it, because we are coming for you fascists no matter what if he does not! :fu:
The guy goes to rallies without a mask and mocks people who wear masks. Gee, is that how he got the disease or was it some massive D33P STAIT conspiracy?


You tards are priceless.

If lack of a mask caused Trump to get Covid, how come over 600,000 health care workers, who wear masks 12+ hours a day, have contracted it and thousands have died?
We were short on personal protection gear, and masks had to be reused, and worn days at a time.... And Their exposure to the highly contagious disease is 24/7.... how come millions of them have NOT caught it?

Um...dumbshit? Over seven and a half million people have caught it.

Trump should have immediately invoked the Defense Production Act to get manufacturers to make PPE.

He didn't.

Masks are not a 100% guarantee of not catching or spreading the virus...masks reduces the spread of the virus.

Masks are a prophylactic! Only an idiot doesn't wear one.

A high school education is not a 100 percent guarantee you won't be a dumbshit.

Case in point.
Says the dumbshit who didn't know millions have been infected in the US.

Man, your propagandists really keep you tards in the dark, don't they.

You are a dumb fuck. I know over 7 million people have been infected. But if masks stopped covid19 those would not include over half a million health care workers.

Want to argue with me or Dr Fauci?

Doctor Fauci continued on to say, that until there is further evidence that comes along that could change his opinion..... but of course that part was cut off of the video...

we were extremely short on masks and protective gear because the administration shipped 5 tons of our masks and other protection gear to China in January....

A run on masks would have made the situation worse for healthcare workers....

MOST IMPORTANTLY, when experiments/evidence and facts showed in testing that 40% of those infected, did not know they were infectious, and you could be infectious without symptoms or fever, is when Fauci switched gears, and realized how important it was to wear masks in public.

Also, 90,000 heath care workers in the US, thru July, have caught covid, including janitors, cafeteria workers, housekeeping workers, technicians, ambulance drivers, nurses aids etc,

Not 600,000.

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