Boris Johnson was a US citizen for decades, until IRS caught up with him


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
How amusing---The British PM was an Anchor baby!

Britain's new prime minister was a U.S. citizen for decades—until the IRS caught up with him

"Boris Johnson, Britain's newly-crowned prime minister of the U.K., was born in New York City and only recently relinquished his American passport when the Internal Revenue Service chased him for unpaid taxes.

More than half a century later, Boris Johnson renounced his American citizenship—for tax reasons. As a dual citizen, the IRS required Johnson to file tax returns on his earnings, even though he lived outside of the U.S., and to pay the relevant taxes.

While Mayor of London, Johnson chastised the U.S. embassy for its millions of dollars in an unpaid city road tax known as the congestion charge, which is designed to tackle emissions.
At the same time, Johnson was outraged when the IRS demanded from him capital gains tax to be paid on the hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit made in the sale of his home in North London.
Asked amid the dispute in 2015 whether he would pay up, Johnson said: "No is the answer. I think it's absolutely outrageous. Why should I? I haven't lived in the United States since I was five years old," BBC News reported at the time.
However, his spokesman later confirmed that the matter was dealt with, and The Financial Times reported that Johnson had paid the amount owed before heading to the U.S. to tour cities in his role as London's mayor, sparing him any embarrassment at the airport stateside.
The following year, Johnson renounced his American citizenship, U.S. Treasury Department filings show, and, along with it, any chance of becoming the U.S. president once he was done leading the U.K." reminds me of's just on the tip of the tongue:

Dont insult crazy boris like that. While he is also ignorant, incurious, unqualified and unfit to hold office, and prpne to lying off the cuff, he is clearly much smarter than trump.
A lot of people gave up American citizenship when shitstain obama started taxing people who haven't been here in decades. Tina Turner dumped her citizenship for the same reasons.

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