Bose-Einstein State Long Theorized Attained


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
In a major new hurdle to quantum science, an important step has been bridged. In particle science it is understood that the lion's share of ordinary matter as we know it making up space is Hadronic (principally Baryon for our concerns here) in nature. This is the composite structure of positive matter governed by the Strong nuclear force, in other words, a function of the Up and Down quarks, or, first-generational matter.

Behind their functioning are the force carriers, or Gauge Bosons, distinguished as having a spin = 1. The article incorrectly points to FOUR force carriers when in fact there are only THREE, the forth theorized, the gravitron, does not exist and is an incorrect assumption based on the false premise that gravity is a bosonic force when in fact, it is a FIELD part and parcel to dark matter, not wholly occupying (or operating in) conventional space. The three actual force carriers, that of holding the atomic nucleus together (what is "broken apart" when a nuclear bomb goes off; the "splitting" of the atom), the carrier governing radioactive decay (e.g., allowing uranium to decay into lead), and the photon (light), which carries the electromagnetic force---- the carrier most evident to us in ordinary life which makes a table appear "solid"------ these carriers all have in common the property that unlike fermions (Pauli Exclusion Principle), they are driven by adherence to the Bose-Einstein state that ANY number of particles can all occupy the same state and space at the same time.

This last property is a profound key to the existence of the universe.

NASA has recently in their Cold Atom Lab operationally bridged this last gap in effect creating the coldest place in the universe, effectively 10 billion times colder than space itself, which hovers about 3° above absolute zero. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature where effectively, all nuclear motion becomes frozen fixed (unmoving). One could think of it as time stopping.

The CAL has achieved 100 nanoKelvins, or about +0.0000001 Kelvin. ABSOLUTE ZERO is 0.0° Kelvin.

The achievement of this has led to the production of the fifth state of matter beyond solid, liquid, gas and plasma, and will aid not only in the understanding of many new things but will be pivotal in many new discoveries and technologies, not the least of which may be a better understanding of the grand-unification of the forces.

NASA has created the coldest spot ever
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In a major new hurdle to quantum science, an important step has been bridged. In particle science it is understood that the lion's share of ordinary matter as we know it making up space is Hadronic (principally Baryon for our concerns here) in nature. This is the composite structure of positive matter governed by the Strong nuclear force, in other words, a function of the Up and Down quarks, or, first-generational matter.

Behind their functioning are the force carriers, or Gauge Bosons, distinguished as having a spin = 1. The article incorrectly points to FOUR force carriers when in fact there are only THREE, the forth theorized, the gravitron, does not exist and is an incorrect assumption based on the false premise that gravity is a bosonic force when in fact, it is a FIELD part and parcel to dark matter, not wholly occupying (or operating in) conventional space. The three actual force carriers, that of holding the atomic nucleus together (what is "broken apart" when a nuclear bomb goes off; the "splitting" of the atom), the carrier governing radioactive decay (e.g., allowing uranium to decay into lead), and the photon (light), which carries the electromagnetic force---- the carrier most evident to us in ordinary life which makes a table appear "solid"------ these carriers all have in common the property that unlike fermions (Pauli Exclusion Principle), they are driven by adherence to the Bose-Einstein state that ANY number of particles can all occupy the same state and space at the same time.

This last property is a profound key to the existence of the universe.

NASA has recently in their Cold Atom Lab operationally bridged this last gap in effect creating the coldest place in the universe, effectively 10 billion times colder than space itself, which hovers about 3° above absolute zero. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature where effectively, all nuclear motion becomes frozen fixed (unmoving). One could think of it as time stopping.

The CAL has achieved 100 nanoKelvins, or about +0.0000001 Kelvin. ABSOLUTE ZERO is 0.0° Kelvin.

The achievement of this has led to the production of the fifth state of matter beyond solid, liquid, gas and plasma, and will aid not only in the understanding of many new things but will be pivotal in many new discoveries and technologies, not the least of which may be a better understanding of the grand-unification of the forces.

NASA has created the coldest spot ever

That is really, really cool...pardon the pun!
I would think that theoretical physics left any applicable mathematics behind in the 1970's, and little of practical use will come out of this. Interesting, though, nonetheless.
Slow it down guys. Are they creating new states of matter or just discovering states of matter that have always existed but have only been theorized about.

One cannot create matter or a new state thereof as per the Conservation of Energy Law, which is an unviolatable constraint upon the universe.

Conservation of energy - Wikipedia

It can only be changed in form. Absolute zero has always existed and a state at or below the CAL's achievement has always been possible and must have occurred at some other point in space or time, just not now in local space as we know it because vestigial energies from the Big Bang always creep into the system keeping it above that point, eg., usually about +3°K. But since they CAN occur, they DO occur and must have occurred in order to bring about the convergence of bosonic forces at some early point in the universe's creation.
I've been fishing around for an example of what a BEC is (or is not) and found this:
What Are Examples of Bose-Einstein Condensate?

Two examples of Bose-Einstein condensates include superfluids, such as cold liquid helium, or superconductors, such as the nucleons inside a neutron star. Bose-Einstein condensates are another state of matter, similar to solids but with less energy. They were not directly observed until the 1990s, even though Einstein predicted their existence in the 1920s.

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