Bosnia brewing up another balkans war

Ivan lover move to Omsk, have you ever been in Muscovy ?
Okay Muhammad lover, move to Bosnia and live with the Muslim trash you love so much. Maybe you’ll even get to kill some Christians if you join up with them.
Okay Muhammad lover, move to Bosnia and live with the Muslim trash you love so much. Maybe you’ll even get to kill some Christians if you join up with them.
"Muhammad lover," would you call our great commander Mr. Reagan for a "Muhammad lover," as well ? you are a traitor, you must know it ....

"Muhammad lover," would you call our great commander Mr. Reagan for a "Muhammad lover," as well ? you are a traitor, you must know it ....

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That’s the best you got? Because I don’t want to bomb some Serbians that never attacked us, this makes me a “Russian”?

You really are scared of Russia aren’t you? What little pissant Euro country are you from?
That’s the best you got? Because I don’t want to bomb some Serbians that never attacked us, this makes me a “Russian”?

You really are scared of Russia aren’t you? What little pissant Euro country are you from?

Moscow horde ´ll always hate the Liberal order , we´d bomb not just Serbia but Moscow in the same year , Moscow gave Serbs the green light

Moscow horde ´ll always hate the Liberal order , we´d bomb not just Serbia but Moscow in the same year , Moscow gave Serbs the green light

What are even babbling about at this point? Your English is terrible.
Let's hope we have the good sense not to get mixed up, yet again, in Europe's 2,000 years of tribalism, barbarism, and religious fanaticism.

Muscovy is not Europe , its Asia , and It always projects barbarism


Pogroms in the Moscow Empire - Wikipedia​ › wiki › Pogroms_in_the_Russi...

The use of the term "pogrom" became common in the English language after a large-scale wave of anti-Jewish riots swept through south-western Imperial Moscow ( ...
It's been a mess ever since Yugoslavia broke up.
barbarian Moscow is behind of this mess

Montenegro overturns coup verdict for two Russians, 11 others › news › montenegro-overtu...

5 Feb 2021 — A Montenegrin court has overturned the convictions of two Russians and 11 others over an attempted coup against the pro-Western government ...

Two Suspected Russian Agents Among 14 Convicted in ...​ › World › Europe

9 May 2019 — A court in Montenegro on Thursday found 14 people, including two Russians suspected of being spies, guilty of plotting a coup in 2016 to ...
If NATO would have stayed out of this and let it solve itself none of this would be necessary.

Yet another example of governments that DO NOT understand the cultural and social roots of a situation, forcing their values on another.
NATO stepped in because of the genocide going on. It sparked a new age of muslim terrorism that led to the problems we have today. Kosovo is another one .
NATO stepped in because of the genocide going on. It sparked a new age of muslim terrorism that led to the problems we have today. Kosovo is another one .
Ahh bullshit. The US and NATO propagated the terror.

"Albanian separatism in Kosovo and Metohija was formally characterized as a 'jihad' in October 1998 at an annual international Islamic conference in Pakistan. Nonetheless, the 25,000 strong KLA continued to receive official NATO/U.S. arms and training support and, at the talks in Rambouillet, France, then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shook hands with 'freedom fighter' Hashim Thaci, a KLA leader. As this was taking place, Europol (the European Police Organization based in The Hague) was preparing a scathing report on the connection between the KLA and international drug gangs. Even Robert Gelbard, America´s special envoy to Bosnia, officially described the KLA as Islamic terrorists. With the future status of Kosovo still in question, the only real development that may be said to be taking place there is the rise of Wahhabi Islam -- the puritanical Saudi variety favored by bin Laden -- and the fastest growing variety of Islam in the Balkans."
Al Qaeda´s Balkan Links

Narco-Jihad Culture

The overnight rise of heroin trafficking through Kosovo -- now the most important Balkan route between Southeast Asia and Europe after Turkey -- helped also to fund terrorist activity directly associated with al Qaeda and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Opium poppies, which barely existed in the Balkans before 1995, have become the No. 1 drug cultivated in the Balkans after marijuana. Operatives of two al Qaeda-sponsored Islamist cells who were arrested in Bosnia on Oct. 23 were linked to the heroin trade, underscoring the narco-jihad culture of today's post-war Balkans.

These drug rings in turn form part of an estimated $8 billion a year Taliban annual income from global drug trafficking, predominantly in heroin. According to Mr. Bodansky, the terrorism expert, bin Laden administers much of that trade through Russian mafia groups for a commission of 10% to 15% -- or around $1 billion annually.

The settling of Afghan-trained mujahideen in the Balkans began around 1992, when recruits were brought into Bosnia by the ruling Islamic party of Bosnia, the Party of Democratic Action, from Chechnya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, as well as Italy, Germany and Turkey.
They were all given journalists' credentials to avoid explicit detection by the West. Others were married immediately to Bosnian Muslim women and incorporated into regular army ranks


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