Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

So, I took 2 seconds to google this story. The issue with the test, apparently, is that minorities are not being informed of open positions in higher ranks and are not being given the same time to prep for the written test that white male officers are. They claim that only those in a select group are even being offered those positions. It has come to city attention because of recent issues of police struggling to get cooperation in minority neighborhood or being able to communicate with minorites because all of the officers are white men.

So sad to burst your bubble, but women and blacks are not just naturally stupider then white men.

So are they just informing the whites? Or are the minorities not checking for the openings? When I worked for the government, it wasn't their job to notify me of any openings, it was my job to find out on my own. I checked in the personnel office frequently.
No one is lowering the standard requirement.


Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion exam used statewide* with a testing system that could include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Last time I checked replace wasn't a synonym for lower

The statewide standard is passing the promotion exam... Anything less than passing the promotion exam is by definition a lower standard than the rest of the state.

Try again.
Is there anyone who DOESN'T think a police force works most effectively if it includes a range of different races and ethnicities?

Afros are worthless animals. Every Afro on a police force displaces a person who would be a far better cop. Why do you think the police, or any business, works better by hiring less qualified people over more qualified people?
If 2 criminals are working together selling crack and you catch one criminal with 5 pieces of crack and your partner catches the other criminal with 3 pieces of crack. How many pieces of crack does the group of criminals have?

A - 1
B - 4
C - 8
D - 10

I guess it would matter how much those pieces weighed now wouldn't it.:lol:
I thought we were supposed to be judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
I thought we were supposed to be judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

I agree. Too bad his family has the copy-write on that speech and they don't play it every Jan 15th anymore. People really need to hear it.
Tests are more about the $$$$$ and protecting turf than determining qualifications.

Oh yeah - lets just hand out promotions randomly. Can you think at all?

In the 3 businesses I own I never "hand out" promotions.
And would never do something as stupid as test for them.
I promote based on job PERFORMANCE.
Something someone like you that says "Do you want fries with that" hundreds of times a day would know nothing about.
If 2 criminals are working together selling crack and you catch one criminal with 5 pieces of crack and your partner catches the other criminal with 3 pieces of crack. How many pieces of crack does the group of criminals have?

A - 1
B - 4
C - 8
D - 10

The correct answer is 3. "You", the Afro, pockets the 5 pieces of crack for personal consumption. Your cracker partner turns in the 3 pieces of crack. So, there is a total of 3.
Thank you, Amynation. Her's the information:

For months, the group has asked the department to change requirements concerning tests for promotions, or at least inform minority officers about open positions so they could apply and prepare for test. The group has said that supervisory positions continue to go to a select few “insiders” without minority officers having the chance to fairly compete for the jobs.

Minority officers eye more Boston police diversity. | Global Ministries Boston

This demonstrates that the problem could be correctly handled by just affording the minorities the same courtesy they do the whites, or "select" group. Instead, they change the entire format and waste $2million at the same time.

Was telling them about the test in a timely manner too much to ask?

Thanks for the link, Amy. Well done.
5 years ago Governor Sonny Perdue asked me and 4 other long time private detective agency owners to write a new test for agency license applicants.
We met for 3 days in Macon, Ga. at the Ga. Secretary of State Professional Licensing Division.
And what a joke it was as they had a dude with a PHD in test writing in charge.
Now those of us in the real world know that there was also heavy pressure from my industry to make this test very hard. And why? TURF PROTECTION to limit competition.
And we ignored the 2 professional associations here and their lobbying for a very hard test.
But the net result was a complete joke because of the test writers and bureaucrats.
Same as the Boston Police Test.
Best to listen to those of us that have been around the block for decades.
Testing is one of the worst indicators of job performance in law enforcement.
Life in a nation supposedly where all men were created equal is great, aint it?

Obama wants equality in school disciplinary actions, too. So the white kid who gets caught chewing gum in class gets a two week suspension, but the black kid who knifes another kid in the locker room will get a single after school detention. Its all in the numbers. Fewer whites commit serious schoolhouse infractions so the punishments meted out have to be graver for whatever infractions they commit.


Obama backs race-based school discipline policies | The Daily Caller
So, I took 2 seconds to google this story. The issue with the test, apparently, is that minorities are not being informed of open positions in higher ranks and are not being given the same time to prep for the written test that white male officers are. They claim that only those in a select group are even being offered those positions. It has come to city attention because of recent issues of police struggling to get cooperation in minority neighborhood or being able to communicate with minorites because all of the officers are white men.

So sad to burst your bubble, but women and blacks are not just naturally stupider then white men.

That is very interesting! Can I see the link?


Minority officers eye more Boston police diversity. | Global Ministries Boston

Residents, officers seek more diversity in law enforcement -

I don't see anything in these links to underpin your conclusion.

The test is standardized, it is not position specific, so the "prep time" argument is total B.S.

The applicant must pass the test to be considered for the "they aren't informed" argument is also B.S.
Last edited:
Boston anything and everything is still about the good old boy system.
I oppose affirmative action but the facts up there tell the story.
Turf protection. "Hire Pete's boy, he is a good kid." is what is going on.
And the minorities suffer.
Just the facts.
5 years ago Governor Sonny Perdue asked me and 4 other long time private detective agency owners to write a new test for agency license applicants.
We met for 3 days in Macon, Ga. at the Ga. Secretary of State Professional Licensing Division.
And what a joke it was as they had a dude with a PHD in test writing in charge.
Now those of us in the real world know that there was also heavy pressure from my industry to make this test very hard. And why? TURF PROTECTION to limit competition.
And we ignored the 2 professional associations here and their lobbying for a very hard test.
But the net result was a complete joke because of the test writers and bureaucrats.
Same as the Boston Police Test.
Best to listen to those of us that have been around the block for decades.
Testing is one of the worst indicators of job performance in law enforcement.

Testing is one of the worst indicators of job performance in law enforcement

Show me a link for that! That I find is hard to believe.
Thank you, Amynation. Her's the information:

For months, the group has asked the department to change requirements concerning tests for promotions, or at least inform minority officers about open positions so they could apply and prepare for test. The group has said that supervisory positions continue to go to a select few “insiders” without minority officers having the chance to fairly compete for the jobs.

Minority officers eye more Boston police diversity. | Global Ministries Boston

This demonstrates that the problem could be correctly handled by just affording the minorities the same courtesy they do the whites, or "select" group. Instead, they change the entire format and waste $2million at the same time.

Was telling them about the test in a timely manner too much to ask?

Thanks for the link, Amy. Well done.

It sounded like changing the tests is an effort to circumvent the favoritism happening in the individual departments. I agree it would be cheaper and easier to simply tell the departments they have to post an opening for 2 weeks before they can fill it or something, but I suspect they already have a rule like that but its simply not being followed.
Tests are more about the $$$$$ and protecting turf than determining qualifications.

Oh yeah - lets just hand out promotions randomly. Can you think at all?

In the 3 businesses I own I never "hand out" promotions.
And would never do something as stupid as test for them.
I promote based on job PERFORMANCE.
Something someone like you that says "Do you want fries with that" hundreds of times a day would know nothing about.

Job performance is not always a great indicator, I see your avatar, in sports good football players arent always good coaches, but it works that way in everything. Leadership is not just doing the employees jobs well, it's knowing how to be a leader, that is where the test is usually handy. It's conceptualizing what you need to do in a job you have not done yet.
Jackson, you're a shithead. Go take your welfare check and buy some IQ points. Afros complaining about discrimination is no evidence of discrimination at all. I'm certain all job opportunities are openly posted, and written tests are highly objective. Any bias is in favor of those Afro shits, that's just how American society is.

Thank you, Amynation. Her's the information:

For months, the group has asked the department to change requirements concerning tests for promotions, or at least inform minority officers about open positions so they could apply and prepare for test. The group has said that supervisory positions continue to go to a select few “insiders” without minority officers having the chance to fairly compete for the jobs.

Minority officers eye more Boston police diversity. | Global Ministries Boston

This demonstrates that the problem could be correctly handled by just affording the minorities the same courtesy they do the whites, or "select" group. Instead, they change the entire format and waste $2million at the same time.

Was telling them about the test in a timely manner too much to ask?

Thanks for the link, Amy. Well done.

I don't see anything in these links to underpin your conclusion.

The test is standardized, it is not position specific, so the "prep time" argument is total B.S.

The applicant must pass the test to be considered for the "they aren't informed" argument is also B.S.

But it appears that whites are told about it and can prepare...why is that? When entering into a new category of LE, a certain amount of prepatory work has to be done. There isn't training for these jobs after you get them.

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