Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

SAT is not an intelligence test anyway. All it proclaims to be is an indicator of how well a freshman will do in college.
And not a very good indicator of that.
SAT is a great indicator of how poor the inner city public schools are.

Why not place the blame on the people in the innercity for being poor? It isn't my fault that they don't work hard.

Act, Sat, and every single other test says the same thing.
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.

Keep it up Boston. You'll be the next Detroit before you know it.
If 2 criminals are working together selling crack and you catch one criminal with 5 pieces of crack and your partner catches the other criminal with 3 pieces of crack. How many pieces of crack does the group of criminals have?

A - 1
B - 4
C - 8
D - 10

Easy... 10

2x5 - 3 =10
Even if it's possible I might have gotten it wrong I get it marked right
because I play my affirmative action card.
During the school year of 1986 - 87 the average SAT score in reading for whites was 524. For blacks it was 428.

During the school year of 2010 - 11 the average SAT score in reading for whites was 528. For blacks it was 428.

During the school year of 1986 - 87 the average SAT score in mathematics for whites was 514. For blacks it was 411.

During the school year of 2010 - 11 the average SAT score in mathematics for whites was 535. For blacks it was 427.

Fast Facts

In other words, blacks started out way behind whites. During a period of 24 years they got further behind. This happened despite No Child Left Behind. One of the goals of No Child Left Behind was to bring blacks up to white standards.

I thought the tests were gamed and fixed for blacks to score higher as indicated by a few posts here.
Those stats debunk that theory.

Who's to say they wouldn't score lower if they weren't?

:rolleyes: More illogic from the racist moron.
SAT is not an intelligence test anyway. All it proclaims to be is an indicator of how well a freshman will do in college.
And not a very good indicator of that.
SAT is a great indicator of how poor the inner city public schools are.

It's not just the SAT. Blacks come in last in all standardized tests. And it's not because the tests are culturally biased - asians do very well.

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