Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

Is there anyone who DOESN'T think a police force works most effectively if it includes a range of different races and ethnicities?

Because if we all agree that we need Asian, Black, Hispanic police as well as whites, then all we need to discuss is how best to achieve that goal.

If I call the police I want police officers to arrive who have the intelligence to pass the test without race norming. If blacks can't pass the test, that is just too bad.
It's both politics and race though i'm sure the censors here will move it to the race dungeon so people don't find out about yet another example of special treatment for blacks.

Did you even read the article?

It says out of over 2 dozen captains they are all white males, except for 1 Asian male.

Shootspunker means to say that if it's all white it's all right.

You bet it is if they are the most qualified.
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.

The OP is clearly a liberal troll, attempting to make conservatives look bad, as no actual person is this ignorant or stupid.

What did ShootSpeeders say that is not true? :confused:
No one is lowering the standard requirement.


Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion exam used statewide* with a testing system that could include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Last time I checked replace wasn't a synonym for lower

In this case it clearly is.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

- George Orwell

Everybody knows what the truth is about affirmative action, but it has become dangerous to say it in public. :eek::eek::eek:
So, I took 2 seconds to google this story. The issue with the test, apparently, is that minorities are not being informed of open positions in higher ranks and are not being given the same time to prep for the written test that white male officers are. They claim that only those in a select group are even being offered those positions. It has come to city attention because of recent issues of police struggling to get cooperation in minority neighborhood or being able to communicate with minorites because all of the officers are white men.

So sad to burst your bubble, but women and blacks are not just naturally stupider then white men.

I agree with you about women. Why is it that blacks always have lover averages on the mental aptitude tests? :confused:

Fast Facts

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

And why is it so dangerous to mention this in public? :confused:
Is there anyone who DOESN'T think a police force works most effectively if it includes a range of different races and ethnicities?

Afros are worthless animals. Every Afro on a police force displaces a person who would be a far better cop. Why do you think the police, or any business, works better by hiring less qualified people over more qualified people?

This is obviously not true for every black person. Nevertheless, every black person should be required to meet the same standards as every white person.
That aside, when I was an E-4 Specialist (that is the Army rank above Private First Class) I found out what was required to be promoted to E-5 Seargent, and started work to meet those requirements, I maxed out my civilian education, took the military PLD course, spent extra hours at the range improving my proficiency, and studied for my review board.

No one had to tell me it would behoove me to set this goal our embark on this course...that was my responsibility...I wanted to advance.

It's not about want. Blacks don't have the brains. They are mentally inferior and nothing can be done about that.

I am pleased to note that you have not been banned, or even flamed. On other internet forums you would be. Nevertheless, the races overlap in terms of intelligence. Quite a few blacks are more intelligent than quite a few whites.
Response to "Life in a nation supposedly where all men were created equal is great, aint it?"

columbine shooting
virginia tech massacre
colorado shooting
If anything, the tests are biased against whites, in hope of raising Afro scores. Biasing tests in favor of Afros is standard practice. And, how is it that "insider knowledge" (WTF) on a test helps whites more than Afros?

Got that right. That's why the SAT test added that silly esay section 15 or so years ago. The test graders are suppoded to recongnize a black test taker by their grammar and grade them easier than the white boys. Can't do that with multiple question tests.

SAT does not grade anyone easier.
Is there anyone who DOESN'T think a police force works most effectively if it includes a range of different races and ethnicities?

Because if we all agree that we need Asian, Black, Hispanic police as well as whites, then all we need to discuss is how best to achieve that goal.

If I call the police I want police officers to arrive who have the intelligence to pass the test without race norming. If blacks can't pass the test, that is just too bad.

You want folks that can pass a test.
I want folks that can handle THE STREET.
especially when the answers are written on their hands and toenails
Looks that way. How do you explain they can't pass the test?

They intionally were not notified about the tests and didn't have time for preparation??? Link shows that was the case.

OK, fine. Let's notify them, and then make them pass the written test.

Yes indeed. I doubt very much this story about blacks not being told of the test but it so, then notify them in the future. No need to toss out the testing idea.
[ Nevertheless, the races overlap in terms of intelligence. Quite a few blacks are more intelligent than quite a few whites.

Why state the obvious.? Of course there are lots of smart blacks and dumb whites. But on average whites and asians are much smarter than blacks.

I'm a big fan of black economist thomas sowell. Very smart dood.
SAT does not grade anyone easier.

You mean they won't admit it but they do. Blacks get a huge break on the essay test since there are no "right" answers and the score is a judgement call. That's the idea for the essay test.
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.

In addition to laws, etc higher ups in the ranks need to demonstrate critical, tactical and strategic thinking.
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SAT does not grade anyone easier.

You mean they won't admit it but they do. Blacks get a huge break on the essay.


The burden of proof is on you since you are the one making the outrageous statement. The whole point of tests like the SAT is to measure a student's achievement precisely in contrast to the mushy measurement of using grades. Essay test grading is also a mushy judgement call and clearly does not belong on the SAT.

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