Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

Why would I ever want to answer your questions?
All you do is call me a liar and other childish names.
But I will as this is getting better and better!
Dad was a doctor, my uncle was a doctor, 2 cousins are doctors and I have had numerous doctors as clients for over 30 years.
I quit doing domestic work many years ago but one of my good friends is a doctor. I saved him having to pay $10K a month PER YEAR in permanent alimony years ago and now get free doctor visits for life with him.
And I have worked on many a med/mal case over the years.
But you do not believe any of it so it does not really matter anyway.
Yes, I AM the most interesting man in the WORLD.
And all of this is AFTER the days between the lines.

You are the most interesting man in the world. And spend Hours on this message board prattling and gibbering like a mongoloid. I have heard it all.:eusa_hand: Also, I don't believe I have ever called you a liar. Your statement that I have makes you a........ You figure it out, mike hammer.

I used to spend a few hours every week "gibbering like a mongoloid".
I could back it up then also.
Going up against defenseless folk is a favorite past time of mine since grade school.

Is that when you started the secret life of Walter Mitty? Grade school? And what, exactly, have you backed up? You have made wild assertions of fabulous success and achievement, but so have I.
You are once again making shit up.
Do not have to prove you were or were not police chief anywhere.
Never said you weren't but you now admit you are a liar and bull shitter.
All I have to prove is what YOU CLAIMED I LIED ABOUT.
You claimed what I stated was false.
I stated it all was true.
Tell you what PHO-NY.
We can pick someone here and they can go to The Georgia Secretary of States' Professional Examining Board website and comfirm my Private Detective License from 1982
They passed the law in '82 that we had to be licensed. I was grandfathered in as I have been doing this since 1979.
Governor Perdue named myself and 4 others to re-write The Private Detective Agency License examination test during his last administration.
That is all fact. Undisputed. You claimed I am a liar about that. All of that you claimed I was a liar.
Now all you can do is as YOU ALWAYS do, change the subject, twist, slant, distort, sidestep and BS.
Thanks for the 4th white towel.
Next time send red and black with a Bull DAWG logo on it.

I changed your bet, bitchtits. Upped the ante and added another bet.

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound with your claims, Sherlock? Are you aware that I could claim to be the fastest man on earth, and that my name is usain bolt? And that my identity still could not be determined? Fuck, man, for running the worlds most successful detective agency, you are a true retard. And a racist one at that. Take my bet or admit that you are a liar and a homo. Until then, I will continue to scorn you with abandon.

Homo? :lol::lol:
That is a new one. Married for 36 years tomorrow, 3 kids.
I was doing co-eds in the back seat of Fords before you were born.
Go ahead and scorn away! I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead.
They are not claims as I am not a PHONY like you.

Man, you are old. Maybe your wild claims are the result of senility. I should quit pokin fun at you, Sherlock. But I won't.
I changed your bet, bitchtits. Upped the ante and added another bet.

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound with your claims, Sherlock? Are you aware that I could claim to be the fastest man on earth, and that my name is usain bolt? And that my identity still could not be determined? Fuck, man, for running the worlds most successful detective agency, you are a true retard. And a racist one at that. Take my bet or admit that you are a liar and a homo. Until then, I will continue to scorn you with abandon.

Homo? :lol::lol:
That is a new one. Married for 36 years tomorrow, 3 kids.
I was doing co-eds in the back seat of Fords before you were born.
Go ahead and scorn away! I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead.
They are not claims as I am not a PHONY like you.

Man, you are old. Maybe your wild claims are the result of senility. I should quit pokin fun at you, Sherlock. But I won't.

Keep it coming. One of my cousins is married to a Vietnamese woman and she has a great sense of humor. My bro in law in San Diego is engaged to one. Same with her
I assume you work for PHO King.
Call me what you want but the last thing I am is racist. We have people from all races in my extended family.
Of course the stereotyping of all southerners is that but not the case here.
Homo? :lol::lol:
That is a new one. Married for 36 years tomorrow, 3 kids.
I was doing co-eds in the back seat of Fords before you were born.
Go ahead and scorn away! I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead.
They are not claims as I am not a PHONY like you.

Man, you are old. Maybe your wild claims are the result of senility. I should quit pokin fun at you, Sherlock. But I won't.

Keep it coming. One of my cousins is married to a Vietnamese woman and she has a great sense of humor. My bro in law in San Diego is engaged to one. Same with her
I assume you work for PHO King.
Call me what you want but the last thing I am is racist. We have people from all races in my extended family.
Of course the stereotyping of all southerners is that but not the case here.

Why do racists always say " but but but I have a friend who is a minority"?
Man, you are old. Maybe your wild claims are the result of senility. I should quit pokin fun at you, Sherlock. But I won't.

Keep it coming. One of my cousins is married to a Vietnamese woman and she has a great sense of humor. My bro in law in San Diego is engaged to one. Same with her
I assume you work for PHO King.
Call me what you want but the last thing I am is racist. We have people from all races in my extended family.
Of course the stereotyping of all southerners is that but not the case here.

Why do racists always say " but but but I have a friend who is a minority"?

Not a friend, FAMILY of mine are minorities.
And friends also.
You seem to have a chip on your shoulder.

95% of officers in the military have college degrees. Many have Masters and Doctorates.

Not the black ones. And BTW - we need to differentiate amond degrees. 5 PHDs in mushy liberal arts crap like sociology or education is not worth a single bachelor in math or physics.
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.

Same sort of issue as the New Haven firefighter case. Use of a biased written exam, then people complaining when the move to a more accurate system is made.
Medical malpractice is at an all time high in America WITH THE PASSING of laws limiting doctor's negligence and making it much harder to sue them everywhere.
Too much classroom rote instruction and not enough hands on experience.
Why is that is hard to understand?
Experience in the field is the best indicator.
And testing also. Am not against it but tests ALONE are not the best indicator.
Look at the military. They DO NOT have these problems.
Plenty of minorirites promoted there.
Why is that?

So now shooting a gun is the same as brain surgery!!!! Get your butt outta your head.

95% of officers in the military have college degrees. Many have Masters and Doctorates.
A lot more than "shooting a gun".
Are you really that ignorant? Most in the military rarely ever see a gun.

What percentage have degrees that are actually relevant to their duties? It's great that soldiers have the chance to get an education (opening up more jobs to them after they leave duty), but how relevant are those degrees on their duties in the military?
So now shooting a gun is the same as brain surgery!!!! Get your butt outta your head.

95% of officers in the military have college degrees. Many have Masters and Doctorates.
A lot more than "shooting a gun".
Are you really that ignorant? Most in the military rarely ever see a gun.

What percentage have degrees that are actually relevant to their duties? It's great that soldiers have the chance to get an education (opening up more jobs to them after they leave duty), but how relevant are those degrees on their duties in the military?

You make my point and do not even know it.
The military has long known that the DISCIPLINE to obtain that degree is what is relevant.
Ask a Marine officer or any officer.
Shooting a gun has very little to do with the US military for many years.
95% of officers in the military have college degrees. Many have Masters and Doctorates.
A lot more than "shooting a gun".
Are you really that ignorant? Most in the military rarely ever see a gun.

What percentage have degrees that are actually relevant to their duties? It's great that soldiers have the chance to get an education (opening up more jobs to them after they leave duty), but how relevant are those degrees on their duties in the military?

You make my point and do not even know it.
The military has long known that the DISCIPLINE to obtain that degree is what is relevant.
Ask a Marine officer or any officer.
Shooting a gun has very little to do with the US military for many years.

I guess this is what happens when you walk in to a thread late. I totally agree with your point, it seems.

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