Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

I have no problem with the fact that whites do much better than African Americans on standardized tests because whites have educated themselves better AND VALUE EDUCATION more than African Americans in most instances. As a result of that one could claim that as a group of those taking the test then whites are smarter than African Americans on that subject matter.
WELL DUH! And calling me a racist for that is okay because all I am doing is posting fact.
But in all of that how does that make a more effective LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER?
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.


And one that does not believe in a uniform set of standards unless that standard is lowered to accommodate the less deserving.
You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
You were bitching about how tests, ones that you claim to create, weed out the good officers and promote bad ones. Which is exactly what I would expect a failure to do. That, and throw out wild claims of fabulous success on a message board.

You are a damn liar son. Where did I ever state that?
"wild claims" Again, I can back it all up. Since you are stagnant in a "Do you want fries with that" career I will give you a break and lower my bet to $10K.
And you pick anyone here to hold the $$$.
I have forgotten more success than you will ever have.
Why are you so jealous and envious of me?
You are a closet liberal. Sorry things have not worked out so well for you.

Yeah yeah. I am sure you have cured cancer and solved the hunger problem in Africa, too. Well, I created slanket and the snuggie. I am worth millions too. Anyone can be anyone on a message board, a fact you take full advantage of.
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.

I don't know that they are relying SOLELY on standardized tests but even if they are, that is still better than promoting on basis of skin color which is what this interview crap is all about.

You'd have to be fucktard to think that the police department use only the tests. And, you'd have to be a shithead to think that they should give a job to anyone who can't pass their test. And, you'd have to be a fucktard shithead to think these Afros are failing the test for any reason other than incompetence.
Didn't you hear? Gadawg is a millionaire several times over as a law enforcement entrepreneur. He really is the subject matter expert here. We should all pay attention to his opinions, no matter how retarded and nonsensical they may be.
I have no problem with the fact that whites do much better than African Americans on standardized tests because whites have educated themselves better AND VALUE EDUCATION more than African Americans in most instances. As a result of that one could claim that as a group of those taking the test then whites are smarter than African Americans on that subject matter.
WELL DUH! And calling me a racist for that is okay because all I am doing is posting fact.
But in all of that how does that make a more effective LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER?
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.


And one that does not believe in a uniform set of standards unless that standard is lowered to accommodate the less deserving.

You, just like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, are illiterate and do not know the definition of racist.
A racist believes his race is superior to another.
Who decides what is the "uniform set of standards"?
The same cheerleaders that rant about how we need less government are the ones screaming and hollering that we need more government when it fits their agenda and ideology.
And they are some FUGLY cheerleaders at that.
I don't know that they are relying SOLELY on standardized tests but even if they are, that is still better than promoting on basis of skin color which is what this interview crap is all about.

You'd have to be fucktard to think that the police department use only the tests. And, you'd have to be a shithead to think that they should give a job to anyone who can't pass their test. And, you'd have to be a fucktard shithead to think these Afros are failing the test for any reason other than incompetence.
Didn't you hear? Gadawg is a millionaire several times over as a law enforcement entrepreneur. He really is the subject matter expert here. We should all pay attention to his opinions, no matter how retarded and nonsensical they may be.

Never been in law enforcement PHO-NY.
I have over 5000 files of cases I investigated over the last 30 years, assisted in the writing of the current Georgia Private Detective Agency License examination with The Georgia Secretary of State Professional Licensing Boards a few years ago and sit on a few Boards in other industries. I workk with law enforcement almost daily in my work as a consultant to many industries and law firms.
Please tell us YOUR EXPERIENCE on this subject matter. I bet it is NOTHING.Your milk is so weak you can not back up anything you say.
I can and you know it as I am willing to at any time.
Or are you saving all that hot air for your inflatable date tonight?
You'd have to be fucktard to think that the police department use only the tests. And, you'd have to be a shithead to think that they should give a job to anyone who can't pass their test. And, you'd have to be a fucktard shithead to think these Afros are failing the test for any reason other than incompetence.
Didn't you hear? Gadawg is a millionaire several times over as a law enforcement entrepreneur. He really is the subject matter expert here. We should all pay attention to his opinions, no matter how retarded and nonsensical they may be.

Never been in law enforcement PHO-NY.
I have over 5000 files of cases I investigated over the last 30 years, assisted in the writing of the current Georgia Private Detective Agency License examination with The Georgia Secretary of State Professional Licensing Boards a few years ago and sit on a few Boards in other industries. I workk with law enforcement almost daily in my work as a consultant to many industries and law firms.
Please tell us YOUR EXPERIENCE on this subject matter. I bet it is NOTHING.Your milk is so weak you can not back up anything you say.
I can and you know it as I am willing to at any time.
Or are you saving all that hot air for your inflatable date tonight?

I served as police chief in over 40 major municipalities. I singlehandeldy solved 300 murder cases, and I know who killed JFK.. We can all make shit up.
Didn't you hear? Gadawg is a millionaire several times over as a law enforcement entrepreneur. He really is the subject matter expert here. We should all pay attention to his opinions, no matter how retarded and nonsensical they may be.

Never been in law enforcement PHO-NY.
I have over 5000 files of cases I investigated over the last 30 years, assisted in the writing of the current Georgia Private Detective Agency License examination with The Georgia Secretary of State Professional Licensing Boards a few years ago and sit on a few Boards in other industries. I workk with law enforcement almost daily in my work as a consultant to many industries and law firms.
Please tell us YOUR EXPERIENCE on this subject matter. I bet it is NOTHING.Your milk is so weak you can not back up anything you say.
I can and you know it as I am willing to at any time.
Or are you saving all that hot air for your inflatable date tonight?

I served as police chief in over 40 major municipalities. I singlehandeldy solved 300 murder cases, and I know who killed JFK.. We can all make shit up.

You regularly make shit up. We know that as fact.
I bet you 100K that I can back up EVERYTHING I have stated.
And you know it is true because you are so weak and feeble you will not take the bet.
How does it feel to be A PHONY?
So how about it PHONY? Are you in or not?
Thought so.
Next time when you cross the lines be prepared.

Wham it zero on set. EP team on the ready. KO team on the pads. 4TH STRING D TO GROUP.
Dayum! Black cops aren't as smart as white cops. How embarrassing. I guess they need to start hittin the books.
I bet you 100K that I can back up EVERYTHING I have stated.

The only thing that matters here is knowledge and wit. Boasting about yourself is witless.

How is offering proof when someone calls someone a liar "boasting"?
Real easy to call someone a liar in your world of run and hide.
I am here anytime, anyday to offer tthe proof.
Sad sack milk weak bufoons make accusations, call folks liars and when challenged on it run like sissies.
I have the knowledge, the wit and THE PROOF.
And I will boast all day, everyday all I want.
You think that pointing out that your life on these boards may or may not reflect your life way from these boards is " throwing in the towel"?

I am a neurosurgeon that saves the lives of thousands. I personally cleared Africa of all brain rumors in the 90s. You can check my local board for my credentials. I too, am Walter mitty. And that towel? I just wiped the sweat off my balls with it. Neurosurgery is exhausting.

You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
You were bitching about how tests, ones that you claim to create, weed out the good officers and promote bad ones. Which is exactly what I would expect a failure to do. That, and throw out wild claims of fabulous success on a message board.

These are not MENSA tests. Some basic reading, math, and logic skills that an above average 7th grader could accomplish. If you haven't the mental capacity to pass such simple tests you shouldnt be entrusted with a badge and a gun.
How is offering proof when someone calls someone a liar "boasting"?

"I have over 5000 files of cases I investigated..."

I'm not disputing you, but I don't think you're going to prove it. And, it doesn't matter. You can speak from your experience without invoking your experience as proof of what you're arguing.

The problem is that people commonly lie about their qualifications, making it pointless for anyone to appeal to their own authority to win a debate.
These are not MENSA tests. Some basic reading, math, and logic skills that an above average 7th grader could accomplish. If you haven't the mental capacity to pass such simple tests you shouldnt be entrusted with a badge and a gun.


A constant chant of liberals is that police are incompetent (e.g. every time police investigate a crime between a White person and an Afro shit). Yet, liberals insist that police departments hire and promote more incompetent people.
You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
You were bitching about how tests, ones that you claim to create, weed out the good officers and promote bad ones. Which is exactly what I would expect a failure to do. That, and throw out wild claims of fabulous success on a message board.

These are not MENSA tests. Some basic reading, math, and logic skills that an above average 7th grader could accomplish. If you haven't the mental capacity to pass such simple tests you shouldnt be entrusted with a badge and a gun.

These are promotional tests. You are right, not MENSA.
Long after these officers were issued a badge and a gun.
One has to pass The Police Academy before they are isued their badge and gun.
I am working a case now with a detective with every degree known and every CFE, PSI and a zillion of certifications after her name. Passed every test there is flying colors and she is dumb as a box of rocks.
Law enforcement like everything else these days is full of folks educated far beyond their intelligence.
Funny you mention MENSA. Lawyer I work for who is a prick is a MENSA member as he displays the MENSA monthly magazines in his reception area on the coffee table.
First case I ever worked for him I interviewed numerous witnesses. He had me subpoena all of them. "Don't you want to depose them before trial" I asked him as NO lawyer worth a damn thing EVER puts up a witness on the witness stand or asks a question to any witness without knowing what they are going to say ahead of time. "I will just interview them in the hall before trial" was his answer. And of course it backfired on his ass.
These tests are already so politically correct manipulated for multiple choice questions it is pathetic.
I favor a stand up and answer this question in person test.
"How would you react to this situation" is 95% of police work.
That does not involve any mulitple test question as there could be different answers to that question ALL correct.
How is offering proof when someone calls someone a liar "boasting"?

"I have over 5000 files of cases I investigated..."

I'm not disputing you, but I don't think you're going to prove it. And, it doesn't matter. You can speak from your experience without invoking your experience as proof of what you're arguing.

The problem is that people commonly lie about their qualifications, making it pointless for anyone to appeal to their own authority to win a debate.

I was speaking from experience BEFORE they called me a liar and never put up anything until AFTER they called me a liar.
The DE is still in me until I die. Just what we do.
Maniacs coming off the end.
I am working a case now with a detective with every degree known and every CFE, PSI and a zillion of certifications after her name. Passed every test there is flying colors and she is dumb as a box of rocks.

How much less qualified would that dumb woman be if she couldn't pass those certification tests?

Women and men have different kinds of brains. A woman is more likely to do better preparing for an exam. But, a man is more likely to understand real-world mechanics. The result can be a women who passes the exams, but still doesn't seem too bright to you.

Your example with a female doesn't apply to Afros. Afros just have dumber brains. Without lowered standards (the common practice of Race Norming of scores) and test questions carefully biased to help Afros (also, a common practice), Afros are not going to pass exams.

Also, your argument is invalid because exam scores are only one of the factors used in granting jobs and promotions.

I favor a stand up and answer this question in person test.
"How would you react to this situation" is 95% of police work.
That does not involve any mulitple test question as there could be different answers to that question ALL correct.

There are couple big flaws with your idea of interviewing. One, it's highly open to bias. People the interviewer likes will usually get the better score. Even if there is no bias, the people losing out are going to think there is bias. And, those Afros are only going to pass an interview with bias. The interview is just a way to hide the deliberate discrimination.

Two, it's highly stupid. Your idea and my idea of the unspoken facts of a situation might be very different. This is especially bad if the interviewer is dumber than the one being interviewed. A multiple choice test greatly reduces the chance of the tester and the testee not being on the same wave-length.
I am working a case now with a detective with every degree known and every CFE, PSI and a zillion of certifications after her name. Passed every test there is flying colors and she is dumb as a box of rocks.

How much less qualified would that dumb woman be if she couldn't pass those certification tests?

Women and men have different kinds of brains. A woman is more likely to do better preparing for an exam. But, a man is more likely to understand real-world mechanics. The result can be a women who passes the exams, but still doesn't seem too bright to you.

Your example with a female doesn't apply to Afros. Afros just have dumber brains. Without lowered standards (the common practice of Race Norming of scores) and test questions carefully biased to help Afros (also, a common practice), Afros are not going to pass exams.

Also, your argument is invalid because exam scores are only one of the factors used in granting jobs and promotions.

I favor a stand up and answer this question in person test.
"How would you react to this situation" is 95% of police work.
That does not involve any mulitple test question as there could be different answers to that question ALL correct.

There are couple big flaws with your idea of interviewing. One, it's highly open to bias. People the interviewer likes will usually get the better score. Even if there is no bias, the people losing out are going to think there is bias. And, those Afros are only going to pass an interview with bias. The interview is just a way to hide the deliberate discrimination.

Two, it's highly stupid. Your idea and my idea of the unspoken facts of a situation might be very different. This is especially bad if the interviewer is dumber than the one being interviewed. A multiple choice test greatly reduces the chance of the tester and the testee not being on the same wave-length.

As I indicated earlier I have had experience writing tests and the poltical BS with it and there are more flaws with that than interviewing.
The truth is that testing for general intelligence is a fine proxy for the "actual skills".

It's why the military has never wavered from its use of intelligence testing.

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