Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.

I know lots of dogs with high character too but they're still stupid.

That makes those dogs superior to you in at least two ways.

Afros are worthless animals.

No, YOU are a worthless animal, you COWARDLY fucking loser. You are a pathetic, impotent, insignificant pussy and that is all you will EVER be. You know this to be true, so you waste whatever is left of your meaningless mistake of a life raging against a world that made you so low.

Yes, he is. He hides behind a screen name because he's such a coward.
No, YOU are a worthless animal, you COWARDLY fucking loser. You are a pathetic, impotent, insignificant pussy and that is all you will EVER be. You know this to be true, so you waste whatever is left of your meaningless mistake of a life raging against a world that made you so low.

Afros can't pass simple tests, in spite of preferences given to them. And, so you support exempting Afros from written tests - while at the same time insisting I'm wrong in my observation of the value of Afros. If you don't think Afros are worthless animals, but really are suffering from insufficient notice, you'd insist on sufficient notice. But, that's not your position.

You think Afros are worthless animals. No amount of insulting me changes what your argument shows about your beliefs.
In law enforcement one succeeds in the field, same as my background.
I like to watch the corn ball Dirty Harry movies. Of course it is drama and far from fact but it was always spot on with the suits and their tests and how they fuck things up just because they are far educated past their intelligence.
Most of my success was on the field and in the field now.
Tests are for milk weak folk that are too lazy to evaluate an employee's worth through diligent observation OF THEIR WORK.
Like I said before, we now have too many folks being promoted that look like Tarzan because they do great on tests and look good but then you put them out in the field and they play like Jane.
Been there, done that, passed up on the T shirt.
just study harder next time, genius. But please, quit whining about those that did, and have passed you.

Pho-Ny, I own a top tier private detective agency in Georgia dumb ass. 5 years ago I WROTE THE TEST per Governor Sonny Perdue asking me and 4 others to do so.
I have no dog in this fight as my contracts with the top Atlanta law firms have made me a millionaire a few times over. 100K on the table Moe that you can check with The Georgia Secretary of States Profesional Licensing Division and see that I have a Private Detective License since 1982 and I am who I say I am. I have passed every test there is.
Never been a cop and never anything other than a maniac coming off the end DE and then a licensed PI.
So how about it MOE? 100K?

Sure thing, Walter mitty
What's wrong with the blacks, Hispanics, and women that they cannot pass it?

What part of the moon are you from? Blacks and hispanics are mentally inferior to whites/asians and everyone knows it. Don't know about the sluts. Women seem to have the same average intelligence as men though not the extremes. Cop work shouldn't need any super-smarties.

I don't believe that whites are intellectually superior to blacks and Hispanics. But culturally, whites are destined to get better results. For now. But we are slipping too, thanks to our embrace of lower standards and blue ribbons for all participants.
Afros are worthless animals.

No, YOU are a worthless animal, you COWARDLY fucking loser. You are a pathetic, impotent, insignificant pussy and that is all you will EVER be. You know this to be true, so you waste whatever is left of your meaningless mistake of a life raging against a world that made you so low.

Yes, he is. He hides behind a screen name because he's such a coward.

what's your full name, address and please post a current pic in your profile and avi.

just study harder next time, genius. But please, quit whining about those that did, and have passed you.

Pho-Ny, I own a top tier private detective agency in Georgia dumb ass. 5 years ago I WROTE THE TEST per Governor Sonny Perdue asking me and 4 others to do so.
I have no dog in this fight as my contracts with the top Atlanta law firms have made me a millionaire a few times over. 100K on the table Moe that you can check with The Georgia Secretary of States Profesional Licensing Division and see that I have a Private Detective License since 1982 and I am who I say I am. I have passed every test there is.
Never been a cop and never anything other than a maniac coming off the end DE and then a licensed PI.
So how about it MOE? 100K?

Sure thing, Walter mitty

Thanks for the white towel!
Pho-Ny, I own a top tier private detective agency in Georgia dumb ass. 5 years ago I WROTE THE TEST per Governor Sonny Perdue asking me and 4 others to do so.
I have no dog in this fight as my contracts with the top Atlanta law firms have made me a millionaire a few times over. 100K on the table Moe that you can check with The Georgia Secretary of States Profesional Licensing Division and see that I have a Private Detective License since 1982 and I am who I say I am. I have passed every test there is.
Never been a cop and never anything other than a maniac coming off the end DE and then a licensed PI.
So how about it MOE? 100K?

Sure thing, Walter mitty

Thanks for the white towel!
You think that pointing out that your life on these boards may or may not reflect your life way from these boards is " throwing in the towel"?

I am a neurosurgeon that saves the lives of thousands. I personally cleared Africa of all brain rumors in the 90s. You can check my local board for my credentials. I too, am Walter mitty. And that towel? I just wiped the sweat off my balls with it. Neurosurgery is exhausting.
I don't believe that whites are intellectually superior to blacks and Hispanics. But culturally, whites are destined to get better results. For now. But we are slipping too, thanks to our embrace of lower standards and blue ribbons for all participants.

Yes - whites are being dumbed down by our schools but blacks are being dumbed down by the negative eugenics program called welfare which encourages STUPID black females to have tons of kids.
Sure thing, Walter mitty

Thanks for the white towel!
You think that pointing out that your life on these boards may or may not reflect your life way from these boards is " throwing in the towel"?

I am a neurosurgeon that saves the lives of thousands. I personally cleared Africa of all brain rumors in the 90s. You can check my local board for my credentials. I too, am Walter mitty. And that towel? I just wiped the sweat off my balls with it. Neurosurgery is exhausting.

You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
Thanks for the white towel!
You think that pointing out that your life on these boards may or may not reflect your life way from these boards is " throwing in the towel"?

I am a neurosurgeon that saves the lives of thousands. I personally cleared Africa of all brain rumors in the 90s. You can check my local board for my credentials. I too, am Walter mitty. And that towel? I just wiped the sweat off my balls with it. Neurosurgery is exhausting.

You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
You were bitching about how tests, ones that you claim to create, weed out the good officers and promote bad ones. Which is exactly what I would expect a failure to do. That, and throw out wild claims of fabulous success on a message board.
I have no problem with the fact that whites do much better than African Americans on standardized tests because whites have educated themselves better AND VALUE EDUCATION more than African Americans in most instances. As a result of that one could claim that as a group of those taking the test then whites are smarter than African Americans on that subject matter.
WELL DUH! And calling me a racist for that is okay because all I am doing is posting fact.
But in all of that how does that make a more effective LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER?
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.
You think that pointing out that your life on these boards may or may not reflect your life way from these boards is " throwing in the towel"?

I am a neurosurgeon that saves the lives of thousands. I personally cleared Africa of all brain rumors in the 90s. You can check my local board for my credentials. I too, am Walter mitty. And that towel? I just wiped the sweat off my balls with it. Neurosurgery is exhausting.

You were the stupid fuk that claimed that I had failed at something MOE. I never said that to you. You claimed that as a result of my test failures I was upset.
And when challenged to back up your hot air you folded like a cheap tent.
You are the USMB version of the '75 Vanderbilt team.
But after two white towels sent my way PHO-NY I do not need a 3rd.
Red and Black is okay.
You were bitching about how tests, ones that you claim to create, weed out the good officers and promote bad ones. Which is exactly what I would expect a failure to do. That, and throw out wild claims of fabulous success on a message board.

You are a damn liar son. Where did I ever state that?
"wild claims" Again, I can back it all up. Since you are stagnant in a "Do you want fries with that" career I will give you a break and lower my bet to $10K.
And you pick anyone here to hold the $$$.
I have forgotten more success than you will ever have.
Why are you so jealous and envious of me?
You are a closet liberal. Sorry things have not worked out so well for you.
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.

I don't know that they are relying SOLELY on standardized tests but even if they are, that is still better than promoting on basis of skin color which is what this interview crap is all about.
Relying solely on standardized tests for promoting within the ranks of a police department is not an effective tool in policing a city the size of Boston.

I don't know that they are relying SOLELY on standardized tests but even if they are, that is still better than promoting on basis of skin color which is what this interview crap is all about.

You'd have to be fucktard to think that the police department use only the tests. And, you'd have to be a shithead to think that they should give a job to anyone who can't pass their test. And, you'd have to be a fucktard shithead to think these Afros are failing the test for any reason other than incompetence.

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