Boston PD, Mass. State Police, FBI, ATF Suffer Massive Back Injuries


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2011
Wow! I have never seen anything like the back-slapping and self-congratulatory ORGY that I witnessed tonight after the second Boston bomber was captured in Watertown, Massachusetts. I wonder how many sprained shoulders and spinal injuries were suffered by these "government" officials.

The post-capture news conference involved a non-stop parade of the Boston Police and the FBI and the ATF and the mayor of Boston and the governor of Massachusetts and the federal prosecutor and God knows who else, congratulating each other and "law enforcement" and every other government agency in Massachusetts for the "great job" they all did in capturing the second Boston bomber.

Since last night, when the older brother of the "Boston bomber brothers" was killed in a gunfight with the law enforcement personnel, the Boston area has been in lockdown, with:

1. No-fly zones established
2. Public transportation shut down
3. Sporting events cancelled
4. Hundreds of thousands of citizens told to stay in their homes
5. Interstate highways and residential streets closed
6. Massive house-to-house searches conducted involving hundreds (perhaps thousands) of "law enforcement" personnel, including SWAT teams and the National Guard
7. Up-armored Humvees and armored personnel carriers roaming the streets
8. Retailers and others businesses forced to close their doors for the day

The bottom line is that, despite all of this show of force and muscle-flexing by the "government", only ONE person needed to be thanked.

That person is the homeowner in Watertown who, after having their property searched by the government jackboots earlier today, noticed late this afternoon that there was BLOOD smeared on their storage shed and on their covered boat in their backyard, and alerted law enforcement about it.

"John Q. Public" proved, once again, that GOVERNMENT failed to do what they said they would do.
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only ONE person needed to be thanked.
Nah I thank 'em all, most of those cops just finished putting in a longer more stressful day of work than you probably ever have or will, and some were seriously injured or killed.

What has made you so bitter?
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While they are all taking credit and slapping one another on the back, how about a little thanks to the man that went out of his way to help us. obama at least had the grace to personally thank him. Vladimir Putin.

Obama thanks Putin for help in Boston | The Cable

President Barack Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin Friday evening and thanked the Russian leader for unspecified cooperation in the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombings.

If ONLY we had listened to Russia two years ago and not let the older bomber in the country.
only ONE person needed to be thanked.
Nah I thank 'em all, most of those cops just finished putting in a longer more stressful day of work than you probably ever have or will, and some were seriously injured or killed.

What has made you so bitter?

What has made you such a smart ass?

Give credit where credit is due. A CITIZEN had more to do with the capture than ANYBODY from the government.

All the government did was unnecessarily disrupt the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people, in a failed attempt to find ONE wounded and bleeding 19-year-old terrorist.

If I would have found the terrorist hiding in my covered boat, I would have shot the son-of-a-bitch myself. Then, because I shot the scumbag in Massachusetts, I probably would have been arrested for murder or some sort of gun violation.
Corporations WANT these malcontents - legal and illegal - coming to America. Their native nations are usually glad to be rid of malcontents.

Dividing the nation against itself is the path of corporate-directed government to absolute control of human cattle standing in line to trade their illusions of security (both nutballs and fake liberals) for illusions of opportunity (nutballs) and equal protection (fake liberals).
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the boat was outside the perimeter they set up by about a block.

someone went into that boat and drug the perp out.

I was in tears last night watching the people chear their police and firefighters.

It was a shot right at the heart of the people who tried to steal our bravery by being cowards who attack children who have done nothing to them or anyone.

It was so moving I cant believe no one else here is talking about it

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