Boston Strong’: Marching in Lockstep with the Police State

I remember a German friend who lived through the Hitler Years. He said that if Americans had 50% unemployment, riots and murder on the streets, and a government which burned Congress down to bring in laws that established a dictatorship, then Americans would become Nazis so fast that it would make your head swim.

Well, it didn't take anything near so drastic to make Americans accept totalitarian rule, did it?

It didn't.

And cock smokers from both sides of the aisle are standing in line to get more koolade. One wonders how much of a role public education played in turning Americans into a Vichy sort of people?
Well, I think the main contribution of public education is to get children used to being confined in ugly, prison-like surroundings where they are belittled, demeaned and bullied for many years, and forced to do meaningless tasks which have nothing to do with real education.
All of this prepares them for working life.
Of course, increasingly being surrounded by people who are quite capable of killing them has recently helped to facilitate the purposes of modern education.

However, I think that, far and away, what has turned Americans into demented robots has been the hypnotic influence of television and other media of "entertainment" and brainwashing -- including computer "games".

Just yesterday, the pre-teen daughter of a friend told me that the boys in her school love playing a game that involves a baby being impaled on spikes, with much gore. I suppose it will help to condition them to become soldiers in the American Wehrmacht.

Thank goodness I will be dead when, in twenty or so years, these psychotic abortions will attempt to take up the reins of society and become responsible for the care of the elderly.
funny that your open minded about this subject but you have been taken in by the myth,lies and propaganda that Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century when others actuially spelled it ot for you that he was actully the most corrupt president ever at that time.
Ronald Reagan was nothing but a self-serving, grade-B movie actor who was groomed and deployed by the emerging corporatocracy to perform in the role of President and to methodically commence the gradual disassembly of the American Middle Class. He accomplished that task by looking like and sounding like that which the average American, hypnotized by movies and television, imagined to be the perfect President. But the script was written by, and Reagan's performance was directed by, those who have managed to successfully divert to themselves and to hoard 99% of this Nation's wealth resources.

The details of how this manipulation of the public mind was accomplished are laid out in Marshal MacLuhan's 1960s classic book, The Medium Is The Message, in which he sagely forecasts the ultimate effects of television on our political system. The bottom line is if it wasn't Reagan it would have been some other professional pretender.
It's pretty awesome to see the rightwingloons supporting the terrorist's side.

Crazy as bat shit loons they are....imagine if the Boston cops did nothing and the asswipes used the rest of their arsenal.

Yet more reasons Republicans keep losing elections.
You say Boston cops . . .


. . . but the image suggests something other than the traditional American concept of "cops." It is in fact the first glimpse the public has had of the militarized version of the new American cops.

Beyond the question of necessity is the deeper question of why such militarization of civilian police has become necessary. Why has such potentially oppressive, militant government authority found its way to the streets where we live?

It doesn't look like "cops." And it doesn't look like America, anymore.

You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.
It's pretty awesome to see the rightwingloons supporting the terrorist's side.

Crazy as bat shit loons they are....imagine if the Boston cops did nothing and the asswipes used the rest of their arsenal.

Yet more reasons Republicans keep losing elections.
You say Boston cops . . .


. . . but the image suggests something other than the traditional American concept of "cops." It is in fact the first glimpse the public has had of the militarized version of the new American cops.

Beyond the question of necessity is the deeper question of why such militarization of civilian police has become necessary. Why has such potentially oppressive, militant government authority found its way to the streets where we live?

It doesn't look like "cops." And it doesn't look like America, anymore.

You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.

[ame=]1968 Spahn Ranch with The Charles Manson Family RARE. Backporch Tapes collections - YouTube[/ame]
It's pretty awesome to see the rightwingloons supporting the terrorist's side.

Crazy as bat shit loons they are....imagine if the Boston cops did nothing and the asswipes used the rest of their arsenal.

Yet more reasons Republicans keep losing elections.
You say Boston cops . . .


. . . but the image suggests something other than the traditional American concept of "cops." It is in fact the first glimpse the public has had of the militarized version of the new American cops.

Beyond the question of necessity is the deeper question of why such militarization of civilian police has become necessary. Why has such potentially oppressive, militant government authority found its way to the streets where we live?

It doesn't look like "cops." And it doesn't look like America, anymore.

You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.
It seems you have a slight problem with reading comprehension. I suggest you slow down a bit and concentrate.

Again; the question isn't what, but why. In the way of answers; one is the war crimes of George W. Bush. Another is our meddling in Middle East affairs. Another is the Military Industrial Complex. Another is the emerging Law Enforcement Industrial Complex -- from which the taxpayer is obliged to buy tons of redundantly militarizing police state apparatus.

Can you add anything? Or is criticism your fortè?
You say Boston cops . . .


. . . but the image suggests something other than the traditional American concept of "cops." It is in fact the first glimpse the public has had of the militarized version of the new American cops.

Beyond the question of necessity is the deeper question of why such militarization of civilian police has become necessary. Why has such potentially oppressive, militant government authority found its way to the streets where we live?

It doesn't look like "cops." And it doesn't look like America, anymore.

You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.

[ame=]1968 Spahn Ranch with The Charles Manson Family RARE. Backporch Tapes collections - YouTube[/ame]
ok, now what does this have to do with anything?
You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.

[ame=]1968 Spahn Ranch with The Charles Manson Family RARE. Backporch Tapes collections - YouTube[/ame]
ok, now what does this have to do with anything?

He always did that when he can't respond rationally...which is why he's not worth the effort.
oh brother...:cuckoo:

too arrogant to face facts i see even though you were taken to school on these two threads here by myself,Bfgrn,Duckdale duks,and most of all,Dante- whom is actually a poster I dont even care for but I liked him this one time,because for once,unlike you Reagan apologists,did not ignore facts how corrupt and lousy a president he was..

Just cant do the mature thing and admit you have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media I see.No surprise,there are alot of arrogant posters here who cant face FACTS.

Bfgrn especially handed you Regan apologists your asses to you on a platter in his first post on this thread.Not ONE of you Reagan apologists could counter his facts or tried.:lmao::clap2::clap2::clap2:

and AGAIN,like i said before,Dante,myself,duckdale -Jukes and ESPECIALLY Dante, REALLY handed your ass to you on a platter on this thread of Dantes below that he was the most corrupt president at the time.that was quite a feat by Dante because he almost always ignores facts of government corruption, so Im impressed that for once,he was able to think outside the box.

but of course you wont acknowledge and admit that truth and will just come back with something like "oh brother" or something like that .:eusa_whistle:

I don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about, and what this all has to do with this thread... but whatever it seems you are seeking a medal or something
babble on

You seem to have alzhemiers diseace in the fact you have ALREADY forgotten about these two posts you made on this thread:lol: all there in black and white with that link I provided,that you indeed once said those two things.:lmao:
Reagan is the gift that keeps on giving.. His accomplishments annoy lefties to this day, 25 years after leaving office.
yep, isn't is sweet

Obama will never be a Reagan..

Reagan cared about people and the country and that was a man who could speak, wrote his own speeches..

Obama reads scripted sermons written for him and hates everything about us or he wouldn't see a need, to transform us with his ugly "visions"
Reagan cared about the people and the country? you should start a comedy club.:lmao:

you want to join that class of idiots Jroc,Crusader Frank,Meathead,and Political chick as idiots who are clueless about the corruption that went on under Reagan and how he betrayed americans,thats your choice,I dont care.Its just like I said,i dont debate with someone who cant admit when they have been proven wrong.

oh and to answer your question,nothing,its just again,like i said,funny how you are open minded about the staged boston police event like you are, but just the opposite about Reagan.

I would expect that if you were open minded about this event,then you would be as well that you would be willing to accept the fact that you have been brainwashed by media mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh over the years about the myth of Reagan,that he was indeed the most corrupt president ever at the time but obviously your not.:cuckoo:

You exposed your hypocrisy and what a racist you are as well in the fact that Reagan was no different than Obama contrary to your ramblings on this link.He was no different than Obama in the fact that many MILLIONS of jobs were taken from americans back then and shipped overseas just like Obama has done.comedy gold you think that bastard Reagan was any different than that other bastard Obama.:lmao::rofl:

Like Dante,said on the first page on that thread,only the immature and barely literate defend Reagan.

Now I would LOVE to discuss this topic of this thread here that you have created but not if your too arrogant and immature to admit that you have been brainwashed by all the lies and propaganda of the corporate media that Reagan was a great president and cant admit he was actually the most corrupt president ever at the time.

Dugdale Jukes hit the nail right on the head here below in his post.Like he said,many of us were there Sport.Try telling all the people I remember constantly running into back then who lost their jobs back then because of his policys he was a great president.:cuckoo:

Many of us were there, sport.

Ronald Reagan, the man, was basically a New Deal Democrat who sold out. No one with any sense doubted Roosevelt's patriotism either. But through 1988 your boy Reagan was the biggest peacetime spender in US history (and through 2001, as a pct of GDP, the second biggest spender overall - after his personal hero, FDR).

Even more hilarious, Slick Clinton was an actual ReagaNUT. Reagan sold out to damage the US working class, trading well paying jobs for military toys and the delusion of brinkmanship; Clinton actually held blue collar labor in contempt and embraced the Marc Rich's of the world.

In terms of the so-called evil empire, the USSR was in places farming with horses during fuel shortages in the Reagan presidency. No one with any sense took them seriously; the cold war residue Reagan inflamed is simply proof of the genetic predisposition of halfwits to martial music and projection away from personal problems. The USSR would have fallen somewhere around the same time frame with or without the bobble headed subject here.

With respect for the possibilities, it isn't clear whether you are really that ignorant of the facts, or whether you are lying for some political objective. In either event clear, specific facts indicate EXACTLY what my post just above report. In your favor American public education has failed catastrophically given the number of people unable to look at the facts and separate bullshit from koolade.

Volume VI, No. 10,
October 1988

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

by Sheldon L. Richman
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speaking of that,the handlers of trolls Dawgshit and candyass are obviously getting worried this information is getting out since they have sent them here to shit all over the floor like they do here everyday in their posts.:9:
speaking of that,the handlers of trolls Dawgshit and candyass are obviously getting worried this information is getting out since they have sent them here to shit all over the floor like they do here everyday in their posts.:9:
what info? what handlers? if you're yammering about you last post, it's ancient history and like everything you post, worthless, except it highlights your willful ignorance, lack of any kind of basic education ,just to name a few.
yep,I would say we have a police state on us.

[ame=]Charlie McGrath on RT ~ Does US Policy Create Terror? April 23, 2013 #n3 - YouTube[/ame]
There was a terrorist who was involved in placing pretty powerful explosives that ripped through the bodies of over 100 people killing several of them and then shooting to death a police officer, on the loose.

Even the Constitution of the United States provides for the government to protect it's civilian population in the face of such a threat.

The constitution does not allow what was done here, you're sadly mistaken.
Sure it does. The Boston PD did what was in it's power to protect the citizens of Boston. They didn't force anyone to comply with the shelter in place order just like no one ever forces people in the path of a hurricane to evacuate.And no matter how much you whine about it, they did the right thing.

Wow, you really are stupid aren't you? Look up the phrase "Mandatory Evacuation" and get back to me ok.
You say Boston cops . . .


. . . but the image suggests something other than the traditional American concept of "cops." It is in fact the first glimpse the public has had of the militarized version of the new American cops.

Beyond the question of necessity is the deeper question of why such militarization of civilian police has become necessary. Why has such potentially oppressive, militant government authority found its way to the streets where we live?

It doesn't look like "cops." And it doesn't look like America, anymore.

You're idea of police is Adam-11 . Which is fine for 1968 when likely the worst criminals you'd run up against are maybe bank robbers or car thieves.

It's easy to look at the response NOW that we know it was ONLY two brothers and say that they over-reacted. At the time, the police didn't know how large the group was. They had every right to err on the side of caution and roll out their full tactical capability. If you were on the business end of the argument, you would have demanded the same response.

Here's a small clue to help you in the future...when you find yourself on the same side as Stephanie and 9/11 Rimjob, you're on the wrong side.
It seems you have a slight problem with reading comprehension. I suggest you slow down a bit and concentrate.

Again; the question isn't what, but why. In the way of answers; one is the war crimes of George W. Bush. Another is our meddling in Middle East affairs. Another is the Military Industrial Complex. Another is the emerging Law Enforcement Industrial Complex -- from which the taxpayer is obliged to buy tons of redundantly militarizing police state apparatus.

Can you add anything? Or is criticism your fortè?

I was responding to your "look like america" statement. in conjunction with the shrill title of the thread.

The BPD did what was appropriate for the threat. As for the other questions...lets hear your suggestions as to how to proceed if you want to go that broad on the subject.

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