Bowe Bergdahl COURT MARTIAL for "DESERTION" and "MISBEHAVIOR BEFORE THE ENEMY" to start on May 5th

I'm amazed Obozo didn't give him a pardon.

obummer was positive the shrilary was going to win the election. Nothing would have mattered after that. This country would have been toast and no amount of criminal behavior on the part of the progressive elite would ever have been challenged.
"Progressive"? Thanks for outing yourself AGAIN, as a rw'er shortbus. Hill or O was no progressive.

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I agree on h. She's a elitist scum. obummer though, he is a progressive. Every project he has ever been involved in, and every mentor he's ever had was a progressive.
if he was a progressive he would've pushed single- payer, PLUS he wouldn't have had Summers on the short- list for Fed Chair.

Just because you say someone was a progressive doesnt make it so kid. Stop while you're behind :thup:.
I'm amazed Obozo didn't give him a pardon.

obummer was positive the shrilary was going to win the election. Nothing would have mattered after that. This country would have been toast and no amount of criminal behavior on the part of the progressive elite would ever have been challenged.
"Progressive"? Thanks for outing yourself AGAIN, as a rw'er shortbus. Hill or O was no progressive.

Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk

I agree on h. She's a elitist scum. obummer though, he is a progressive. Every project he has ever been involved in, and every mentor he's ever had was a progressive.
if he was a progressive he would've pushed single- payer, PLUS he wouldn't have had Summers on the short- list for Fed Chair.

Just because you say someone was a progressive doesnt make it so kid. Stop while you're behind :thup:.

He did push single payer. obummer care was DESIGNED to fail, as we are watching it do now. That way the "only alternative" would be single payer, which the American people don't want, but if it were the only option to "save them" would be at least reluctantly accepted. obummer IS a progressive, he's just a hell of a lot smarter than you and knew a direct implementation of single payer would never fly.
I'm amazed Obozo didn't give him a pardon.

obummer was positive the shrilary was going to win the election. Nothing would have mattered after that. This country would have been toast and no amount of criminal behavior on the part of the progressive elite would ever have been challenged.
"Progressive"? Thanks for outing yourself AGAIN, as a rw'er shortbus. Hill or O was no progressive.

Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk

I agree on h. She's a elitist scum. obummer though, he is a progressive. Every project he has ever been involved in, and every mentor he's ever had was a progressive.
if he was a progressive he would've pushed single- payer, PLUS he wouldn't have had Summers on the short- list for Fed Chair.

Just because you say someone was a progressive doesnt make it so kid. Stop while you're behind :thup:.

He did push single payer. obummer care was DESIGNED to fail, as we are watching it do now. That way the "only alternative" would be single payer, which the American people don't want, but if it were the only option to "save them" would be at least reluctantly accepted. obummer IS a progressive, he's just a hell of a lot smarter than you and knew a direct implementation of single payer would never fly.
link mkaythanks. BTW- projection is not a debating tactic :thup:

You really are grasping at straws. Finished with you AGAIN. :eusa_doh:You Repubs who claim to be Dems are a hoot :laugh2:

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