Boy does Drudge sum this up perfectly!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010


Do you realize Obama has done to most of the ME what Carter did to Iran?????

Do you realize the US is STILL dealing with Carter's stupidity in Iran and NOW Obama wants to compound that idiocy????

Four years and look at the damage this moron has done to the country.

Remember this the next time one of you morons wants to "teach the Republicans a lesson" by voting Democrat or thinks voting your heart and not your head can do no harm.



Do you realize Obama has done to most of the ME what Carter did to Iran?????

Do you realize the US is STILL dealing with Carter's stupidity in Iran and NOW Obama wants to compound that idiocy????

Four years and look at the damage this moron has done to the country.

Remember this the next time one of you morons wants to "teach the Republicans a lesson" by voting Democrat or thinks voting your heart and not your head can do no harm.


Give credit where credit is due. Any damage done by Bar-ack has been done in under three years. Is that some kind of record?
[SIZE=+7][FONT=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA]Do you realize Obama has done to most of the ME what Carter did to Iran?????[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=+7]​

[FONT=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA]Do you realize the US is STILL dealing with Carter's stupidity in Iran and NOW Obama wants to compound that idiocy????[/FONT]​

[FONT=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA]Four years and look at the damage this moron has done to the country. [/FONT]​

[FONT=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA]Remember this the next time one of you morons wants to "teach the Republicans a lesson" by voting Democrat or thinks voting your heart and not your head can do no harm.[/FONT]​


Give credit where credit is due. Any damage done by Bar-ack has been done in under three years. Is that some kind of record?

Remember Carter gave back the Panama Canal (which is now basically in the hands of the Chinese) and screwed ujp the ME in four years.

Yes, it can happen. Looks like Obama wants to double down on that record.
The Republicans are giving all the credit to the regime change in Libya to the French and the British,

everyone BUT Obama.

So if you have a problem with Libya's new regime, take it up with them. Obama had little or nothing to do with it.
The Republicans are giving all the credit to the regime change in Libya to the French and the British,

everyone BUT Obama.

So if you have a problem with Libya's new regime, take it up with them. Obama had little or nothing to do with it.

The credit does belong with the French and British. That's just a fact. Foreign media barely mentions obama at all. Obama's failure was in not exercising a wise Winston Churchill moment. He could have refused to provide material or air support. He SHOULD have recognized what was going to happen. A lot of us knew from the very beginning what was going to happen. If ordinary Americans could understand what was going to happen in Libya and the president with all his advisors didn't, we have a SERIOUS problem in Washington DC.

obama has armed the terrorists who took over Libya with state of the art weaponry. American weaponry. Obama has ensured the handing over of another country to fundamental islam. This is not going to end with Libya. Obama is going to do the same thing in Syria.
People need to realize that Obama's decisions have proved to be pure genius..

He will someday go down in history as our greatest president. :cool:
The Republicans are giving all the credit to the regime change in Libya to the French and the British,

everyone BUT Obama.

So if you have a problem with Libya's new regime, take it up with them. Obama had little or nothing to do with it.

Get your fucking story straight conservatives.


You guys are doing more backflips then an circus acrobat.


Do you realize Obama has done to most of the ME what Carter did to Iran?????

Do you realize the US is STILL dealing with Carter's stupidity in Iran and NOW Obama wants to compound that idiocy????

Four years and look at the damage this moron has done to the country.

Remember this the next time one of you morons wants to "teach the Republicans a lesson" by voting Democrat or thinks voting your heart and not your head can do no harm.


It's the Telegraph's assessment, not Drudge's. Matt just provides the link.
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.
Do they sell alcohol in Iraq? Do they sell pork? Do women go around in western dress? Yes to all.
Let's see what happens in Libya and Egypt. Obama basically voted "present" on the whole Arab Spring thing and remained uninvolved, like a deer in the headlights.
Jimmy Carter helped to create the birth of modern day terrorist state- Iran

Papa Obama helped to create the birth of a possible new radical Islamic state

Strange, another way these two Presidents are the same

Arab Spring indeed!

Friends of Papa Obama

At least Saddam got a real trial under Bush

(Warning: Graphic)
[ame=]'Video shows Muammar Gaddafi being sodomized' - YouTube[/ame]
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Almost every regime that has fallen in the ME in recent years has been taken over by Radical Islamist. It the US next?? How can 0bama even claim success in any ME operation?? He has made our relationship with Pakistan worse, Egypt is being taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood, when we leave Iran they will not have democratic elections.

The Middle East is just a small example of the damage an inexperienced Spender-in-Chief can do in a very short time. The MSM is touting this as "a great job" when in fact this administration has empowered more radical extremists than any other in history.

This is scary, very, very scary.
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.
Do they sell alcohol in Iraq? Do they sell pork? Do women go around in western dress? Yes to all.
Let's see what happens in Libya and Egypt. Obama basically voted "present" on the whole Arab Spring thing and remained uninvolved, like a deer in the headlights.

What should Obama have done?

Intervened militarily to save the Mubarak and Khadaffi regimes?
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.

So you're admitting that a Muslim country, even as an Islamic theocracy, can be a moderate, democratic nation?

Tell that to all your pals in the camp of claiming that the Koran demands that Muslims be murderous radicals. :lol:
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.
Do they sell alcohol in Iraq? Do they sell pork? Do women go around in western dress? Yes to all.
Let's see what happens in Libya and Egypt. Obama basically voted "present" on the whole Arab Spring thing and remained uninvolved, like a deer in the headlights.

What should Obama have done?

Intervened militarily to save the Mubarak and Khadaffi regimes?

Not exactly. But kept involved covertly, figuring out who was what and supporting the right factions might have been a smart move.
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.
Do they sell alcohol in Iraq? Do they sell pork? Do women go around in western dress? Yes to all.
Let's see what happens in Libya and Egypt. Obama basically voted "present" on the whole Arab Spring thing and remained uninvolved, like a deer in the headlights.

Iran has about the same or better "freedoms" then Iraq. You saying that's not a Theocracy?
Why did he Intervened with Libya, again ?

What is the rationale this week?
The Republicans are giving all the credit to the regime change in Libya to the French and the British,

everyone BUT Obama.

So if you have a problem with Libya's new regime, take it up with them. Obama had little or nothing to do with it.

That is until something goes wrong.....

Then it is ALL Obamas fault
No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

that's Article 2. A. of the new/current IRAQI CONSTITUTION.

Let the OP tell us whether or not she supported invading Iraq and enabling that nation to become an Islamic theocracy.

That's hardly the same as a radical Islamic regime.
Do they sell alcohol in Iraq? Do they sell pork? Do women go around in western dress? Yes to all.
Let's see what happens in Libya and Egypt. Obama basically voted "present" on the whole Arab Spring thing and remained uninvolved, like a deer in the headlights.

Iran has about the same or better "freedoms" then Iraq. You saying that's not a Theocracy?

Freedom and theocracy are only synonymous in small minds. Like yours.

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