Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Murder involves killing humans....reprobates don't count.

well that pretty much confirms it- "Applauds the murder of gays" too
I don't believe in "gays"... Faggots and Sodomites exist... But I think even within the same sex filth movement, many are not what you are. You promote degeneracy.

You promote bigotry, hate- and no surprise here- murder.

Murder involves killing humans....reprobates don't count.

well that pretty much confirms it- "Applauds the murder of gays" too
I don't believe in "gays"... Faggots and Sodomites exist... But I think even within the same sex filth movement, many are not what you are. You promote degeneracy.

You promote bigotry, hate- and no surprise here- murder.
I'm no more bigoted than you are against people like me. Kiss my ass, snob. Learn how to relate to regular people.

I will admit- I am bigoted against people like you who applaud murder.

Actually- that is not really bigotry- come to think of hit- I am against Americans who applaud murder- that isn't bigotry- that is just decency.
I don't applaud murder. I applaud killing those who degenerate my nation's culture. I don't believe killing a homo is justified simply for his thoughts...but because of his attempt to propagate his filth.
I don't applaud murder. I applaud killing those who degenerate my nation's culture. I don't believe killing a homo is justified simply for his thoughts...but because of his attempt to propagate his filth.

I am neither a "he" nor a "homo", nor do I "propagate filth." Unless by "homo" you mean "Homo sapiens", which you no doubt are, too.

How do you tell whether a boy was forced by his parents to have a feminine gender identity, or if she was a girl who somehow developed masculine characteristics by a birth deformity? Children want to please, and for a matter such as gender identity, they fear the most severe of all possible punishments from their parents.

And it is one of the most miserable of all birth deformities to be born "as" a gender inconsistent with one's identity.

Women who are sexually attracted to other women have to have at least some "masculinity" to their personality -- otherwise, two women meet or go on a date and exchange phone numbers, and each expects the other to call, and nothing happens, because neither one has the "masculine" aggressiveness necessary to date a woman.

When you are female, you don't usually get another female to rip off your clothes and take you to bed -- you generally need a man for that -- women do not generally want to do that -- I am not judging, but I think lesbianism is kind of awkward when neither one of you is willing to make the first move. It's usually the passive-aggressive lesbian break-up: sort of like when you're fired from your job, but not really, because your employer "allowed" you to resign or managed some other job-cutting maneuver to avoid the unemployment insurance liability.
I don't applaud murder. I applaud killing those who degenerate my nation's culture. I don't believe killing a homo is justified simply for his thoughts...but because of his attempt to propagate his filth.

I am neither a "he" nor a "homo", nor do I "propagate filth." Unless by "homo" you mean "Homo sapiens", which you no doubt are, too.

How do you tell whether a boy was forced by his parents to have a feminine gender identity, or if she was a girl who somehow developed masculine characteristics by a birth deformity? Children want to please, and for a matter such as gender identity, they fear the most severe of all possible punishments from their parents.

And it is one of the most miserable of all birth deformities to be born "as" a gender inconsistent with one's identity.

Women who are sexually attracted to other women have to have at least some "masculinity" to their personality -- otherwise, two women meet or go on a date and exchange phone numbers, and each expects the other to call, and nothing happens, because neither one has the "masculine" aggressiveness necessary to date a woman.

When you are female, you don't usually get another female to rip off your clothes and take you to bed -- you generally need a man for that -- women do not generally want to do that -- I am not judging, but I think lesbianism is kind of awkward when neither one of you is willing to make the first move. It's usually the passive-aggressive lesbian break-up: sort of like when you're fired from your job, but not really, because your employer "allowed" you to resign or managed some other job-cutting maneuver to avoid the unemployment insurance liability.


I identify as the Queen of England and demand that you address me as "Your Highness."
well that pretty much confirms it- "Applauds the murder of gays" too
I don't believe in "gays"... Faggots and Sodomites exist... But I think even within the same sex filth movement, many are not what you are. You promote degeneracy.

You promote bigotry, hate- and no surprise here- murder.

well that pretty much confirms it- "Applauds the murder of gays" too
I don't believe in "gays"... Faggots and Sodomites exist... But I think even within the same sex filth movement, many are not what you are. You promote degeneracy.

You promote bigotry, hate- and no surprise here- murder.
I'm no more bigoted than you are against people like me. Kiss my ass, snob. Learn how to relate to regular people.

I will admit- I am bigoted against people like you who applaud murder.

Actually- that is not really bigotry- come to think of hit- I am against Americans who applaud murder- that isn't bigotry- that is just decency.
I don't applaud murder. I applaud killing those who degenerate my nation's culture. I don't believe killing a homo is justified simply for his thoughts...but because of his attempt to propagate his filth.

You are a bigoted asshole who applauds the murder of gays for whatever twisted rational you have.
I don't applaud murder. I applaud killing those who degenerate my nation's culture. I don't believe killing a homo is justified simply for his thoughts...but because of his attempt to propagate his filth.

I am neither a "he" nor a "homo", nor do I "propagate filth." Unless by "homo" you mean "Homo sapiens", which you no doubt are, too.

How do you tell whether a boy was forced by his parents to have a feminine gender identity, or if she was a girl who somehow developed masculine characteristics by a birth deformity? Children want to please, and for a matter such as gender identity, they fear the most severe of all possible punishments from their parents.

And it is one of the most miserable of all birth deformities to be born "as" a gender inconsistent with one's identity.

Women who are sexually attracted to other women have to have at least some "masculinity" to their personality -- otherwise, two women meet or go on a date and exchange phone numbers, and each expects the other to call, and nothing happens, because neither one has the "masculine" aggressiveness necessary to date a woman.

When you are female, you don't usually get another female to rip off your clothes and take you to bed -- you generally need a man for that -- women do not generally want to do that -- I am not judging, but I think lesbianism is kind of awkward when neither one of you is willing to make the first move. It's usually the passive-aggressive lesbian break-up: sort of like when you're fired from your job, but not really, because your employer "allowed" you to resign or managed some other job-cutting maneuver to avoid the unemployment insurance liability.

I think we can safely assume this poor little boy was perfectly normal when he was born.
I think we can safely assume this poor little boy was perfectly normal when he was born.

... in which case he (if male) would not need to undergo ritual genital mutilation as you have elsewhere advocated on this forum ... God created Adam and formed him in His own image; He did not start cutting around with a knife to mutilate his youngest and most precious creation in the tenderest of organs. No, only that rib was removed and made into a woman because it was not good that the man was alone. There were two of them. One man and one woman. Both of them unmutilated and made whole in creation.

Sometimes a girl is born with certain more-or-less masculine characteristics not consistent with her brain or identity.

Likewise a boy.

How a child feels about him- or herself surely must outweigh the identity which is usually so forcefully imposed by parents. But who, then, is to judge, if not such parents?

Such loving parents -- and I certainly do not mean lesbian any more than straight parents -- cut their children's legs off if they grow too tall, and stretch them out limb from limb on the rack if they are too short. I don't mean gay male parents, either: they are simply not permitted to raise children for the most part, because a "mother" will gain custody if there is "another" man involved.
I think we can safely assume this poor little boy was perfectly normal when he was born.

... in which case he (if male) would not need to undergo ritual genital mutilation as you have elsewhere advocated on this forum ... God created Adam and formed him in His own image; He did not start cutting around with a knife to mutilate his youngest and most precious creation in the tenderest of organs. No, only that rib was removed and made into a woman because it was not good that the man was alone. There were two of them. One man and one woman. Both of them unmutilated and made whole in creation.

Sometimes a girl is born with certain more-or-less masculine characteristics not consistent with her brain or identity.

Likewise a boy.

How a child feels about him- or herself surely must outweigh the identity which is usually so forcefully imposed by parents. But who, then, is to judge, if not such parents?

Such loving parents -- and I certainly do not mean lesbian any more than straight parents -- cut their children's legs off if they grow too tall, and stretch them out limb from limb on the rack if they are too short. I don't mean gay male parents, either: they are simply not permitted to raise children for the most part, because a "mother" will gain custody if there is "another" man involved.
Wow. It's batshit crazy day, I see.

Also sock day.

Let's celebrate banned, batshit crazy socks!
I think we can safely assume this poor little boy was perfectly normal when he was born.

... in which case he (if male) would not need to undergo ritual genital mutilation as you have elsewhere advocated on this forum ... God created Adam and formed him in His own image; He did not start cutting around with a knife to mutilate his youngest and most precious creation in the tenderest of organs. No, only that rib was removed and made into a woman because it was not good that the man was alone. There were two of them. One man and one woman. Both of them unmutilated and made whole in creation.

Sometimes a girl is born with certain more-or-less masculine characteristics not consistent with her brain or identity.

Likewise a boy.

How a child feels about him- or herself surely must outweigh the identity which is usually so forcefully imposed by parents. But who, then, is to judge, if not such parents?

Such loving parents -- and I certainly do not mean lesbian any more than straight parents -- cut their children's legs off if they grow too tall, and stretch them out limb from limb on the rack if they are too short. I don't mean gay male parents, either: they are simply not permitted to raise children for the most part, because a "mother" will gain custody if there is "another" man involved.
Snipping of the male foreskin for religious or medical reasons is not the same as cutting off a limb, you retard. Nor is it akin to doping your male infant so he can grow titties like his other mom's. It is not the same as female genital mutilation, which is done at an older age, and which stated purpose is to make sex painful for females.

Anything else?
I thought you loserterians wanted the parents to make the choices for their kids? Now you want government to step in because you hate transgenderism.

You religious fuckers are diluted.
Government took the step when it forced trannies into women's restrooms and the military.

Looks like you gashes wanted government out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.
These children are destroyed. When they are started transitioning that young, the boys do not grow up to be women. Girls do not grow up to be men. That is lunacy.
In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.

No actually the way child abuse law reads is we're all required to act immediately no matter what is considered "trendy". We're required to act on suspicion even, without hard proof, in the case of any signs of child abuse. It's the law. Ignorance is no excuse. And none are immune. Not doctors, not lesbians, not even judges.
So did you report that family or are you a child abuser?
I don't promote murder. I promote justice served for the victims of homosexual perverts and those who sing their you.

You applaud the murder of gays.

Because you are a lowlife bigoted asshole.
It's OK he's a muslim.
Why is it okay that he is a muslim?
Maybe he just identifies as a gay killing muslim.

So it's alright.

Why do you think that the kid identifies as a gay killing muslim exactly?

Or are you just projecting?
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