Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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If I were LGBT-advocate Skylar, I wouldn't be pasting the internet with visual documentation of support and promotion of obvious child abuse. Remember, we need only suspect child abuse to act to stop it. He says the OP doesn't even hint at child abuse. Just would never go on record supporting child abuse like he's doing. This is how powerful the LGBT cult feels. Filled with "untouchable" hubris.

We'll see.. :popcorn:

Laughing...if you believed that was 'obvious child abuse', you'd have reported it to the police already. But you never have. Even you don't believe your nonsense.

Surely you can understand why I don't have much use for your hysteric overreactions and random speculation. Nor does the law. Nor the courts.
If I was your attorney Skylar, I'd advise you to immediately cease posting online in a position that from all angles looks like promotion of child abuse.
If I were LGBT-advocate Skylar, I wouldn't be pasting the internet with visual documentation of support and promotion of obvious child abuse. Remember, we need only suspect child abuse to act to stop it. He says the OP doesn't even hint at child abuse. Just would never go on record supporting child abuse like he's doing. This is how powerful the LGBT cult feels. Filled with "untouchable" hubris.

We'll see.. :popcorn:

Laughing...if you believed that was 'obvious child abuse', you'd have reported it to the police already. But you never have. Even you don't believe your nonsense.

Surely you can understand why I don't have much use for your hysteric overreactions and random speculation. Nor does the law. Nor the courts.
If I was your attorney Skylar, I'd advise you to immediately cease posting online in a position that from all angles looks like promotion of child abuse.

Again, Sil....your record of accurately predicting legal outcomes is zero. You've literally never once accurately predicted a legal outcome. Your record is one of perfect failure.

Which puts your 'legal advice' into its proper context, as you simply have no idea what you're talking about. Worse, even you know you're full of it. As if you genuinely believed this was child abuse, you'd have called the police.

Instead, all you have are sniveling excuses and conspiracy theories for why you never have. Demonstrating my point perfectly.
There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal.

Or....rather than a stupidly complicated, fantastically elaborate grand conspiracy involving the 'entire infrastructure', the CA legislature, the 'infiltrated judiciary', the media, and APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the police.... simply don't know what you're talking about.

As I told Sil....its simpler, matches the evidence and doesn't require your batshit conspiracy theory. Your views are dying with you, Tipsy. Same sex parents will be part of the future.

You won't.

The judge that struck down California's proposition 8 is gay. He hurried up and retired before he was removed from the bench.

Removed from the whom?

You're simply offering yet another batshit conspiracy theory, backed by nothing but your personal animus toward gays and lesbians.

As same sex marriage being legal in California demonstrates elegantly, your conspiracy theories don't amount to much.
Really, you should stop.

Sil.....even you don't believe your nonsense. Why would your latest round of pseudo-legal gibberish concern me?

Again.....yours is a *perfect* record of failure in predicting the outcome of any case. But this time your 'legal advice' amounts to something?

No, Sil. Its the same useless nonsense it always was. If you genuinely believed your claims, you'd have long since called the police. You never have.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.

They are loving families, at least they believe they are. Which is why they are taking away the possibility of a happy successful future for these children. They are doing it in the name of love. They will prevent their children from maturing into adults. They will guide their children into being as perverted as they are.

Your personal animus against gays and lesbians isn't a legal standard, Tipsy. We aren't pulling children from loving homes because you believe that lesbians are 'perverted'.

Your view of gays and lesbians is dying with you. The younger generation is far, far more tolerant of these loving families. Same sex couples raising children is part of the future.

You and your views aren't.

What do the children of same sex parents have to say?

The Kids Are Not Alright: A Lesbian’s Daughter Speaks Out

It will have to be people like this woman, with the courage to speak out about what was done to them in order for this tragedy to stop.

What do the children of same sex parents have to say? Well like the children raised by fundamentalist Christians- its a mixed bag.

Clearly the article written by the young lady you cite felt it was a bad experience. But even she acknowledges that others disagree with her.

Like this woman
Dear Heather Barwick, Don't Blame the Gay Community | HuffPost
I have no hole to fill. I am lucky to have two wonderful parents who love me. I don’t “desperately need a daddy,” because mine didn’t leave me. My parents support me and have surrounded me with a great community of LGBT and heterosexual people who are positive role models. There were no man haters in my community. My parents listen to my concerns and do their very best to help me. I have two loving parents who taught me about the ignorant people who will hold up those “Gods Hates Fags” signs and didn’t let me worry about it, because I was taught that those people were closed-minded, ignorant, full of hate, and in no way worth my tears. I was encouraged to be patient and educate, but not to be bothered by them. I have two parents who raised my two brothers and me as independent thinkers who have their own voices.
Dear Heather Barwick, Don't Blame the Gay Community | HuffPost
If I were LGBT-advocate Skylar, I wouldn't be pasting the internet with visual documentation of support and promotion of obvious child abuse. Remember, we need only suspect child abuse to act to stop it. He says the OP doesn't even hint at child abuse. Just would never go on record supporting child abuse like he's doing. This is how powerful the LGBT cult feels. Filled with "untouchable" hubris.

We'll see.. :popcorn:

Laughing...if you believed that was 'obvious child abuse', you'd have reported it to the police already. But you never have. Even you don't believe your nonsense.

Surely you can understand why I don't have much use for your hysteric overreactions and random speculation. Nor does the law. Nor the courts.
If I was your attorney Skylar, I'd advise you to immediately cease posting online in a position that from all angles looks like promotion of child abuse.

If you were anyone's attorney, I would recommend that you have lots and lots of malpractice insurance.

As we have told you over and over- if you are aware of any child abuse- report it to the police.

If you are not reporting it to the police it means one of two things:
a) You don't really believe it is child abuse yourself- you just lie about it here or
b) You do believe it is child abuse- but don't care about the kids.
There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal.

Or....rather than a stupidly complicated, fantastically elaborate grand conspiracy involving the 'entire infrastructure', the CA legislature, the 'infiltrated judiciary', the media, and APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the police.... simply don't know what you're talking about.

As I told Sil....its simpler, matches the evidence and doesn't require your batshit conspiracy theory. Your views are dying with you, Tipsy. Same sex parents will be part of the future.

You won't.

The judge that struck down California's proposition 8 is gay. He hurried up and retired before he was removed from the bench.

There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal.

Or....rather than a stupidly complicated, fantastically elaborate grand conspiracy involving the 'entire infrastructure', the CA legislature, the 'infiltrated judiciary', the media, and APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the police.... simply don't know what you're talking about.

As I told Sil....its simpler, matches the evidence and doesn't require your batshit conspiracy theory. Your views are dying with you, Tipsy. Same sex parents will be part of the future.

You won't.

The judge that struck down California's proposition 8 is gay. He hurried up and retired before he was removed from the bench.

LOL- all that Tipsy cares about is whether someone is gay or not. What a sad life she leads.
Leave such matters to history. Perverts destroy themselves sooner or later. Liberals love islam and they kill gays in many creative ways. It might be the only decent thing about such an evil and degenerate religion. Call the battle of the perverts. It's not like this has never happened before. Yes, I feel a bit sorry for those whose lives are destroyed and whose futures are stolen by degeneracy but that's just the way human history goes.
Leave such matters to history. Perverts destroy themselves sooner or later. Liberals love islam and they kill gays in many creative ways. It might be the only decent thing about such an evil and degenerate religion. Call the battle of the perverts. It's not like this has never happened before. Yes, I feel a bit sorry for those whose lives are destroyed and whose futures are stolen by degeneracy but that's just the way human history goes.

History has already spoken. Same sex parenting is perfectly legal and lauded. Your hateful nonsense is dying with you.

Weren't the one that said that throwing gays from rooftops was the only good thing that ISIS ever did?
What's being done to children is a shame really. But in the course of human history ugly things have always been done to children. For their own good of course. It's like walking through mud. You try to keep yourself clean and let the mud dry in ruts.
Leave such matters to history. Perverts destroy themselves sooner or later. Liberals love islam and they kill gays in many creative ways. It might be the only decent thing about such an evil and degenerate religion. Call the battle of the perverts. It's not like this has never happened before. Yes, I feel a bit sorry for those whose lives are destroyed and whose futures are stolen by degeneracy but that's just the way human history goes.

History has already spoken. Same sex parenting is perfectly legal and lauded. Your hateful nonsense is dying with you.

Weren't the one that said that throwing gays from rooftops was the only good thing that ISIS ever did?

Same sex parenting is perfectly legal and will remain legal until the ruin is unmistakable. Yes, throwing gays from rooftops is perhaps the only good thing ISIS ever did. At least they made an effort to stop the spread of degeneracy.
What's being done to children is a shame really. But in the course of human history ugly things have always been done to children. For their own good of course. It's like walking through mud. You try to keep yourself clean and let the mud dry in ruts.

Children being raised by loving parents isn't a 'shame', regardless of the gender of those parents. Your hate of gay people doesn't change that.

And again....didn't you say that tossing gay people from rooftops was the only good thing that ISIS ever did? realize that was coldblooded murder. But you consider it a 'good thing' if those being murdered are gay?

If so, you're the kind of person I'd want to keep kids away from.
Leave such matters to history. Perverts destroy themselves sooner or later. Liberals love islam and they kill gays in many creative ways. It might be the only decent thing about such an evil and degenerate religion. Call the battle of the perverts. It's not like this has never happened before. Yes, I feel a bit sorry for those whose lives are destroyed and whose futures are stolen by degeneracy but that's just the way human history goes.

History has already spoken. Same sex parenting is perfectly legal and lauded. Your hateful nonsense is dying with you.

Weren't the one that said that throwing gays from rooftops was the only good thing that ISIS ever did?

Same sex parenting is perfectly legal and will remain legal until the ruin is unmistakable. will remain legal because your delusions and murder fantasies regarding gays is dying with you. Nor will we be taking children from loving homes because of your delusions and perversions.

Yes, throwing gays from rooftops is perhaps the only good thing ISIS ever did. At least they made an effort to stop the spread of degeneracy.

Thank you for admitting to your hatred, degeneracy and murder fantasies.
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